Shameless Plug
This user shamelessly plugs pages they like such as this one.
About me
Hi. I'm Labine50.
You might be wondering why I use different names on forums and this wiki than in game. Like many newbie survivors, I didn't realise at first that you could be revived in this game, and thus just created a new alt (Labine10) after the first (Labine50) died.
If you run into any other Labine##s out there, it's not me. I had started about 2-3 other alts before I learned to make up more creative names, but they are all long idled.
May 5th 2006
Character class:
Favorite equipment:
Fire Axe & FAK
Character profile:
Urban Dead profile
Current status:
Still kickin'.
Character group:
Malton Emergency Medical Services (Retired)
Character stats:
More than I care to count.
No Journal for Labine10
Labine10 had been around since I first started playing. He started off in Lukinswood, wandered for a while, and eventually wound up at Blackmore, which seemed to be the word on everyone's lips back then. By the time it fell, I was in Ackland. Things went fine for me here, until of course, Shacknews came bursting in. They took the place down in 40 something minutes! I moved on to Brooksville. I revived a few people there, (Including a member of the C4NT who's name I do not remember) then finally decided to join a group after 6 months on my own. Having spent a lot of time on Brainstock, the MEMS came to mind. I spent a lot of time with the MEMS, starting in SW-2, Reganbank before several promotions ending with me on the Malton Fire Department Chain of Command as an Assistant Fire Chief, working with Fire Chief John Cannonfodder.
MEMS:Labine10's Ribbons
As many by now know, I left the MEMS/MFD shortly before the retirement of long-time friend and mentor, John Cannonfodder. I just want to say I don't have anything against the DEM on the whole; however I kind of got tired of being on DEM Council, having been on it for almost 2 years. (Since July '07) I also wanted to spend a bit more time on other projects, like MHG. There is a reasonable chance that a few months down the road I'll be back in a non-command position.
And lo, it was so. Playing UD again, and I'll been splitting my time between a non-command position in the MEMS and a little project called Five Miles Over Chicago. You probably haven't heard of them.
Awsome suggestions
Feel free to vote.
Ulitimate Realism Suggestion
Timestamp: |
19:20, 29 June 2006 (BST)
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Ok heres my idea, First of all, we nerf zombies. after all, they aren't in the real world, and since everybody seems to want realism in the game, why would they be in a game? Next, When you die, You die forever, and you can't make a new account, or keep playing as a zombie. (Because they've been nerfed) Next, you have to eat at least three meals a day, at the least, 2. (It only makes sense) If you don't,you get very sick and if you don't eat in 3 weeks, you die. Next on the list is hospitals. They have to be kept clean, and you have to make appointments to see a docter. (Docters don't randomly heal people in real life, do they?) Also, You have to spend 4-7 years in Medical School to work at a hospital. It only makes sense after all. Next, If mobile phone masts aren't working, you can sue MalTel, and if a buidling your in isn't powered, you can sue Malton Power. Also, if you want to stay in a "towers" building, you have to pay rent. If you want to live in a house (Found on street blocks) You have to pay for power, telephone service, heating, ect, as well as food and land taxes. To get money, you have to get a job somewhere. If your human (which you have to be) and you kill another human, or are in posestion of a firearm in a public place, you go to jail where you serve out a sentence in years (Real time). That about raps up my realism suggestion. The game will be so much like real life, it won't be funny (Feel free to vote)
- Author Kill -Why would you want realism in a ZOMBIE game?--Labine50 MHG|MalTel 19:20, 29 June 2006 (BST)
- Keep -Gee, this is a great idea! I would so play this game all the time. It's way cool! Darkxarth 02:43, 10 July 2006 (BST)
- Spam - Helps zombies too much. -- 343 U! 07:22, 10 July 2006 (BST)
- Uhh... I dont think this even counts as spam or kill. This counts as a Retarded suggestion. It eliminates the funness of the game. This is not an online version of The Sims. Also, you contradict what you say later by doing an Author kill. You are really creeping me out, as though you have a Jekyll and Hyde thing going on --Gold Blade 05:33, 17 July 2006 (BST)
- kill - I don't want to live in a city where toilet roll is unavailable. The Mad Axeman 23:47, 30 July 2006 (BST)
- ChangeEver heard of a clean british hospital?--Thekooks 16:03, 2 December 2007 (UTC)
- MAD KEEP!!! - Yo, tis b da shitz, now we jsut ned buldozrs an stuf... --/~Rakuen~\Talk
I Still Love Grim 01:06, 23 January 2008 (UTC)
library change
Timestamp: |
Labine50 MHG|MEMS 05:26, 9 November 2006 (UTC)
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Description: |
i think itwould be cool if librarys had like machine guns and lasers n stuf like that on top of them that shot stuf 3 lbocks around and never ran out of amo and the buildin didn't need to be powered. the machine guns and stuff do 5 damage to anyone outsid in 3 blocks.
Keep Votes
- keep - Knowledge is power, so nothing should be more powerful than a library. The Mad Axeman 15:29, 15 November 2006 (UTC)
Kill Votes
- Author Kill - Cuz I'm just cool like that.--Labine50 MHG|MEMS 05:26, 9 November 2006 (UTC)
Spam/Dupe Votes
- Spam - Labine, you've shown us time and time again that you are a complete moron, but this takes the F***ing cake. Please jump off a tall building.--Another Labine H8er FUCK03:29, 2 December 2006 (UTC)
- Dupe - Been suggested before dumbass <_< --/~Rakuen~\Talk
I Still Love Grim 01:09, 23 January 2008 (UTC)
Template Section
'cause every user page needs one.
This user supports the use of the word "Majuscule" for angering Labine50 even though they don't know what Majuscule means.
Big Brother
Gage is watching you.
Heavy Lifters, Maybe?
This user can't figure out for the life of them how survivors are able to carry around several portable generators at once.
This group or person is dedicated to making the 3rd of July the most kick-ass night Malton has ever seen.
The Second Extravaganza
This user is wholly dedicating to making the 3rd of July the most absolutely kickass night ever..
Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.
The Final Sign of the Apocalypse!
One of Mr Aushvitz's suggestions was implemented!
This user is a Doctor and is probably off healing someone.
This user has jumped on the template bandwagon.
Cookie Thief
This user is not safe around unguarded cookies.
This user knows how to make templates.
BEWARE: Roundhouse Kick Master!
This user has mastered Chuck Norris' signature only move. It's deadly!
Templates make FUNFUN!
This user thinks that templates are a fun and exciting way to express your opinion!
Mmmm, cheese…
Labine50 really, really likes cheese.
This user or group supports the use of Kitties for extreme cuteness and lovability.
This user's favorite color is blue.
Why are you still reading these?
This user thinks you have way too much free time on your hands.
Killer Whales
This user thinks killer whales are better than dolphins, and would totally be a killer whale, but with wings and missiles and shit.
Stupid Suggestions!
Whenever you make a stupid Suggestion, God kills a kitten. Stop killing kittens.
Liberal Party of Canada
If you never, EVER, stole anything, then you can be sure you aren't eligible to be in the Liberal Party of Canada.
Just Lock the Freaking Doors Already!
This user can't figure out why survivors don't just lock their doors to keep out the zombies.
This user thinks there are enough capital letters used on the wiki to feed every bookworm in the world.
Where is Malton?
Labine50 thinks that Malton is 5000 feet above China.
What is Love?
This user can do the bitchin' head bobbing thing.
This user believes that pie duels can solve most problems in life.
This user or group supports etiquette. Your mother taught you manners, right?
Too Many Templates
This user puts way too many templates on their page.
This user is currently panicing because "Majuscule" is a word, which has to be a sign that the end is near.
This user has officially given up on trying to make a balanced barricade suggestion. Barricades should be useless, just like in real life.
A Complete Waste of Time
This user doesn't even know why they bother using templates anymore.
Templates I've made
I've made quite a few templates too.
Proud To Be Dead
This user is a zombie and proud of it.
This group has been officially dissolved by the leader.
Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.
Proud To Be Harman Human
This user is a Harman er... Human and is not a zombie spy.
Proud To Be A Zombie Hunter
This user is a Zombie Hunter and is probably off head shotting a zed right now.
This user is a Doctor and is probably off healing someone.
This user is a Cop and is probably off shooting a zombie.
Fire Fighter
This user is a Firefighter and is probably off chopping up a zombie with their axe.
This user is in the Military and is probably off trying to control the zombie outbreak.
Where is Malton?
Labine50 thinks that Malton is on the moon.
{{MaltonLocated|Name=who are you?|Place=where is it?}}
{{Stupidblock|Name=Your name}}
This user supports the use of the word "Majuscule" for angering Labine50 even though they don't know what Majuscule means.
This user is currently panicing because Zombies got Caiger, which has to be a sign that the end is near.
{{EOTW|reason=Are you serious? Why?}}
This user has officially given up on trying to make a balanced barricade suggestion. Barricades should be useless, just like in real life.
A Complete Waste of Time
This user doesn't even know why they bother using templates anymore.
Remember, Remember the 20th of April
This user or group remembers the day Hagnat made the first in a series of red & black templates for the 5th of November movement, and hates every one that's followed. On the 20th of April, we will do absolutely nothing about it. Victory will be ours, and with it, (badly spelled) vengence!!1!
DEM = PKers?
Think you were PKed by a DEM member? Check the DEM Roster! A joint production brought to you by the DEM and the Leighton Kru! Or was it Lemon Crew?
{{DEMPK}} (Edited by P4X)
You can go back to whatever you were doing now. If you don't have anything else to do go here- Scoundrell.com
--Labine50 MEMS | MHG 16:42, 22 March 2009 (UTC)