Talk:Team Zombie Hardcore/The Dhestroyers

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Team Xtreme

Mr. Cage I left a response to your comment on our Team Xtreme Talks page. I hope you read it. --Josh Clark 07:45, 10 July 2008 (BST)

Thanks for the reply. You guys make good points I often feel the same way about the RG, but in the best interest of my Team I decided to follow the rule of the RG. It seems to me like TZH has alot on their plate right now. Team Xtreme has PKer groups Targeted. We would rather be killing The Columbine Kids, The Spartans, and Flowers Of Disease instead of getting in a scuffle with You guys. Plus us killing them would benefit you guys! We do have Bounty Hunter Friends but they are able to take care of themselves, If you don't kill us none of our guys will kill you. We talked about it and decided that this is best for our group. I don't really see the need to get involved in a war that we were never apart of. We only came over to South Blythsville because this is where alot of PKers are. Our paths may cross again or it may not who knows what lies ahead in the future. But for now We will back off and kill PKers and try to stay out of your way. But as ADVANGER said we will do what we must what ever your team decides on. --Josh Clark 08:25, 11 July 2008 (BST)


Just in case there was one microsecond in which you forgot that we are totally awesome, I felt that yet another reminder needed to be left here. And since a picture is worth a thousand words, put this in your blunt and toke it:


North Blythville

Dear Duke Cage, Why you not show up in NB in some time? I miss you(nongay(but supportive if you are)). You should come visit. There was this DB that totally tried to cap my ass but I was like: "NO YOU DIE NOW FROM GUN FIRE IN FACE!" Then I shot him. It was funny. Come on, chump! Get your ass to NB NOW!!!

--Christopher Whalken 16:28, 2 December 2008 (UTC)