The Crabapples and MAF negotiations page

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A Plea for Peace from the Crabapples

Lord Crabapple has approached the Socialist groups to propose talks to bring an end to the blood shed but so far these offers of peace have gone unanswered. Lord Crabapple and his friends manage to live along side other groups with respect and peace and wishes to do the same with all groups. A deal can be struck with even the most land-hungry state agents. Lord Crabapple hopes the socialist IUSS can rein in MAF and stop their terrorism. He believes MAF do not understand the scale of the war they are trying to start or who they are attacking. Its seems that yet further pleas for peace made to the terrorist group MAF have been rejected. The people of West Boundwood can only sit back and wait to see what terror will come.

M(A)F response to Plea for Peace

Crabapple sayes he wants peace yet the M@F was no approached. On this subject, the M@F believes peace would be considerably more benefitial to all parties. But negotiations will have to begin after West Boundwood is somewhat safer. The M@F has reported nothing of any PKing since before the BIG BASH came through. The IUSS is somewhat small at the moment, having lost some of their comrades in the confusion of the Bash. They are regrouping daily and are working toguether for a bright future. Do you want to be part of that future? Just a few concessions on both parts and some diologue.

The Crabapples reveal the real MAF response - an insult to the concept of tolerance

If you want to determine what MAFs true colours are, ignore the humbug propaganda produced by these terrorists, and instead read their true policy regarding a VISCIOUS UNPROVOKED VIOLENCE AND TERROR CAMPAIGN as demonstrated on their bulletin board

Also, for that matter, since the issue of allegiances regarding "terrorist" groups and zombies has recently been raised, you may also like to read other elements of their bulletin board

MAF statement regarding “The real MAF response - an insult to the concept of tolerance”

The above is not a statement of the M@F. This is Propaganda as well, so there is at least no difference between our Propaganda, exept that we don't accuse your affiliates of zerging like crazy, were as you accuse us of consorting with the dead, because of an idea that never got of the ground. I hope your declaration is consiliatory if you truly wish for peace and reconciliation in the suburb-lorosidiotas-

Crabapple statement regarding the MAF statement regarding “The real MAF response - an insult to the concept of tolerance”

The reference to the MAF assaults upon Crabapple manor, linking to your discussion board, upon which you clearly refer to making regular assaults upon Crabapple manor, is not humbug, slander, or propaganda. It is a direct and clear reference to your plans for regular, assault, as discussed on your message board.

The references to zombie co-operation in the item "real MAF response - an insult to the concept of tolerance" referred to nothing but genuine concerns of several of the residents of the Crabapple Estate. That the zombie incursions occurred almost immediately after the discussion of attack upon Crabapple manor by MAF, when literally the same attack was discussed at the same time by the Big Bash (or whichever zombie group it was) was seen to be somewhat suspicious. There is no slander in the statement - all it involves is direction to the MAF discussion board for information. If the suspicions are mislaid, then it is indeed a case of unfortunate misunderstanding. If not, then they are a cause of concern for all.

From your above reply, it is to be taken that you deny involvement, but admit considering it. Given that confession, that you blame us for being suspicious is somewhat unreasonable, not to say outrageous.

Just to reiterate, the above item does not necessarily reflect the concerns of all members of the Crabapple family or of all their affiliates, but of some members of the group. Last time he was asked about doing things with the wiki, Lord Crabapple looked quite offended, and murmured something about foul language amongst his retainers. This whole section is not part of the formal reply of the group as a whole to the latest threats from MAF.

Further contributions from MAF

Crabapple sayes he wants peace yet the M(A)F was not approached. Us "local mobs" have also attempted peace and are CURRENTLY attempting to end the silly feud that has gone on in words even longer than it did with guns. On this subject, the M(A)F believes peace would be considerably more benefitial to all parties. But negotiations will have to begin after West Boundwood is somewhat safer. The M(A)F has not officially PKed anyone since before the Big Bash Vanguard cam this way. We are working together for a bright future and we are attempting to craft a code of community respect that would regulate official crimes, such as private property and inhibition of the Right to Shelter,PK, etc through prehaps a council of prominent members of each local group. Do you want to be part of that future? Just a few concessions on both parts and some diologue and the fighting stops, but let me warn that you are outnumbered and so take our offer to live in West Boundwood with respect, or TRY and keep your private lodgings and fail miserably. We don't need violence in west boundwood anymore, as well, if we mutually aid each other, we might survive the Big Bash when it actually comes here

Crabapples response to latest threats of violence from MAF

Formal statement

This is a brief reply to further threats from MAF regarding the renewal of hostilities towards the Crabapple Estate (No hostilities have been renewed and the crabapples fail to present evidence for such claims). Lord Crabapple is currently not in residence, and so this reply is meant to represent only those available for agreement, although we are reasonably certain they reflect his views.

The Crabapples have a laissez faire approach to local politics. They have no particular desire to enforce their political ideologies on others, nor expect others to enforce theirs upon the Crabapples.

The Crabapple estate is private property. As long term residents and owners, the Crabapples reasonably enough intend to retain control of their own property.

West Boundwood is a large place, much of it vacated property. There is more than adequate room for all. There is therefore no need to annex private property or for any continuation of violence. Any further attempts on the part of MAF to enforce their ideal state upon private citizens are therefore gross violations of human rights.

In a city beset by zombie assaults, the attempts of MAF and the IUSS to use the situation to enforce their extremist forms of governance on others is seen as most distasteful. On behalf of all citizens who do not wish to live in a socialist state or a state of anarchism, the Crabapples and associates will not agree to such a form of governance. However, we do not mean any harm to those who do. As has been said, West Boundwood is a large place. We offer amnesty.

Given that MAF are apparently allied to the Love is Good group, maybe it was time that they stopped their hypocritical and unprovoked assaults, and join the Crabapples and other free thinking members of the community in seeking a happier, more dignified life.

Any questions or requests for clarification will be answered as soon as possible.

Addition from the Crabapples

It would appear that Ivana Tinkle has been assaulted since (or possibly during) the posting of this reply. Do MAF want to negotiate, or simply threaten and injure? So, far, the MAF have demonstrated nothing but their penchant for terror. Please, prove us wrong.

Negotiations in the manor

MAF have arrived in Crabapple manor in order to discuss the various disagreements in person with the Crabapples. The discussions have been continuing for several days now, largely intergrating with celebrations initiated by the Crabapples to mark the return of the good Lord himself.

On the other hand, there is much in the way of festivity, although a combination of over excess and frustration appear to be wearing down the negotiators/revellers


As of this time, no solution has been reached. The Crabapples will not give up their property for the use of MAF or other "terrorists", and the MAF will not move from demanding access to Crabapple property, although they have repeatedly stated that they do not want to take over others property, but just establish in West Boundwood, a right that any Survivor can seek shelter anywere. The M@F and the IUSS invite all to attend and participate in the discussions regarding Rights in West Boundwood. The M@F wishes no control over others groups of free individuals, the M@F doesn't want to annex others homes, we simply disagree with the Crabapples claim that no one but Crabapple's Friends and Family can lay foot in their estate without them being considered "Trespassers" and threatened because of others sense entitlement to a space.

Current M@F Position in Negotiations

As a first step, M@F agree with this stance: a bilateral indefinite ceasefire, which should include an end to infiltrating M(A)F or IUSS radio to provoke division. we should not provoke, and let the ceasefire continue until: A) they infiltrate our airwaves again B) they assault any of us (IUSS or M(A)F) again or otherwise cause harm C) they attempt to kick us out of their homes D) they make lies about us on the wiki or to nonaligned survivors the graffiti war cannot necessarily be decided, and im not sure that that should be part of the agreement. we should, however, agree to end slander on the wiki as well.

Excerpt of discussions:

  • Harald von Holzapfel said "? So, talk of a ceasefire by either of your groups are ridiculous, since you are the only serial PKers hier. You should cease your own fire! And possibly apologise fur ihre murderous activities in the name of revolution. In a town beset by zombies!." (33 minutes ago)
  • Harald von Holzapfel said "Mich, ich PK niemand. I have killed noone. If you want peace, maybe you should stop attacking people and" (31 minutes ago)
  • Harald von Holzapfel said "making demands of other groups. And maybe, if you can remove yourself from the position of self righteous idealistic fanatics." (29 minutes ago)
  • Harald von Holzapfel said "you may even wish to apologise for the violence you have brought to a peaceful suburb. And MAF, as to accusations of terrorism, maybe you should reconsider your practice of dressing in terrorist costumes, and calling for these negotiations to turn to" (25 minutes ago)
  • Harald von Holzapfel said "violence, as you have done about 10 times!" (23 minutes ago)
  • Harald von Holzapfel said "Ich bin muder nach das politik.... I mochte kill das zombies! Ich mochte ein bier.... bitte?" (21 minutes ago)

Harald, Ivana has PKed at least one M@F comrade. Serial PKing? No, we only targeted your group ( just as you targeted ours), no one else has ever been targeted, only you people have been. So we are not Random PKers, we have only PKed people hostile to us, as have you, and the ceasefire? We have ceased fire against you if you haven't noticed, observe the discussions, and you will see that i have apologized and that the M@F has attempted to put the past behind them and try to cooperate, something you people seem to not want to do. How come you think we are still attacking you when we have proclamed that the war is over? can't you understand that neither side has attcked one another in weeks? And you are a liar, Sir, if you say that we have called for these negotiations to turn to violence, we have been more than patient waiting on your "leader" to come and talk with us, we have been patient in the face of your peoples constant attempts to get us to attack you. Can't you see we are frustrated with the fact that your people are stalling negotiations, we havn't called for an end to negotiations, your the ones who are against the cease fire and any other negotiable issue!

These negotiations are not really going to get anywere while the Crabapples continue to reject our calls for a ceasefire, and reject every advance we make to ending a silly fued that the Crabapples are taking Way to seriously!

Summary of response from the Crabapple Estate

The responses of the Crabapples should hopefully be evident in the transcription. The Crabapples do not want violence, all the violence comes from MAF. It seems at least some prominent members of the MAF want peace, so perhaps there is hope for all of us after all.

Statement of Harald von Holzapfel

I accept the apology of MAF for the assault upon my person by the aberrant, violent and cowardly Will Saver. I understand that your organization is made up of individuals, who are responsible for their own actions, and do not hold the whole organization responsible. It is, however, yet again, indicative of the kind of violence that it shouldn’t surprise you gets your organization branded as terrorists.

Magnolia and Emilio, danke fur das Heilend! Viel danke!

Guten Lord Crabapple, danke fur alles! Das bier ist sehr gut!

Und Sie, Will Saver. Attacking me while I drink. If the zombies eat your brains, it is a more merciful death than you deserve.

Und Sie, Elias Taylor. Coward. Vermin. The worst kind of terrorist scum. For the propaganda that you placed upon my user page, which has been moderated (and I'm glad it has), you will be punished

Transcript of the discussions


• emilio libertinaje said "tinkle, your people are ignoring our attempts at peace, tell them they can cooperate with the other groups in the suburb, or they will not have a function in the Burb besides subverting our work like your propaganda on the Wiki" (15 hours and 9 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "well, crabaaples, we have a lot of alliences. we have need 4o people. so, you should just sit down and talk so we can all leave saving face. otherwise our comrades will have to keep you out since we oppose privite property." (14 hours and 34 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "I mean we have about 40 people who would come down here" (14 hours and 34 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "stop spreading lies about zombies, so one person says somthing, doesn't mean its the whole groups, one person wanted to do that, there was some support for it, so? we didn't do anything with zeds, there you guys are just being a sour loser (and when" (14 hours and 32 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "you haddn't even lost yet!). So just chill out enjoy the game, we can keep killing if you want a war, but how about becoming stronger toguether? so about the zedgroup, it would be seperated from the M@F, of it would be CHEATING" (14 hours and 31 minutes ago) • A flare was fired 6 blocks to the west and 4 blocks to the north. (2 hours and 47 minutes ago • • emilio libertinaje said "hello Ivana, I have not Pk'ed anyone in more than a month with this character, so don't talk like I'm going arround killing your click when I'm one of a few who want peace, if you want to keep being a snobish classist who continiues to claim that some hav" (2 hours and 40 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "e some right to regulate on whoe goes where (thats why we started fighting was your banning me from your property." (2 hours and 40 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "So, lets make this simple,1 where is crabapple and will he talk to me? 2, stop slandering us our your sites about when we wanted to make a seperate group that wouldn't interfere. yeah, please just act civil our the moderators of the wiki will be called." (2 hours and 37 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "we just want freedom of movement for all, you can still inhabite your squares, you just can't lie and keep us out. you are outnumbered so do the right thing and lets cut this silly stuff out, and the cowardly attacks on the wiki" (2 hours and 36 minutes ago) • )


Warning: This transcript is incomplete!

You are inside the Pearl Arms, an abandoned pub. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded. Also here are Josef Kaye (50HP), IvanaLive (60HP), Fanny Crabapple (50HP), assd134 (50HP), Babyface Bottler (50HP), Toupee Tony (50HP), Sabotabby (60HP), Will Saver (60HP), The Snaitch (60HP), emilio libertinaje (50HP), TheSouthportFCSquad (60HP), YosserHughes (50HP), Elias Taylor (60HP), Jimmy Slitter (60HP), Lord Malus Sargentii (50HP), IvanaTinkle (60HP), Lord Crabapple (60HP), carterUSM (60HP), gunboat willie (60HP), Harald von Holzapfel (60HP).

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running low on fuel, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 28.33 MHz.

Somebody has spraypainted Private property is sinful onto a wall.

Since your last turn: Sabotabby said "As a gesture of goodwill, everyone should now be in good health." (20 hours and 11 minutes ago) IvanaTinkle said "The Lord, my glory and my hope, so wondrous and divine! We worship him and praise his name, for he is yours and mine!" (20 hours and 11 minutes ago) Sabotabby said "Universal healthcare is a human right." (20 hours and 11 minutes ago) IvanaTinkle said "when will He be with us?" (20 hours and 11 minutes ago) IvanaTinkle said "oh He is here! Praise him!" (20 hours and 9 minutes ago) IvanaTinkle said "ah now the party can start!" (20 hours and 9 minutes ago) A flare was fired 6 blocks to the west. (19 hours and 59 minutes ago) Harald von Holzapfel said "Das gut host returns! Alles ist gut! Champagne? Ist eine party?" (17 hours and 23 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "I'm here to represent the IUSS, in helping with the discussion with the M@F and Crabapples. Since it should include both groups and the Crabapples." (16 hours and 30 minutes ago) Lord Malus Sargentii said "Before we listen to what His all-glorious, triumphant and victorious Lordship has to say, perhaps we should all kneel and pay homage to His Lordship and to his enemies, who come here humiliated, defeated and defiled by his majestic glory!" (14 hours and 37 minutes ago) Lord Malus Sargentii said "Let us pray, and sing his glory." (14 hours and 36 minutes ago) Sabotabby said "*sings* Are you cold, forlorn and hungry/ are there lots of things you lack" (14 hours and 33 minutes ago) Sabotabby said "is your life made up of misery? / then dump the bosses off your back" (14 hours and 32 minutes ago) emilio libertinaje said "Sargentii, If you would like to imagine us as coming here on anything other than equal terms for all participants, then be happy. I don't care if you want to see it as such, but for the purposes of negotiatio, everyones imput should be considered equal" (14 hours and 22 minutes ago) emilio libertinaje said "I thank the IUSS for comming, as the discussions would not be complete without the participation of all three groups. now, with friendship and reconciliation in mind, let the negotiations begin for a mutual understanding of the rights of individuals o'WB" (14 hours and 20 minutes ago) emilio libertinaje said "Ivana, would you like to achieve a pardon from our group? fter all you tried to get friends to kill one another. I have said this once before, and again: I am sorry for the use of bad language in your home, there, didn't hurt me to reconcile!" (14 hours and 19 minutes ago) emilio libertinaje said "I would suggest that the crabapples for a official group in this suburb so you can participate in a potential Committe on Safety and Respect for the Citizens of Wext Boundwood" (14 hours and 14 minutes ago) emilio libertinaje said "let us agree to a openended ceasefire before we go much further, one that would allow us to vacate your home before we facwe reprecussions, it that OK with the graciously hospitable Crabapple delegation?" (14 hours and 11 minutes ago) Jimmy Slitter said "Sir Huley is Dead." (14 hours and 5 minutes ago) Lord Malus Sargentii said "His Lordship wil speak to you all tomorrow. He has just received some terrible news. Be patient. God bless and sweet dreams." (14 hours and 2 minutes ago) emilio libertinaje said "? how did he become of the dead kind?" (14 hours and 2 minutes ago) emilio libertinaje said "well, lets just get this show going, lest it appear that the crabapples are not intersted in cementing peace?" (14 hours and 1 minute ago) Will Saver said "All this negotiating is getting on my nerves! Are we done yet, I wanna crack some skulls!" (13 hours and 45 minutes ago) emilio libertinaje said "no bro, we have a lot longer to talk, Crabapple is stalling until tommorrow at the very least" (13 hours and 43 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "Well apparently Crabapple seems just alittle uninterested in creating laws for the Suburb. Lets just continue and he can give his opinion tommorrow if he chooses to that is..." (13 hours and 31 minutes ago) emilio libertinaje said "maybe it should be frammed in Rights, not so much in laws, the rights become the laws. What rights do people have, Can we agree that all desarve the right to shelter?" (13 hours and 29 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "Rights to arm themselves, right to barricade, right to revive, the right to protect themselves from zeds." (12 hours and 51 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "Also the right to shelter and supplies, so that would be a yes." (12 hours and 50 minutes ago) Elias Taylor said "Comrades, it seems like we're being jerked around here. I look forward to tomorrow to see if I am wrong or not." (12 hours and 15 minutes ago) Elias Taylor said "We should not just frame it as what Rights we do have, but also what Rights we don't have." (12 hours and 13 minutes ago) Elias Taylor said "So until tomorrow I believe it's time for some rum and cokes. Anyone care to join me?" (12 hours and 12 minutes ago) Will Saver said "I call for a party in Pearl Arms! Should I send the WORD?" (11 hours and 21 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "One step ahead of you!" (10 hours and 50 minutes ago) Fireplay259 broadcast "All IUSS and M@F members, party at the Pearl Arms." from here, on 28.33 MHz. (10 hours and 47 minutes ago) emilio libertinaje broadcast "Conciliation and Peace party in the Paerl Arms, BYOB" from here, on 28.33 MHz. (10 hours and 40 minutes ago) emilio libertinaje said "those are good rights, anythoughts?" (10 hours and 39 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "I think they are good rights and we should probably keep 'em or right 'em down possibly on the suburb wiki." (10 hours and 28 minutes ago) Sabotabby said "yum, beer" (10 hours and 27 minutes ago) Will Saver broadcast "PARTY AT THE PEARL ARMS!!!" from here, on 28.33 MHz. (6 hours and 17 minutes ago) Will Saver said "Many have come this is good!" (6 hours and 17 minutes ago) IvanaTinkle said "who the feck is over barricading every fecking building?" (3 hours and 39 minutes ago) YosserHughes said "I dont think the badmen willappreciate any group taking their property." (3 hours and 36 minutes ago) Lord Malus Sargentii said "His Lordship is about to speak. It is his will that you should all fall to your knees." (2 hours and 19 minutes ago) Lord Crabapple said "I have returned from the dead. Glorify me, bathe in my light, join with me, touch me, feel me. I have returned. I have spoken." (2 hours and 14 minutes ago) Lord Crabapple said "im an idiot" (2 hours and 13 minutes ago) Lord Crabapple said "That was Rachel" (2 hours and 12 minutes ago) IvanaTinkle said "some one take the cades down in the auto repair to the south or the church. im having a nap" (2 hours and 10 minutes ago) Lord Crabapple said "I demand absolute power, absolute submission, absolute authority. To deny my will is blasphemy. Bow before me in awe at my wondrous divinity." (2 hours and 9 minutes ago) Lord Crabapple said "I wish to speak to Fireplay in the chapel. For he is the man who killed me." (2 hours and 7 minutes ago) carterUSM said "I havent heard so much chat since Richard Prior did his stand up." (45 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "What chapel does he want to meet in, I have no d**n clue which one." (31 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "Let your lord know I am at St. Ethelbert and waiting for him and if he doesn't show, I'm leaving." (25 minutes ago)

*Insert from Harald von Holzapfel

• Luigi Galleani said "These negotiations do not sound particularly serious. if you crabapples want peace, get yourself together. and ivana, it is hypocritical of you to pseudo-swear after criticizing my comrade for swearing in the past." (51 minutes ago)

*End of insert

Luigi Galleani saus "further, if someone catches the whole discussion anytime soon, it would be great if you could get a screenshot, since i am unable to do that myself" You say "also, if we cannot come to agreement, as part of any ceasefire, we should extend the ceasefire to perhaps four days after we end negotiations, giving each side enough time to escape. a ceasefire cannot occur without the agreement of the crasbapples, howev IvanaTinkle said "who the feck is over barricading every fecking building?" (9 hours and 19 minutes ago) YosserHughes said "I dont think the badmen willappreciate any group taking their property." (9 hours and 16 minutes ago) Lord Malus Sargentii said "His Lordship is about to speak. It is his will that you should all fall to your knees." (7 hours and 59 minutes ago) Lord Crabapple said "I have returned from the dead. Glorify me, bathe in my light, join with me, touch me, feel me. I have returned. I have spoken." (7 hours and 54 minutes ago) Lord Crabapple said "im an idiot" (7 hours and 53 minutes ago) Lord Crabapple said "That was Rachel" (7 hours and 52 minutes ago) IvanaTinkle said "some one take the cades down in the auto repair to the south or the church. im having a nap" (7 hours and 50 minutes ago) Lord Crabapple said "I demand absolute power, absolute submission, absolute authority. To deny my will is blasphemy. Bow before me in awe at my wondrous divinity." (7 hours and 49 minutes ago) Lord Crabapple said "I wish to speak to Fireplay in the chapel. For he is the man who killed me." (7 hours and 47 minutes ago) carterUSM said "I havent heard so much chat since Richard Prior did his stand up." (6 hours and 25 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "What chapel does he want to meet in, I have no d**n clue which one." (6 hours and 11 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "Let your lord know I am at St. Ethelbert and waiting for him and if he doesn't show, I'm leaving." (6 hours and 5 minutes ago) Luigi Galleani said "These negotiations do not sound particularly serious. if you crabapples want peace, get yourself together. and ivana, it is hypocritical of you to pseudo-swear after criticizing my comrade for swearing in the past." (5 hours and 29 minutes ago) Luigi Galleani said "further, if someone catches the whole discussion anytime soon, it would be great if you could get a screenshot, since i am unable to do that myself" (5 hours and 27 minutes ago) Luigi Galleani said "also, if we cannot come to agreement, as part of any ceasefire, we should extend the ceasefire to perhaps four days after we end negotiations, giving each side enough time to escape. a ceasefire cannot occur without the agreement of the crasbapples, howev" (5 hours and 25 minutes ago) Luigi Galleani said "It is nice to see one of the Badmen. Have you joined the negotiations or are you just observing?" (exactly 5 hours ago) Elias Taylor said "I'm in agreement with Luigi. But must say if you Crabapple's think that I'll bend my knee to you, then you need a mental checkup." (4 hours and 4 minutes ago) Lord Crabapple said "I have asked Fireplay to do the honourable thing. If he does this, then I will be prepared to speak to my common guests." (3 hours and 49 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "If your will is to bring peace than why have your subjects attacked us neutral and your own enemies, the M@F" (3 hours and 49 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "If you actually think I'm going to ask for your forgiveness your wrong." (3 hours and 43 minutes ago) A flare was fired 10 blocks to the south. (3 hours and 16 minutes ago) Lord Malus Sargentii said "Lord Crabapple does not want an apology. He wants you to do the honourable thing." (2 hours and 54 minutes ago) Lord Malus Sargentii said "He admires manliness in a man. He respects fearlessness in the face of the void." (2 hours and 53 minutes ago) Lord Malus Sargentii said "He regrets the lack of honour in contemporary Malton. Face up to the darkness, young man. Do what His Lordship Himself would do." (2 hours and 51 minutes ago) carterUSM said "what is there to negotiate? MAF and their kind need to stop killing people and need to stoppissing people off with their demands to own all the property in Malton" (2 hours and 47 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "But what does he mean the honorable thing mean?" (2 hours and 46 minutes ago) Sir Huley Crabapple said "Read the dreadful graffiti! Golly gumdrops, I've never seen such a thing. No Crabapple has attacked you. Please, act like gentlemen and not ruffians, at least in His presence. He asked Fireplay to do the honourable thing. Are you an honourable man?" (2 hours and 42 minutes ago) Sir Huley Crabapple said "Are you familiar with samurai culture?" (2 hours and 42 minutes ago) 28.33 MHz: "M@F are you enemies, they lie to the people." (2 hours and 41 minutes ago) Jimmy Slitter said "Let me touch his tummy!" (2 hours and 41 minutes ago) The Snaitch said "Well, while you jagons debate the meaning of 'manliness' and pregnant dog about who started what, I'm gonna go revive some people and kill some zombies. What it boils down to is that PK'ing is wrong, apparently all the groups have been guilty of it..." (2 hours and 40 minutes ago) 28.33 MHz: "the People should resist M@F" (2 hours and 40 minutes ago) The Snaitch said " the PAST. So lets go forward into a future without PK'ing. I for one will not PK. Now I'm off to do some reviving." (2 hours and 39 minutes ago) Sir Huley Crabapple said "His Lordship has not harmed any of you. He is an aristocrat. That is his life." (2 hours and 38 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "Yes I am, and no I'm not familiar with it at all." (2 hours and 35 minutes ago) YosserHughes said "I think he wants you to commit suicide" (2 hours and 13 minutes ago) ...and again. (2 hours and 7 minutes ago) YosserHughes said "have you lot decided anything yet?" (2 hours and 6 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "Not really cause Lord Crabapple has his panties in a twist over this whole thing with him being PK'ed and I'm starting to get tired of it!" (2 hours and 4 minutes ago) Elias Taylor said "You're not the only one Fireplay" (2 hours and 2 minutes ago) Elias Taylor said "It seems that the Crabapples are not interested in peace, and only interested in domination." (2 hours and 1 minute ago) Fireplay259 said "Yea I'm starting to suspect it too. I have a good feeling this is gonna be dragged out into a knock down drag out PK group match." (1 hour and 59 minutes ago) Sabotabby said "Sir Crabapple, you misunderstand. We don't believe in ownership of property" (1 hour and 54 minutes ago) YosserHughes said "the problem is if you attack people who own property you are going to have to attack lot of people, the badmen wont like it" (1 hour and 37 minutes ago) YosserHughes said "having maf or whoever taking over buildings that have been happily occupied for months if not years wont go down well" (1 hour and 35 minutes ago) Lehto said "Well well well" (1 hour and 12 minutes ago) Lehto said "lots of people, Hi Luigi and Sabotabby" (1 hour and 11 minutes ago) Lehto said "Emilio, there's even the crabapple family" (1 hour and 11 minutes ago) Lehto said "two Ivanas wow" (1 hour and 10 minutes ago) Sabotabby said "*waves*" (1 hour and 1 minute ago) IvanaLive said "have i missed anything yet?" (57 minutes ago) Jimmy Slitter said "I wanna touch your tummy!" (56 minutes ago) IvanaLive said "feel free sauce-pot!" (55 minutes ago) Babyface Bottler said "Give us a' hug!" (55 minutes ago) IvanaLive said "are there any zombies about to kill?" (55 minutes ago) Sir Huley Crabapple said "His Lordship won't return until you have exposed your innards." (53 minutes ago) Jimmy Slitter said "I wanna do it! I wanna do it!" (52 minutes ago) Fireplay259 said "If the issue isn't private property that we have one less thing to worry about, so we should go onto another subject, PKing we should leave off for now. Lets just move on to the peoples rights." (52 minutes ago) Babyface Bottler said "Will 'e kiss me?" (51 minutes ago) carterUSM said "the only issue is property. People have been killed for having a base to sleep in. this is a very worrying state to be in in these times. All other issues are irrelevent. This is Crabapple Manor, we have been staying here for months" (47 minutes ago) 28.33 MHz: "NEDM" (15 minutes ago)

  1. emilio libertinaje said "whoe, badmen, thanks for coming but both groups misundrstand us completly. We don't want to dominate anyone, We are anarchists and believe that (1) property is obsolete in malton, (2) Your Home is determined by Usage, not by entitlement derived from fami" (10 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  2. emilio libertinaje said "ly heritage. So with it cleared up that the M@F doesn't want to take your buildings, we just want everyone respected. PK is no longer an issue people, if it were we wouldn't be toguether in one room talking, forgivness for all PK, chill?" (10 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  3. emilio libertinaje said "I must repeat, We don't want property or your property or any property because we disagree with the whole idea of ownership by one, we agree with ownership by all those who utilize a building, the badmen have a home and we respect their usage of their h" (10 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  4. emilio libertinaje said "ome as if it were their property, but property can't exist when society has brokendown. the Crabapple gang have their estate which is their home because they use, it's theirs through usage, ok. All we anarchgist want is for everyone respected as equa" (10 hours and 52 minutes ago)
  5. emilio libertinaje said "ls. Sorry that the way we anacos think is to far beyod ya. Crabapple, man, You aren't any better than me, your title comes form a thug who coersed england to turn over power. I do not hold it against you, but if you are going to try and be a dictator," (10 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  6. emilio libertinaje said "there will be no peace, I can here with a respectful tone, but time is a wasting. And My slagan is no god no master, no property. so, iwe need to share this suburb, and welcome each other to each others buildings. And Crab, I've killed your people before" (10 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  7. emilio libertinaje said "so don't pick on Fireplay, what do you want? you want to talk or just keep blathering aboput the past?" (10 hours and 48 minutes ago)
  8. emilio libertinaje broadcast "the M@F doesn't impose, unless you impose your will on other" from here, on 28.33 MHz. (10 hours and 46 minutes ago)
  9. emilio libertinaje said "yeah, yosser, we aren't going to take your building hommie, comeone? you believe their slant? we just want every survivor to have acess to any building, ok, I'm not going to go interfier with the best revive point we have in this suburb." (10 hours and 44 minutes ago)
  10. emilio libertinaje said "you can keep your estate, caretr no one is not saying that. but it must be open for all, and need i remind you why this all started I was threatened by the crabapple people into leaving their estate. thats what it is about. thats why we assaulted you, no" (10 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  11. emilio libertinaje said "t cause of your home but because you deny your home to others, that is why we request that your estate be such as our homes are, open to the needy" (10 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  12. emilio libertinaje said "lets keep it civil, someone write over that grafiiti" (10 hours and 39 minutes ago)
  13. Fireplay259 said "Amen emilio, that also goes for IUSS members, we only came here cause we know that there has been an issue with property, well in communal law there is no such thing as private property, but we still let you stay here, just don't enforce the fact that it" (10 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  14. Fireplay259 said "is your own property because otherwise we will be in this same mess again. Also I believe that we should create laws and/or rights for the people of West Boundwood, that way we can avoid problems like this in the future. Remember it may be ok now, but nex" (10 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  15. Fireplay259 said "t time, it may just be too late. So will your permission, I would like us to start a discussion on the laws/rights of West Boundwood, so that this will not happen again." (9 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  16. margo lamb said "Hi guys. Just so we are clear- the badmen do not kill or harm anyone who needs shelter. We welcome visitors to our humble abode. What we do object to is talk of rights of property and such so will not be drawn into fighting for our home. We are a small" (9 hours and 43 minutes ago)
  17. margo lamb said "we are a small community who welcomes anyone who needs help and thank you all for your interest in our group! if we see any of you and you are in trouble we will do we can for you" (9 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  18. emilio libertinaje said "margo lamb," (9 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  19. emilio libertinaje said "i will help you defend the badman building from anyone even the M@F. We will help you protect your home, if that is needed. The M@F just wants, as you have stated, that everyone have a right to shelter." (9 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  20. emilio libertinaje said "Still, we need to talk about property rights, if at least just to make the point that no one should be threatened out of a building, as occured to me. just ask Badmen if you need aid" (9 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  21. Sir Huley Crabapple said "Where is His Lordship and when will He return? Should we all move to the chapel for the early morning service? Let us pray that he will once again be in our midst. Please join us." (9 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  22. emilio libertinaje said "yo, you have an opinion right? what do you think?" (9 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  23. Harald von Holzapfel said "Was? The way we anacos think is to far beyod ya?!? Haw haw. Das ist eine good one! Truffle, anyone? Sausage roll?" (9 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  24. emilio libertinaje said "peace, I'm leaving here for a while as a stament thast my time is being wasted. i honestly don't think that you want any treaty or agreement to settle this. i will take a sausage role for luch, however." (9 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  25. emilio libertinaje said "lunch, hmm good, quite delish" (9 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  26. Lord Malus Sargentii said "Emilio is being naughty. The Badmen are decent:'What we do object to is talk of rights of property and such so will not be drawn into fighting for our home.' I agree. Yet MAFF and the IUSS have slaughtered our family." (9 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  27. Lord Malus Sargentii said "Butchered our family because of (often comedic) use of the English language. The Crabapples have not used violence against these people. And yet they have committed mass murder in the name of.....What?" (8 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  28. Lord Malus Sargentii said "Lord Crabapple is a man of peace. Go in peace. And look forward to His return." (8 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  29. Harald von Holzapfel said "Ja! Aber, Das Maultaschen ist besser! Haben Sie maultaschen hier? Ich gern Maultaschen!! Und bier.... hmmmm... ich mochte eine bier... ah, das ist gut!!!" (8 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  30. branwen10 said "What groups are here? I want all the groups in the area to stop tagging every single spot they can in the area unless it is their home base or unless it is for criticle information (ex: do not barricade past V.S.). When will the negotaions start?" (8 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  31. Jimmy Slitter said "Can I touch your tummy?" (8 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  32. Jimmy Slitter said "Amazing Gwace, how sweet thou art, to save a wetch like me....." (8 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  33. Fireplay259 said "Malus your sadly mistaken, there have been few members whose names I shall not mention, who have attacked several IUSS members and possibly MAF members and violated IUSS Radio Revolution Policy, to try and start a civil war between the IUSS and the M@F." (7 hours and 47 minutes ago)
  34. Fireplay259 said "Hey, emilio what should we do, I'm starting to get tired of this bullnuts." (7 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  35. emilio libertinaje said "Fireplay, let us be the bigger people for once. We should wait a while to see if our appoaches are even being heared" (7 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  36. Will Saver said "Will is gettin angry! Crakin' heads is looking like a real nice things to do right now!" (4 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  37. emilio libertinaje said "Crabapple, please get serious, cause we are." (4 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  38. A flare was fired 6 blocks to the east and 2 blocks to the north. (4 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  39. emilio libertinaje said "whats up with the trespassing sigh, haven;t we goten further than that!?! Your cutting pretty close here!" (3 hours and 49 minutes ago)
  40. A flare was fired 5 blocks to the east and 11 blocks to the south. (1 hour and 54 minutes ago)
  41. HeyJack said "Well, for my part, I just gotta agree with Margo... our little group gets its name from the building we occupy. We welcome anyone to join our group, just as we welcome anyone into the building. We've made our marks on the building, and that's really all" (15 minutes ago)
  42. HeyJack said "the property we want - and it's silly to even think of keeping people out! What's the harm of any (who's not a zed :) one going anywhere? It's not like they can steal your stuff... Just don't kill each other, and don't paint on the walls if there's some" (14 minutes ago)
  43. HeyJack said "sort of group mark already there. Anything else is just a bullsh-t game that doesn't help anyone. Except the zeds. Anyway, that's all I have to say about that. Thanks for the cold beer. Cheers." (12 minutes ago)
  44. emilio libertinaje said "the Big Bash is coming on its way here. They are in South Suttlebank and they will be here soon. I say that all groups stick toguether in one building for a holdout, preferibly in Dorothy PD until they leave our suburb. Another thought is we could base" (9 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  45. emilio libertinaje said "ourselves in Yagoton(which is safe) and venture into westboundwood to keep it safe. those are the only options or we are dead. should we stay and cooperate?" (9 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  46. Sir Huley Crabapple said "You fools! The Crabapples have not committed a single crime any one of you. Why can't you see that? We have been here longer than you lefties and are trying to maintain the traditions of West Boundwood. And Ivana is not a Crabapple." (9 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  47. Sir Huley Crabapple said "Your ignorance, infantile ideology, 'cultural cleansing', racism, imperialism, denial of reality is getting a little sinister. Why are trying to destroy the conservative, Christain tradions of West Boundwood?'" (9 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  48. Sir Huley Crabapple said "Perhaps you would be happier in a left-wing suburb. You will never be at peace here." (9 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  49. IvanaTinkle said "run away to yagoton is you like we will not abandon our home and our people. this started when people came into our homes and told us we could not own our own homes. they then threatened us with violence, used obscene language and were generally nasty" (9 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  50. Sir Huley Crabapple said "The important thing is that no Crabapple has committed a crime against any of you." (9 hours and 25 minutes ago)
  51. Sir Huley Crabapple said "This was a peaceful suburb before the socialists and anarchists brought there evil ideology" (9 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  52. IvanaTinkle said "M@F dont seem to be able to get past their idea that owning propoerty is a crime punishable by death." (9 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  53. Sir Huley Crabapple said "their" (9 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  54. IvanaTinkle said "I long for the days before MAF when we hunted zombies and lived in peace withthe Badmen and the people of the police station and hospital." (9 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  55. IvanaTinkle said "People would stop by for a chat and a drink and it was all rather jolly until the foul langauge started and the violence. Council estate types, no doubt." (9 hours and 22 minutes ago)
exerpt form Emilio Libertinaje:

You say "you people are silly, honestly, why don't you just tell us to f**k off? thats the message I'm receaving here. now do you want peace? because it seems more like you are trying to bait us into a fight. We are not leaving this suburb EVER."

Since your last turn:

  • Sir Huley Crabapple said "Well, well, your true character seems to be coming out. That is not our message at all. I suggest we all pray for peace." (15 seconds ago)

You say "So face the fact we are here and RP a negotiation, unless you don't want my friendship and i'll leave you alone. Your insults are making no friends, and the friends of the estate have committed crimes against two groups, so lets grow up and stop being"

Since your last turn:

  • Sir Huley Crabapple said "Oh Lord, on this day we praise you for your gifts and hope for the everlasting peace that reflects your heavenly joy. Amen" (11 seconds ago)

You say "all focused on the small picture of BS, focus on now, the oportunity we have to stop this, and the oportunity to make this suburb better before the Bash gets here. If not making peace in not your message at all then why don't you grow up, stop demanding "

Since your last turn:

  • Sir Huley Crabapple said "BUT NOT CRABAPPLES. WE DO NOT CONDONE CRIME!" (1 minute ago)

Emilio Libertinaje says "sepukku of people, stop recanting the injustices of yesterday because i could clutter the air with my songs of what your people did to mine also, so lets just avoid somthing that is going to get us to shoot each other again"

Emilio Libertinaje say "branwen i agree with the graffiti issue"

Emilio Libertinaje say "Crabapple people, lets just drop the act and start to actually make progress, you have until tomorrow or the talks are off, and the world will know it was due to your peoples lack of commitment to equality and friendship" Since your last turn:

  • IvanaTinkle said "these anarchists are hysterical they come here saying they are not going to leave the suburb (when no one has said they should) they threaten us with death, they harp on about the past and say they are looking to the future, but what future?" (5 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  • IvanaTinkle said "the future with MAF is one of re-education camps, people dragged ut of their houses and shot for the crime of homeownership, secret police killing people for crimes of speaking your mind." (5 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  • IvanaTinkle said "M@F have not come here to listen or negotiate, they came to dictate. They do not want the Crabapple estate or the badman building to stand, they want to dominate the whole suburb and probably the whole city. Pity those who do not agree with their politics" (5 hours and 30 minutes ago)
  • IvanaTinkle said "Actions speak louder than words, will M@F stop killing the people of West Boundwood? Time will tell." (5 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • IvanaTinkle said "I suggest the slate is wiped clean, if M@F commit further murders they will be delt with. If M@F threaten the people of WestBoundwood they will be delt with. If M@F can live in peace with the Badmen and Crabapples and the people of Westboundwood..." (5 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  • IvanaTinkle said "...then so be it. I pray to His Holiness the Lord that Peace will come to West Boundwood and the City" (5 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  • IvanaTinkle said "Let us all pray that these people can accept Allah into their hearts and have Peace in their Hearts." (5 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  • IvanaTinkle said "Dear Lord forgive these sinners and bless their good deeds, let them leave in peace and return as friends, but should they violate Your peace let them be struck down with fire and brimstone" (5 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  • Harald von Holzapfel said "Harrumph - I believe, they have already gone, Ivana.... ah, entschuldigen Sie! Emilio ist hier..." (4 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • Harald von Holzapfel said "Ich musse sprechte! MAF are unlikely to get everything they want, Herr Libertinaje. You have attacked Das Crabapple family many times... you speak as if it is long in the past, 100 jahre, aber it was a few weeks ago!!! With supporting message board!" (4 hours and 45 minutes ago)
  • Harald von Holzapfel said "Und, also, I saw you attack poor Lady Ivana immediately upon the reduction of zombie attacks! Demands, demands demands... I do not believe I have seen any apology or compromise on MAFs side, either!" (4 hours and 41 minutes ago)
  • Fanny Crabapple said "I suggest we organise a fate or gymkhana on the estate to promote village harmony. I will win of course, old dobbin will sail over the fences to glory." (3 hours and 29 minutes ago)
  • Fanny Crabapple said "good old dobbin, with his soft suffly nose and smell of leather" (3 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • Fanny Crabapple said "so firm and strong he is...with his bit in his mouth and me on his back" (3 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • Fanny Crabapple said "his long hair blowing in the breeze" (3 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • Fanny Crabapple said "Best darn stable boy I have had in years." (3 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • Fanny Crabapple said "Tally Ho!" (3 hours and 27 minutes ago)
  • Elias Taylor said "I would just like to point out that we're not in disagreement about a group having a safehouse. That is your personal space. If the Crabapples want this spot as their safehouse they can have it." (2 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • Elias Taylor said "But they're not claiming one spot. They're claiming several spots belonging to them, including at one time, if I remember correctly," (2 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • Sir Huley Crabapple said "What is 'personal space'?" (2 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  • Sir Huley Crabapple said "Whay is an 'asshat'? Can you answer that, Fanny dear?" (2 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  • Jimmy Slitter said "Something to do with tummies?" (1 hour and 59 minutes ago)
  • Elias Taylor said "the hospital. They are in fact trying to take over WB. By their logic MAF would have the right to take over every building in WB that isn't already claimed by someone else. It makes no sense. A group has a right to a homebase. Not blocks of buildings" (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
  • Elias Taylor said "If the Crabapples want peace then they will have to adapt to the new situation we have since the destruction of the old society that happened with the zombie outbreak. Not try to bring back the old oppresive ways that kept us all in chains of wage slavery" (1 hour and 33 minutes ago)
  • carterUSM said "there is only one Crabpple Manor, one block out of the 100 blocks in west boundwood and the 10,000 in the city. Too much for M@F to take?" (1 hour and 32 minutes ago)
  • Jimmy Slitter said "Because some fat bellied quasi-Nazis say it is so. Fine bellies, though." (1 hour and 31 minutes ago)
  • Jimmy Slitter said "Submit to the new ways or there will be trouble. That is the message?" (1 hour and 29 minutes ago)
  • carterUSM said "there is only one Crabpple Manor, one block out of the 100 blocks in west boundwood and the 10,000 in the city. Too much for M@F to take?" (1 hour and 27 minutes ago)
  • carterUSM said "did i say that twice?" (1 hour and 14 minutes ago)
  • carterUSM said "Lord Crabapple is an asset to the city" (1 hour and 11 minutes ago)
  • Subo said "He does add... character..." (1 hour and 8 minutes ago)
  • Magnolia White said "sets out a nice cheesetray and offers everyone a spot of tea" (1 hour and 1 minute ago)
  • Harald von Holzapfel said "Not try to bring back the old oppresive ways that kept us all in chains of wage slavery? There are many forms of slavery, meine freunde, the wage not as bad as many...." (58 minutes ago)
  • Harald von Holzapfel said "Und remember, after das zombie terror is obviated, we will still be in a town in the most capitalist country in das Welt! Nicht sehr gut fur das revolutionaries!!!" (55 minutes ago)
  • Harald von Holzapfel said "Ah, entschuldigen mich! Zwei zucker, dankerschun!" (53 minutes ago)
  • Harald von Holzapfel said "It was talk of coffee I heard wasn't it? All this talk of politics.... we may get somewhere eventually! Are there any truffles remaining?" (51 minutes ago)
  • carterUSM said "Magnolia White is the sort we want around here." (32 minutes ago)
  • HeyJack said "knpffff... wazzat? sorry musta dozed off... It's really nice to have cold beer again! Sorry... Anyway - hope you all got it sorted out. We're all human after all - and it's only human to make mistakes. So pity the poor crazies who may cause harm, and" (15 minutes ago)
  • HeyJack said "don't escalate the violence - that would make us no better than the zeds. All righty then - smiles everyone, and stop the BadCave anytime... we're always well 'caded and friendly. Cheers all." (13 minutes ago)
  1. Elias Taylor said "Carter, ya'll don't just claim this location, but also all the blocks surrounding it. It would help negotiations if ya'll actually told the truth." (56 minutes ago)
  2. Elias Taylor said "Ya'll are trying to tell us to let you reinstall the old ways of oppression. If you think we're not going to struggle for our freedom then ya'll are nuts. We will not allow you to oppress ourselves or our brothers & sisters." (54 minutes ago)
  3. emilio libertinaje said "I'm trying real hard Ivana, but what you are saying is realy getting on my nerves. you described authoritarianism with all those prisons, I'm sorry to say so, but your undestanding of anarchism must be deficient because anarchists destroy prisons, not" (50 minutes ago)
  4. emilio libertinaje said " take people away to them, prisons are the enemy of anarchists. SO, speak your mind, but you about us killing you yesterday or whenever you sayed we did without proof is only going to make it harder to stop this war, can you understand that?" (49 minutes ago)
  5. emilio libertinaje said "if you have proof, show it because it is a lie in my eyes, no one from M@F has taken responsability, and seeing how ivanac tried to get us to kill each other, I trust the M@F way more. keep your ugly estate, you better just let anyone is any you better" (47 minutes ago)
  6. emilio libertinaje said "not threaten me into leaving. So, since M@F has not killed anyone since before the zombie raid to my knowledge. Ivana, get over it we got over you false-flag operation, and we don't NEED to forgive you of that on, so we will forgive, what will you forgi" (45 minutes ago)

From Luigi: You say "Alright, we are reaching impasse. both we and the crabapples have asked for a ceasefire in our different ways. can each individual present agree to commit our groups for an indefinite ceasefire? if the crabs do, the @s do"

You say "here's my proposal: an indefinite ceasefire and end to propoganda hostilities on radio or wiki. if either group should assault someone from the other side, slander the other side, infitrate their radio, kick the otherside out of their space, or otherwise "

You say "carry out aggression against the other side, the ceasefire is off. and we meet back in pearl arms for negotiations. if those do not resolve that conflict, we meet with guns. graffiti is not included in the propoganda ceasefire, but radio, wiki, chats are"

You say "that is my proposal. if someone from M@F or IUSS disagrees, speak it here and on our messageboard. if a crab disagrees, please speak that here. if on the other hand you can agree, then lets do so soon so we can go back to our protection of west bound? (A)"

You say "can this be relayed back to your Lord Crabapple? and can each crab, and IUSS/M(A)F rep agree to my proposal? "

*Excerpt from Harald von Holzapfel

• Luigi Galleani broadcast "Has anyone found the provocateur on the IUSS airwaves?" from here, on 28.33 MHz. (1 hour and 39 minutes ago) • Luigi Galleani broadcast "Please report to both the M@F and IUSS forums iftheyre found" from here, on 28.33 MHz.

  • margo lamb said "Woah busy night with lots of people speaking their mind- some made sense! Sounds like you aint gonna agree. For that i leave it up to you all! Far as i am concerned the badmen are all good and it is accepted that we are open to all but it is our base and" (51 minutes ago)
  • margo lamb said "new members are welcome!! We support the other local groups- crabapples (as you have been here a whil), M@F (long as you don't kill any of us), IUSS" (50 minutes ago)
  • margo lamb said "However i did get killed some months ago by an IUSS member. May i just also say the knights of gaze up in gaze building are good souls too who should be included in this as they do a fine job - led by minother - of protecting the northern route to NT" (49 minutes ago)
  1. HighlandZHunter broadcast "We got the rich, we got the poor, one solution class war!!" from here, on 28.33 MHz. (1 hour and 12 minutes ago)
  2. Fireplay259 said "Wow alot of talking went on last night, d**n, can anyone sum up what happen or should I just just continue with what happens?" (35 minutes ago)
  3. Toupee Tony said "Fwom what I hear, the leftie, psuedo-Nazis who attacked us over crass ideological matters want a ceasefire. They can talk all they want, but since the CRABAPPLES have never attempted to commit a crime against them, the notion of ceasefire does not apply" (20 minutes ago)
  4. Toupee Tony said "to the Crabapples. Despite the graffiti, no one has EVER been denied access to the Crabapple estate." (19 minutes ago)
  5. Toupee Tony said "Is it a sign of contemporary cultural vindictiveness and pettiness, that people are so offended over an amusing use of the English language." (18 minutes ago)
  6. A flare was fired 5 blocks to the west and 7 blocks to the south. (17 minutes ago)
*Excerpt from Harold von Holzapfel*

• emilio libertinaje said "I support luigi's proposal for a cease fire. Memebrs of the crabapple estate have commited criminal acts against the IUSS and the M@F so lets move past that so we can all know the limits nessisary to NOT keep killing each other, I'm willing to put it in" (2 hours and 1 minute ago) • emilio libertinaje said "to the past, as i have said many times before. On the subject of being denyed access to the estate, I have been denied access by IVANA, and i forgive her for the repeated offenses only if the Crabapples are willing to find a middle ground. do you want a" (1 hour and 59 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "middle ground? Nazi? thats funny...really it lord crabapple who said he wanted everyone to bow for him like he was god. if you get over the PKing, we will forgive Ivanatinkles FALSE-FLAG OPERATIONS on the radio." (1 hour and 57 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "its easy, OK, your get over the past, we get over the past, chill? do you want to cooperate. and haven't we made it clear tyhat we don't want your area, we just want it recognized that everyone has the right to move around freely accord 2 own wishes" (1 hour and 55 minutes ago) • Elias Taylor said "I love it. Luigi puts out a proposal that includes not slandering the other side and the first thing one of the Crapapple allies does is compare us to mutha fuckin nazis. For fuck's sake. Do ya'll want peace or should we just get back to the Class War?" (1 hour and 38 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "watch your tone man, I think their wasting our time and don't want peace, but still, we know what benefits this suburb. but yeah, please crabapples, show us you mean buisiness" (1 hour and 35 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "on the page for the pearle arms you said we are trying to break up your party place, do you want us to leave you home? after all we got this party started, the pearle was empty before we started negotiations. get off the pedestal. And stop calling us" (1 hour and 30 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "terrorists" (1 hour and 29 minutes ago) • Fireplay259 said "If lord Crabapple, refuses to meet our offers of peace that you can tell him personally we don't want him in West Boundwood, cause atleast some of us do. If its not peace you want, than to me its war, cause thats what it may come down to if any more" (58 minutes ago) • Fireplay259 said "problems arise. Even though the IUSS's nature it to be against Pk'ing we will react in such manner that is inflicted upon us." (57 minutes ago) • Fireplay259 said "Are there any other issues that need to be discussed" (6 minutes ago) • Harald von Holzapfel said "? So, talk of a ceasefire by either of your groups are ridiculous, since you are the only serial PKers hier. You should cease your own fire! And possibly apologise fur ihre murderous activities in the name of revolution. In a town beset by zombies!." (33 minutes ago) • Harald von Holzapfel said "Mich, ich PK niemand. I have killed noone. If you want peace, maybe you should stop attacking people and" (31 minutes ago) • Harald von Holzapfel said "making demands of other groups. And maybe, if you can remove yourself from the position of self righteous idealistic fanatics." (29 minutes ago) • Harald von Holzapfel said "you may even wish to apologise for the violence you have brought to a peaceful suburb. And MAF, as to accusations of terrorism, maybe you should reconsider your practice of dressing in terrorist costumes, and calling for these negotiations to turn to" (25 minutes ago) • Harald von Holzapfel said "violence, as you have done about 10 times!" (23 minutes ago) • Harald von Holzapfel said "Ich bin muder nach das politik.... I mochte kill das zombies! Ich mochte ein bier.... bitte?" (21 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "from the statements of the Opposition, I believe that they do not want to continue negotiations, their leader is not here, they reject our calls for a ceasefire and they are all in all unwilling to do anything other than try to piss us off, so I am givi" (8 hours and 8 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "ng up on negotiations with the promise not to attack these infantile liars if they stay away from me, and i will stay away from them, as soon as they touch my comrades I will not stop to blink. so good luck making peace, i hope we don't need to fight" (8 hours and 4 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "my true intentions are to be chill, i hope the crabapples live up to what they preach, but yeah guys, they are to annoying so good luck with them cause I'm giving up on reasoning with these children" (8 hours and 3 minutes ago) • Fireplay259 said "I'm with you emilio, these guys are trying to get to us, apparently thats what they got. If I ever see any Crabapple touch any member of the IUSS. I will personally declare war on your group." (exactly 8 hours ago) • Fireplay259 broadcast "ALL NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN CRABAPPLE IUSS AND M@F HAVE FAILED!" from here, on 28.33 MHz. (7 hours and 50 minutes ago) • Fireplay259 said "M@F AND IUSS ARE STILL ALLIES ANY IUSS MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO REPORT TO HQ FOR DEBRIEFING!" (7 hours and 48 minutes ago) • A flare was fired 9 blocks to the west and 8 blocks to the south. (7 hours and 37 minutes ago) • Will Saver attacked you for 3 damage. (7 hours and 32 minutes ago) ...and again. (7 hours and 31 minutes ago) ...and again. (7 hours and 31 minutes ago) ...and again. (7 hours and 31 minutes ago) ...and again. (7 hours and 31 minutes ago) ...and again. (7 hours and 31 minutes ago) ...and again. (7 hours and 31 minutes ago) ...and again. (7 hours and 31 minutes ago) ...and again. (7 hours and 31 minutes ago) ...and again. (7 hours and 31 minutes ago) ...and again. (7 hours and 31 minutes ago) ...and again. (7 hours and 31 minutes ago) • Sabotabby said "Where's HQ these days?" (7 hours and 15 minutes ago) • Magnolia White healed you for 10 HP. (5 hours and 53 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. • emilio libertinaje said "I have heared of the recent event, and am shocked. I had hoped that somthing like this wold not have happened, as I wished that in my absence, my betters would be able to reach a just agreement. I was so frustrated by how different our outlooks are" (5 hours and 25 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "but i have decided to return now. The guilty party was of the M@F, Black Bloc. I spoke to him before he decided to skip town.He hoped that our group would forgive him, but i must say that his actions were criminal, even if he be my comrade, because he" (5 hours and 23 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "violated the cease-fire thats had been unofficialy observed. For the sake of peace I wish to offer apologez from the M@F, i don't know if the IUSS is still on board for peace, as they are upset, but I will remain here in the crabapple manor to attempt to" (5 hours and 20 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "keep peace between our parties.Despite this unfortunate incident, I think that someone from the M@F should go cure the afflicted person as a sign of most of our members want for peace." (5 hours and 19 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "we are in dangerous waters, we have hardliners in the M@F and the IUSS is pulling further back from the idea of peace every minute.Very dangerous,and that is why we need to strike a deal before even more people resort to violence.Crabapples,please forgive" (5 hours and 16 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "the rashness exibited by an exmember of the M@F, now maybe we should just try to come up with a new definition of property.And again, the M@F promises that under peace you all have a right to shelter in malton where you wish" (5 hours and 14 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje healed you for 10 HP. (5 hours and 8 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "there, hope you feel better harold. people, the bash is comming, so can we all commit to at least not killing, or insulting each other until after the bash comes through, then we can pick up trying to reach a agreement civilized like. still, can't we al" (5 hours and 7 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "l see that we stand a better chance coordinating the defense of this suburb. So if we can agree to disagree for a short while, that would be most exellent for the suburb.If not, then say it now, say what you want, ask us to lezve, the balls in your court" (5 hours and 4 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje broadcast "Many are hopeful the Peace talks will continue'n bear fruit!" from here, on 28.33 MHz. (4 hours and 59 minutes ago) • A flare was fired 7 blocks to the east and 6 blocks to the south. (4 hours and 17 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (4 hours and 16 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 16 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 16 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 16 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 16 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 16 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 16 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 16 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 16 minutes ago) • Toupee Tony said "Ooh my, Lord crabapple is back, and he's totally naked!" (1 hour and 52 minutes ago) • Lord Crabapple said "I'm a teapot, see? Boing boing, eh, what? Quite a spring in my step, what! Come to me, my children, feel me, touch me! Waaaaaaaaa, now I'm a kangaroo! Boing, boing, boing!" (1 hour and 49 minutes ago) • Jimmy Slitter said "What was that? See what you've done to His Lordship! You monsters, devils, you." (1 hour and 46 minutes ago) • carterUSM said "So M@F are only intereste din the past, in pointless talk and only show their ture selves in actions. Yesterday it was said that actions spoke louder than words, and we have seen their actions." (1 hour and 34 minutes ago) • carterUSM said "It was a simple agreement, M@F stop attacking the people of west boundwood and we can live in peace. Was it too much to ask?" (1 hour and 33 minutes ago) • carterUSM said "You have yet another last chance, leave the peopleof west boundwood in peace." (1 hour and 32 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "chill, keep the cades up neighbors" (43 minutes ago) • emilio libertinaje said "neot needs help, i just recadded it but there is a zed inside comrades, lend a hand, i'm all outta ap" (40 minutes ago) • Lord Crabapple said "My dear child! I am always near. You have nothing to fear. Not now. But why are you wearing a stethascope?" (12 minutes ago)

Death threats from the Crabapples

Since your last turn:

   * 28.54 MHz: "Elias Taylor, you are going to die for your propaganda" (10 hours and 10 minutes ago)

Add to this the fact that Luigi was attacked by Babbette at the end of the negotiations and we see where the Crabapples stand. They only want violence.

The vindictive propaganda of Elias Taylor

The death threat is from Harald von Holzapfel, regarding the vandalism inflicted upon his user page

Elias Taylor is responsible for instigating some rather unpleasant propaganda against myself, vandalising my user page. He has already been warned by moderators about this. He has also implemented a range of similar edits upon the Crabapple page and other userpages. Sad to say, but the wiki is turning into a playground for his childish re-imaginings of other characters backgrounds. I apologise for the use of MAF radio for the above communication, something I would not normally do. I recommend that Elias be banned, and then perhaps the wiki will return to its previously more reasonable state of containing accusations and suspicions, rather than the kind of Stalinist, or Nazi style reworkings of the past that Elias Taylor is implementing. Read this quickly! Elias will be swift to censor the truth!

In the name of reason, decency and truth

Harald von Holzapfel

Response by Elias Taylor

First off, you did not have a user page before I created it. When I realized that it was a user page I removed the content that I had put on it, not the moderators.

Let us not ignore the 2 wiki entries that you created about me Factory 37,4 and Durston Walk School.

And let us not forget that the slander began with all of you. We have been called terrorists, stalinists, and nazis from the start by ya'll. I was merely returning the favor.

I did not partake in any of the blood shed that had earlier occured. But now you've threatened to kill me when I have never attacked one of ya'll while my comrades have been attacked by you. If you want war then it's on.

Reference to counter propaganda from the Crabapple Legal Team

The entries regarding your past are simply retaliatory resposes to the slander you instigated against the illustrious Crabapple family, whose boots you are not worthy to lick. References to your organisation as being terrorists, Stalinists and Nazis by the Crabapples and their associates are accusations and opinions, and, as far as we can tell, are backed up by evidence. The Crabapple page included similar accusations and opinions of the I.U.S.S. and M@F, and was created first. What you have done, Elias Taylor, is amend information with pure fantasies from your perverse, obsessive mind. This is Propaganda. Your fabrication of the Crabapple history is slander of the highest order. Your ceaseless efforts to censor (re: delete) opposition to your propaganda campaign is similarly unforgivable. You deserve far worse than response in kind.

Examination of the history of these entries should reveal the truth: That the above pages were amended in retaliation to the propaganda of Elias, rather than instigating it. That Elias has (or had) a far more extensive campaign in mind is evident from preparations which (for some reason) were until recently on his user page User:Elias Taylor

For anyone following this commentary, it may be worth examining the account of User:Elias Taylor to see exactly how low this contemptible individual is willing to stoop. Elias has already removed more incriminating evidence, but the discussion page is incriminating enough. Note severe notes of warnings from moderators on the discussion page (and it is good to see some indication of law on this fine wiki)

We are not surprised that Harald von Holzapfel wishes you dead, either. Your attempts to vandalise his user page, and even to try and set up a false userpage, with references to Neonazism were probably as appalling as your attempts to redefine Jimmy Slitter as a paedophile. These are serious allegations, no joke, and rank hypocrisy given your groups safe space pledge.

Elias Taylor, you do not have a leg to stand on! Following the full restoration of Law, we will see you in COURT! Any reasonable person will see that you have lowered the tone of the conflict in the suburb to a lower level, and have made considerable effort to censor opposition. Whether the I.U.S.S or M@F support your actions remains to be seen.

In the spirit of good faith, if you make clear steps to absolutely remove your abject slander, we will stop our investigations and withdraw our own statements. You have brought these retaliations upon yourself. If you stop playing nice again, we will renew our efforts to counter you. It is probably better for all things return to a more reasonable state of play. We do not know if M@F sanction your moves (or the I.U.S.S. for that matter), and if they don't, then we apologise for the inconvenience to them.

Additional statement of Harald von Holzapfel

I have been attacked by Will Saver again. He has been punished. Herr Saver, that is all. Any further assaults, and you will die again. The debt has been paid. I almost feel guilty over the strength of my original threat.

Taylor, evil propagandist, you are scum of the lowest order. Your turn is next. You make Savers straight forward aggression look innocent.

MAF, these are not assaults on your organization. They are specific actions against those individuals who slight me.

Apologies to everybody else. The zombies should be enough of a problem, without these infights amongst survivors.

Additional statement from MAF

Emilio Libertinaje has been assaulted by affiliates of the Crabapples, those individuals will recieve in kind, but i continue to say that you Crabapples are making things worse, I have been attacked by Bao so i now have the rights to blow Bao's brains out, but I will refrain from such. I will wait until you hit my comrades again,anyone else gets assaulted by you and the effects will be your fault. As well, Property is obsolete in this suburb, live were you like, as i see you have started doing, abandoning that pub you like, the pearl. Enjoy anyplace, just don't start trouble anymore, no violence or insults capish? But really, you don't need to hide in other suburbs and hit us in our blindspot, guerilla like, we can do that too. We have zeds invading the suburb, cut it out and give us a hand, don't just mess around you twits, that goes for all in the suburb! The Assault on my person WAS an attack against the M@F since it was said that I was being attacked because of my words of the Lord. Chill it out, aren't you the one that attempts to portray us a violent terrorists when you use the exact same tactics as we do, get off the pedastel. Your comments enrage us, we are just sentimental, insult us and we get upset, you have your warning. i get hurt once again your out you twits. So why don't you make good one our proposition to live in the suburb like friends, But if I get attacked again, you should all start thinking of living in Lockettside, atleast there is a Crabb Bank there, you should resettle, it's no fun playing with you are all to condesending File:Map.cgi.html

Clarification request from Harald von Holzapfel

Emilio, does your threat of waiting until "you hit my comrades again,anyone else gets assaulted by you and the effects will be your fault" refer to my own entirely valid purpose to kill the filthy Taylor? If it does, you are dragging your own group down with a nasty worm of a slanderer. I have no argument with you, or the rest of MAF at the moment. The Taylor creature attempted to perpetrate several vile actions upon myself, and I demand satisfaction. Please do not involve yourself: My argument is not with you. What anybody else does is their own affair.--Harald von Holzapfel 11:10, 8 November 2006 (UTC)

Emilio writes Back

My comment about waiting until another member of M@F is attacked means such, whenever you attack somone such as Luigi, by weakening him, lowering the barricades, having a zombie kill him and rebarricade. Or when you have Tiberius Bao attack me for "words against the lord", that represents acts that attempt to create conflict in this suburb. An attack on Taylor would not be viewed as legitimate, since we never decided to act on our emotions to punish IvanaTinkle or IvanaLive for infiltrating our airwaves and trying to get us to fight our allies, that warrants a response, we did not respond. You attack my people again, me or Elias, and all of my goodwill and attempst to bring us toguether will be used to go after all those who have commited crimes against west boundwood, and it's citizens. You are just as bad as taylor, after all you started using the wiki to portray us negatively, a pitty you baited a combative anarchist! So chill out, we are involved already, your droogs keep attacking us, SO, If we are attacked again, it means war, you attack anyone, just even wound one of us, and our ceasefire will terminate. We still are willing to coexist, but at this point it is up to you to prove yourself to the M@F and IUSS that you are willing to COOPERATE. So just stop insulting us and start helping us with the zeds here in west boundwood.

Another reply from Harald

You act as if I am Lord Crabapple. I am a guest at my cousins manor. I send no-one against anyone. Und ich weiß nicht wo Tiberius Bao ist! I do not know who this person is! If I have even met him, I cannot remember. I have only ever attacked those who attack me. I am attacked for speaking my mind, I punish my aggressor. Some poisonous vermin Taylor attempts to name me a Nazi - A NAZI - and attempts to present it as if spoken with my voice - that is unforgivable. Just keep the verminous rat out of my way. I am an individual. I act according to my own will. I reject the mob mentality. If you do not, and cannot recognize individual action when it is slowly and carefully explained to you, then perhaps it is too late for you. I have no need of proving anything to a group who attempt to justify their members who assault and slander me. You do not rule West Boundwood. Sie lügen immer!

A feeble assault from vermin Elias

Elias Taylor assaulted me. Since I suspect Emilio told him where I was, I smashed your generator. Keep the little worm out of my way--Harald von Holzapfel 16:10, 27 November 2006 (UTC)

IUSS is not M@F

Sorry Harald, Emilio did not tell anything to anyone. You might want to apologize to the IUSS for smashing their generator, as they have developed etiquette for the suburb and generator killing is against all good-will. Personally it wasn't a M@F safehouse, so I don't care, but if our allies request help finding the offending party, I will oblige as you people have been so impolite from the begining when you started threatening me with pain if I lived in yourv "estate". Why are their no Crabapples in the suburb? if their are no crabapples in the suburb you should remove your group as being active in the suburb. damn, you snot-nosed kids are lame, you obviously don't want peacer with all the hate your spreading with graffiti. why don't you just try to make peace, We have offered before, and you turned us down. So don't whine when we punish the deserving individuals. --Lorosidiotas 21:36, 27 November 2006 (UTC)

...but they sleep in the same bed

Sie ist ein Lügenmaul, Emelio! You sleep there all the often! You do not care about your ally's base? I think that is another of your many lies.

"Snot nosed kids".... ja. Dragging idealistic rubbish into a town infested with zombies, harrassing residents and telling unconvincing lies about motives and history, rewriting it for the chosen ideal, attacking people who dare to stand up to you. Oh - das ist sie!

"Spreading your graffiti" - ha ha. You joke, yes? You communists must barely have time to attack innocent residents in between running around vandalising the suburb.

"punish the deserving individuals" - terrorists always want to punish those who stand in their way. Maybe you will one day mature, and see your folly.

"don't want peacer with all" - who started the violence with me? Who attacked me, when there was no violence? Who declared war on the radio? Your lies become ridiculous! Look further up the page! You even apologised once, but then declared your defence of the repellent Taylor with his evil propaganda.

I believe the Crabapples want peace, but not on your terms. You want control. You are just the violent assistants of your fellow communists, and you relish the vindictive. You never offer peace - you just make demands, injure people, defend your own and lie. And act surprised that nobody likes you.

It is Carnival time. I wish we could have some fun in the suburb, which needs it. You violent terrorists wouldn't know fun if it invited you to a party, told you all its secrets and bit you in the bottom. Guten tag, Lügenmaul--Harald von Holzapfel 13:42, 28 November 2006 (UTC)

"such a big difference

YO, there is a big difference: The M@f has never hurt the Badmen, we have only be consiliatory, the IUSS and the M@F are different organizations, pleae do on t be confused by those who wish you belive that we are the same. Peace has been offered, and we wait until you are ready to accept peace, but with our guns ready for your attacks. You wanker, It's not like i accuse the badmen, who you have a consiliatory relationship with, of being false-flag terrorists,so chill out man, take that thing out of your ass and relax, i'm over your stupid games and want you to leave me alone you cheap, manipulative wanker. LIVE AND LET LIVE you stupid wanker, no fun to play with you, don't respond Idon't want tov talk to you, this threat should be closed--Lorosidiotas 20:39, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

Last word

You just want the last word. Stop playing stupid games if you want to - you started them! "Peace has been offered, and we wait until you are ready to accept peace, but with our guns ready for your attacks" - another lie. One of your fellow members of MAF assaulted me for speaking my mind - I had injured no-one - you apologised then, then defended the attempts of Elias to slander myself and the Crabapples on the wiki. These actions brought an end to the negotiations, before Luigi was attacked by Babette, which as far as I know was retaliatory. You have attacked the Crabapples and their allies many times, and certainly not always in response to violence. "LIVE AND LET LIVE you stupid wanker" - sehr 'chill'! Then do not attack me, unless you want a response. Also, if you do not want to talk, then stop. Do not put more lies hier, then expect me to remain silent.Harald von Holzapfel 20:48, 1 December 2006 (UTC)

How was the attack on me by Babette possibly retaliatory? I had wounded no one during the negotiations. I was among those who apologized for the unprovoked assault on yourself. If Babette was retaliating, they should have attacked the one who wronged you. I don't believe in attacking innocent members of a group just bcuz one of their comrades may have wronger me or one of my comrades. Especially when there were apologies. I have not attacked a single Crabapple during the entire gang war except those who attacked me or one of my comrades first. But unlike what M(A)F members did, the Crabapples and company offered no apology to me for Babette's attack. And as far as I'm concerned, the wiki is obviously the worst place for any discussion whatsoever of you Crabapples and us M(A)Fistas and our IUSS comrades. I find no value in continuing the discussion here. --Luigi Galleani M(A)C | M(A)F 21:36, 1 December 2006 (UTC)

For Babettes reasoning, you are probably best referring to her response on the MAF board - I can only speak for myself. I am not negotiating on behalf of my relatives, their associates, or other guests, but largely expressing my own feelings. If you have done no wrong, and were assaulted, then you must know how I feel. I sympathize, but you are in a group of violent terrorists! I assault no-one unless they greatly slight me. Anyway, there is not really anything else for me to discuss here - I have said all I have to say. This is always going round in circles. Until next time, tschüs!Harald von Holzapfel 20:15, 2 December 2006 (UTC)

Elias Taylor again

This is a game and I have had ENOUGH!!!

Who the hell is this anarchist group? what is it, are you nobody in real life so you have to make up a rubbish group and then take it seriously? Grow up will you. Who the hell is this Elias Taylor? It is a game you know when you kill me as a zombie and then say good bye Babbette do you really think it's happend...ooh look there is a zombie outside, the game must be real whatever shall we do!!!

I would like to play the game the way it is suppose to be played and not with a nut case going around making what is suppose to be just a 5 minute play in the computer such a personal thing. Go and get a life you weasel. But I suppose that's the whole point, you haven't got one otherwise you wouldn't have to live through your character on a computer game! Well you will have to get a life if I have anything to do with it, I am complaining about you and I would like you to be pulled from the game. If that does not work then leave me alone you sad weasel, even though it is a computer game I find it creepy that you follow me around and do personal attacks on me!

Bye bye elias —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Babbette Bade (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.