Malton Fire Department/Command
The Malton Fire Department has a structured chain of command. This hierarchical organization is designed for efficiency and clarity. Department personnel are spread out throughout the city, and our greatest strength is our organizational ability and dedication to helping each other, as well as the citizens of Malton! As such, although all firefighters are expected to work within the chain of command and follow the guidelines and policies put forth by their superiors, they are also strongly encouraged to communicate and work with each other to meet local needs to the best of their abilities. Firefighters are also encouraged to communicate and work with any local organizations whose goals are congruent with department policy - saving the lives of survivors and protecting property, particularly those resources needed for survival.
Department Organization
The city of Malton is divided up in a grid-work pattern of suburbs, organized into four divisions. The Fire Chief is in charge of all operations, and all the MFD personnel in a division fall under the command of a Battalion Chief. Each Division has a general headquarters and missions are run out of the headquarters of each division. Missions are led by a Fire Marshall, Captain, or Lieutenant..
We are in need of firefighters, please report in.
In summary, the chain of command is:
Additionally the Fire Chief may appoint an Assistant Fire Chief (not shown in the hierarchy above), whose rank would be equivalent to Battalion Chief, but that officer would not be responsible for a particular division, but instead would pinch hit for Battalion chiefs as needed and otherwise be dispatched to assist at the Chief's discretion.
Merits and Ribbons
The Department of Emergency Management has a series of DEM Merits and Ribbons it issues to members who display mastery over key skills. The ribbons can be claimed by any member with the profficiency of the skills entailed. Summary of these ribbons and the means to claim them can be found on the DEM Merits and Ribbons page.

Active Areas
In suburbs where there are active MFD personnel and at least one officer, that suburb's wiki page should be updated to note that the MFD is an active group there. Add this code to the 'Active Groups' part of the suburb description template:
[[Image:Maltonfdsymbol---1.jpg|25px]] [[Malton Fire Department]]<br />
Fire Stations
Fire Stations that are actively manned by MFD personnel should be indicated on that station's wiki page. If the page does not exist you should create it. Here is an example for a Fire Station used as a suburbs MFD 'HQ', which just needs to be edited with the correct names:
'''Fire Station Name''' is the [[Malton Fire Department]] headquarters for [[Suburb Name]], and primary base of operations for [[MFD_Command#<which division?>_Division|District NW-4]]. All [[Civilian#Firefighter|Firefighters]] are requested to report in to [[MFD Command]] over [ here] as soon as possible.
Please '''do not''' over barricade this building! It should be maintained as an accessible safe house and [[free running]] [[entryway]], and as such the [[barricades]] should be maintained at Very Strongly Barricaded (VSB+2). See the [[Uniform Barricading Policy]] for more details.
[[Category:Locations]][[Category:Fire Stations]]
The above is just a basic template and needs to be edited as appropriate for the specific Station House. If you create the page you should also find it's coordinates referenced in the Fire Stations Category, click on the location (should be red if the page doesn't exist) and create a redirect to the station's wiki page (with the name as the title) by adding:
#redirect [[Station Name]]
as the only text for the page. If the page already exists, than edit it in an appropriate and polite way to indicate the MFD's presence in and use of the station.
Fire Chief: Robbie McGregor
Assistant Fire Chief: First Responder
Battalion Chief (Roving) : Vacant
The MFD is divided into four Divisions. Each Division is under the command of a Battalion Chief who reports to the Fire Chief and has command over his Division's Fire Marshalls, Captains, Lieutenants, and firefighters.
NW Division
Battalion Chief - NW Division: Firehound
- Fire Marshall: Vacant
- Captain:Vacant
- Lieutenant:Vacant
NE Division
Battalion Chief - NE Division: Vacant
- Fire Marshall:Vacant
- Captain:Vacant
- Lieutenant:Vacant
SW Division
Battalion Chief - SW: Vacant
- Fire Marshall: Vacant
- Captain:Vacant
- Lieutenant:Vacant
SE Division
Battalion Chief - SE Division:Severous
- Fire Marshall: Vacant
- Captain:Vacant
- Captain:Vacant
- Lieutenant:Vacant
MFD Operational Guidelines
Command Staff
- The Fire Chief is in charge of the MFD and sets policy and procedures.
- The Fire Chief shall appoint four Battalion Chiefs, one for each division.
- The Fire Chief has the authority to appoint an Assistant Fire Chief to assist the chief with their duties and cover for Battalion Chiefs when assistance is needed in a particular division.
- Battalion Chiefs are in charge of their respective division.
- Whose duty is to organize the division and coordinate the various missions in their area.
- Each Battalion Chief shall appoint a Fire Marshall to act as a team leader during missions.
- A Battalion Chief shall be responsible for maintaining his Division's entry information.
- A Fire Marshall is in charge of the missions being run in the division.
- Fire Marshall's shall appoint Captains and Lieutenants who can lead missions in the division and help train the less experienced members of the Malton Fire Department.
- Experienced Firefighters who have distinguished themselves in the line of duty may be assigned the rank of Engineer. Engineers have no command responsibilities, but are expected to lead crews, advise new Firefighters and generally be an example of the best the MFD has to offer. Young officers are encouraged to pay attention to their engineers, as frequently the only reason they have a commission is because an Engineer didn't want it!
- All Command Staff shall be career Firefighters.
MFD Line Personnel
- Career Firefighters
- Career Firefighters are expected to fulfill their duties, and follow orders from command to the best of their ability.
- They should remain within their assigned Division while on duty.
- They should notify their command if they must leave their assigned Division.
- They may be given temporary orders to perform duties in other Divisions.
- Career Firefighters may request reassignment to another command, but should remain available to the assigned command until reassignment is granted.
- Career Firefighters are expected to fulfill their duties, and follow orders from command to the best of their ability.
- Reserve Firefighters
- Reserve Firefighters are expected to respond to Alarms when available.
- Reserve Firefighters are expected to report to Division Command when they expect to be unavailable in the Division for an extended period.
- All Firefighters
- Firefighters are expected to monitor Brainstock MFD Forum for Alarms and requests for help.
- Firefighters are expected to provide accurate situation reports to the best of their ability whenever possible.
- Firefighters are expected to provide first aid for others when appropriate.
- Fighting among the ranks shall not be tolerated.
- Firefighters are authorized to commandeer equipment and supplies as needed in emergencies.
- All prospective MFD members are required to report in on the MFD Join forum.
- New members are required to read the MFD FAQ and are encouraged to ask questions there about anything they are unclear on.
- All members of the MFD are authorized to use the MFD Forum for communications.
- Officers of the rank of Captain and above are required to monitor official Communication Channels for Alarms and SitReps relevant to their command.
- Additional Communications Channels may be opened as needed.
- Fire Marshalls and above are encouraged to open communication channels.
- All Open Channels are to be recorded in the MFD-OG.
- Current Open Channels include:
Missing Personnel and Field Promotions
- Due to the nature of the outbreak, it is likely that there will be occasions when an opening in the command structure occurs due to personnel being isolated, or infected. This guideline addresses that circumstance.
- If an officer does not report in for over 72 hours, the first personnel to notice the loss of contact should activate an all points look out for the missing personnel.
- If the missing person does not report in, and is not located in 48 hours after the look out alert, they will be assumed infected, dead, or undead. The procedure for a known casualty will apply.
- Failure to monitor communications, failure to report in, and creating an unnecessary alert are all detrimental to the MFD's objectives, and a member who is found missing without cause may be subject to demotion, at the discretion of their superior officers.
Tactical Operations - Suburbs
- MFD personnel should coordinate operations in an area with other DEM groups present in the division.
- Resource buildings, particularly Fire Stations, should be actively maintained and defended. See the Uniform Barricading Policy for general guidelines.
- Barricades should be maintained at VSB+2, unless otherwise specified by the local barricade plan or as a tactical decision decided on in the forums.
- Survivors should be encouraged not to sleep in resource buildings. This is particularly true of those who possess the free running skill. Explain to them it is not safe and their well-being can not be guaranteed. Let them know of nearby alternate VSB+2 designated structures. A dispersed population is less vulnerable to concentrated incursions by organized zombie hordes.
- Do not risk your life on hopeless causes! If there are more zombies outside a building than available personnel can actively defend, warn the occupants that the building is to be abandoned and (re)barricade one last time. After that, concentrate on bolstering barricades on nearby buildings not under attack to allow for a safe retreat. Make sure there are enough entryway buildings for non-free running survivors to fall back to.
- Divide labor effectively for long-term growth.
- Unless barricading is an immediate emergency, lower-level personnel should focus on thinning the zeds, healing, and revivification (and thereby earning XP!).
- All Firefighters should have Free Running and hand to hand combat by the 3rd level.
A very special thanks to Darby o'banon for founding the MFD! His tremendous work getting the group started off in the right direction, and developing all the initial operational guidelines and command structure has served us all well. He is a credit to all Firefighters and, if I may be bold, a hero of Malton! --Gilant 17:06, 19 Jan 2006 (GMT)