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Chitty Cinema
Chitty Cinema ext.jpg
Just six short months after the reign of terror that was Danger Alley's time as ALiM's very own featured lolcation began, we come to a junction on the well traveled path that is, of course, ALiM, an everlasting adventure full of twists, turns and it's fair share of surprises too.

To ask what Chitty Cinema has offered to ALiM is to ask what 2 Cool has done for the UDWiki. What first appears to be nothing more than a series of crude repetitive jokes attempting to make a humourous link between two words that appear, upon second glance to be vaguely related, is in actual fact perhaps the very definition of humour itself. Regardless of how you see ALiM in these turbulent times, we feel a location description that harks back to a simpler thyme is needed to remind all the users of the wiki that, deep down, there's a little bit of ALiM in everyone.

So without further ado i present to you Chitty Cinema, the location that contains not one, not two, not even five but SIX, yes six chitty jokes. Enjoy.

To edit, simply replace the link to the featured location after "Current Featured Location - " and then replace the text and picture after the style section on the next section.