The Free Runner

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An Underground Source for the Above Ground Reader

The Free Runner
Abbreviation: TFR
Group Numbers: 1 anonymous cool writer (maybe others)
Leadership: the same anonymous cool write
Goals: The entertainment of Malton citizens
Recruitment Policy: Well versed, humorous, underground writers - inquire within

Taped to the wall next to a broken picture frame, a piece of cardboard hangs. It reads:...

"Well hello friends. I see you've discovered my advertisement. I also see you can read... Great! You're already headed in the right direction. Since we're forced to call this wonderful city of Malton our home, we've been trying to entertain ourselves. Between the constant refortifications of our temporary homes, to the endless slaughtering of our never dieing kinfolk, there isn't much time to amuse ourselves. Well, I'm taking all the work out for you. Of course, you could always pick up the Malton Mirror, or watch the Channel 4 News Team, but I'm going to give you something different. This is an underground newsletter - think revolution-esque. Except this isn't a political paper. It's meant to be a humorous, fun, and intellectual end to your AP exhaustive day.

It looks like I'm running out of cardboard here. So, look around town for the first edition. I've got this sweet, old printing press that's working like a beast right now. I'll pump out as many issues as I can. I'll post them in whatever buildings or light posts I can. Tell your friends. Tell your dead friends. I've hung a copy below. Take a gander and don't get eated.

-Anonymous Cool Writer"

here's a legible copy


Wanted: Freelance Writers

Qualifications: Funny, well versed, some degree of wit, cleverness, have a good grasp on RPing.

Must remain anonymous to others, hang up issues of The Free Runner, spread the propaganda without being discovered!