The Delivery Boy

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Malton chronicle.jpg This story is part of the Malton Chronicles.
This story is fan-made, and is not officially part of any background history for Urban Dead.

Gun Talk

What a day it had been, Jason had been reviving zombies since around seven in the morning. But now he had peace and his 2 favourite friends, Pete Feninshi and beer, with him.

"So Jase what you planning on doing with you life, huh?" Pete questions,

"What you mean 'life', I have no life, we're living in a fucking quarantined city!" Jason takes another sip of an old bottle of Fosters, then he gives a sour expression.

"I've heard people are selling guns for supplies and money" Pete answers.

"Selling guns... ha! Like thats worthwhile" Jason says, before slamming another gulp

"Naa. All you really need is a truck and crates full of guns, and you can go ferrying guns all around Malton" Pete answers.

"Hmmm... I guess it's a break off Reviving, Ok we'll go tomorrow"

Pete pulls out a shotgun from his holster, "Take this, nighty night" Pete says worringly .

"Goodnight" Jason shouts before walking down the hallway into his office, "God, Pete is so enthusiastic" he mumbles before jumping into his bunk.

What a start

What a night it had been for poor old Jason, he kept hearing screams of his little sister and gunshots off him. But he was up and eating a bowl of soggy old corn flakes... Yummy!

"You ready jase" Pete says just when Jason finishes his bowl, "im fucking hangovered that's what" Jason said moodily before grabbing a bag of crisps from the supply crate next to him, "ill flipping go hold on" jason said.

The pair grabbed there weapons and supplys and started walking down the cold streets of Chudleyton, it was -7 on Pete's thermometer. The pair carried on walking till they found an abandoned warehouse. "There's got to be some fuel and a vechile in there" Jason said "your right, get your shotgun ready". The Warehouse doors where blown off there hinges and the storage docks where all ransacked, but something shone out over the crates. It was a van!, the pair aimed there weapons at the windshield, a zombie was in the drivers seat, "must of though he would die if he smashed through the wall" Pete sadily said "must of". (Bang Bang!)