Talk:Hindered Movement

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Here are the discussion and votes on the various ideas: do NOT erase other people's votes, add yours in the format as follows:

KILL -- reason stated, signature

KEEP -- reason stated, signature

NEUTRAL -- reason stated, signature

If you want discuss someone else's reasoning or add to it, add another level of indent. See the existing votes for examples.

And the ideas...

   *  Zombie Horde -- slows down movement by requiring extra AP
* KEEP -- but need a zombie hunter skill to counteract this. -- Kschang 02:55, 26 Sep 2005 (BST)
* KEEP -- I'd combine this with Hungry Grasp, and make it automatic, actually. See my comment on that. --SL 02:42, 9 Oct 2005 (BST)
   * Hungry Grasp
* NEUTRAL -- zombies are slow that few humans would be surprised this way. Maybe only have this happen to players of level 5 or lower? -- Kschang 02:55, 26 Sep 2005 (BST)
* KEEP -- Good way to make people panic and fear hordes. This could be done automatically by PC zombies, but have a tiny chance of success - let's say 2% per zombie on the square, summing the %s instead of rolling for each zombie. The grasp attempt could be done every time someone enters the square or tries to leave it, or every time someone spends an AP in the square. --SL 02:42, 9 Oct 2005 (BST)
   * Cage
Uh, is that damage done from the inside or the outside? -- Kschang 02:55, 26 Sep 2005 (BST)
* KILL -- can't think of a PURPOSE this would do. And can you put survivors inside? People will demand "equality". -- Kschang 02:55, 26 Sep 2005 (BST)
* KILL -- It'd basically allow incredibly bad griefing - 150 HP would take around 100 AP on average for a maxed out zombie to break! --SL 02:42, 9 Oct 2005 (BST)
   * Padlock  
* NEUTRAL -- wirecutters are common enough. May need to introduce "lock-breaking" skill? And then someone will ask "why can't you just hack it off with an axe? or break it with a crowbar?" Maybe something a bit more permanent like "soldering set". -- Kschang 02:55, 26 Sep 2005 (BST)
*NEUTRAL -- it would be a good idea because every fence powerplant and factory has been hacked into. but if you could padlock stuff, you could pad lock a building and everyone will be free jumping into it, and zombies can't get thought padlocks, this would create a perfect safe haven from zombies.
How would you padlock a fence? A soldering skill does make sense though. --SL 02:42, 9 Oct 2005 (BST)
   * Razorwire 
* KEEP -- need special skill to deploy it, maybe "set trap"? -- Kschang 02:55, 26 Sep 2005 (BST)
* KEEP -- I concur with needing a special skill to deploy it, and perhaps needing a skill to break it. High-level zombies should be able to simply smash the door open rather than break the lock (like the police do).--SL 07:40, 9 Oct 2005 (BST)

[edit] Suggestions for Overcoming Hindrances

NOTE: some of these can also be counted as weapons

   * Jump 
* KILL -- Interesting idea, but in general the idea is you can make your way to the roof, and this will only work from higher to lower buildings. Then it's too much mess to keep track of the relatively heights of various buildings. It also messes up the existing movement mechanism. -- Kschang 02:55, 26 Sep 2005 (BST)
* KILL -- Not a good enough idea to justify the work to implement it, if you ask me. --SL 02:42, 9 Oct 2005 (BST)
         o The roofs are getting slippery with blood 
o KILL -- Major changes in game mechanics are likely NOT welcome. -- Kschang 02:55, 26 Sep 2005 (BST)
* KILL -- Not a good enough idea to justify the work to implement it, if you ask me. --SL 02:42, 9 Oct 2005 (BST)
   * Rope Ladders/Ropes 
* KEEP -- maybe put the special skill under construction? -- Kschang 02:55, 26 Sep 2005 (BST)
* KEEP -- I would put a rope-climbing skill under bodybuilding which would increase your odds of successfully climbing the rope. --SL 02:42, 9 Oct 2005 (BST)
   * Grappling Hook
* KEEP -- maybe make it permanent, but a zombie-hunter skill. -- Kschang 02:55, 26 Sep 2005 (BST)
* KEEP -- I like the idea of a temporary rope, but perhaps these shouldn't be findable - It could take the construction skill, a rope, some knives, and 40 AP to make a grappling hook. And after you throw it, you have to use the rope climbing skill to get in. Anyone could take the item (once depolyed) from inside the building. --SL 02:42, 9 Oct 2005 (BST)

   * Car -- vote
* KILL -- I'll cast my vote against the 'car' idea. The city isn't THAT large, and it would add considerable complexity to the interface.--Jeff 22:21, 23 Sep 2005 (BST)
* KILL -- seconded, as there is no fuel anywhere. -- Kschang 02:57, 26 Sep 2005 (BST)
* NEUTRAL -- there IS fuel about. Search a hardware store in a mall or a garage. Still, while cars would be nice, I'm content to jump from roof to roof.--Arathen 01:11, 4 Oct 2005 (BST)
* KILL - There is fuel, but I still think this is a horrible idea. It's pointless complexity which doesn't add anything useful, unless you just want to have Big [Censored!] Tanks to kill zombies in - And I'd vote KILL on that idea too. --SL 02:42, 9 Oct 2005 (BST)
* KILL - I dont think the roads would be clear enough after weeks of mass panic and months of street warfare to use cars effectively. Bicycles or motercycles would work better, and reduce complexity.--Zeek 11:55, 12 Oct 2005 (BST)