The Liberation of Ackland Mall

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Malton chronicle.jpg This story is part of the Malton Chronicles.
This story is fan-made, and is not officially part of any background history for Urban Dead.

The following takes place in mid September of 2007 when AMS was forever changed. The battle was glorious and made AMS stronger in the long run. This was the point of no return in Roy Bane's PKing career. Hail Ackland. Hail the Resistance.

Here you can see an AMS officer (left) clashing with an Ackland Rebel (right)


Tarumigan Gistarai


Roy Banes


Richard Leaper

Mrs Flibble

Ms 07 Gouf

Evil Red

Rune Carver





The Story

Neuro's Office

Neuro sat at the desk in his office with a serious look on his face. His mind was still pondering at the massive loss of life during the last zombie attack at the LUE siege. One of his officers defied his orders and ordered the refugees off to Brennard to fight, instead of the mall. “No one questions my authority.” he thought. “No one.” He needed a scapegoat to take the pressure off him and to let everyone know he was still the one in charge.

Neuro radioed his loyal lieutenant Gouf. “Gouf, bring Tarumigan here. Now.” he ordered. A few minutes later Tarumigan came in escorted by Gouf and AMS rookie “Evil” Red. Red was ambitious, hotheaded, and was very good with guns. It made perfect sense he was a mall cop.

“You wanted to see me, Boss?” asked Taru.

“Ah, yes. Your position with AMS is now terminated. Turn your badge and your gun in. Your have stepped over your boundaries too many times. The refugees are all angered at what transpired a few weeks ago and if I don’t fire someone I’ll be forced out myself. I rather like my job so you’ll have to take the fall.

“This is bullshit!!” yelled Taru pounding his fist on Neuro’s desk. Neuro remained calm and merely smirked at Taru’s anger. “If I didn’t move the refugees out then we’d all be dead! I did it to save lives!”

“I’m sick of hearing your predictions and warnings. “ he said coolly. “You’re an obstacle to our group’s success.”

“Maybe I should tell the locals how you threatened to shoot everyone that runs away from the battle, even your own officers! How would you like that?” Taru said fiercely.

“If you cant keep your mouth shut about the inner workings of the group I’ll have you removed from Ackland.”

“Ackland is my home. You cant do that.” said Taru.

“Actually I can. Red, remove this filth from my office. Let him collect his personal belongings from his locker and send him to the Refugee Quarters. He can leave first thing tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir.” said Red. Taru walked out with red. He grabbed all his clothes and his duffel bag. It was about 7:00 pm. The sun was starting to set.

Ackland Mall Refugee Food court

Roy was sitting at a round table playing cards with his friend nickname Toothdecay, Richard Leaper, and Mrs Flibble. Roy was getting frustrated. Some loud annoying rap music was being played a few tables away by a few black guys. He couldn’t concentrate on his cards. After he lost 3 rounds in a row he vented his anger at them

“Turn that shit off!” he yelled.

“Fuck you. Make me.” one of them said. Roy stood up about to go over there and break the radio but Tooth held him back. “Come on just let it go man.” he said. Roy grabbed his bag. “C’mon guys lets go.“ he said.

Northwest Ackland Mall

The 4 of them were walking to the NW half where they slept in one of the shops. As they were walking down one of the halls there was a group of 5 men in black trench coats all standing around. They were outside the shop the 4 of them were sleeping in. The trench coats stopped them at the door.

“You cant sleep here. This is our turf.” one of them said.

“You cant tell us what to do.” said Flibble.

“Do you know who the fuck we are?” asked the same one again.

“Don’t know. Don’t care.” said Roy.”

“We’re the ULC. Mess with us and you’ll end up dead.” he said and then opened up his trench coat to reveal a katana. The other 4 showed off their guns in their coats as well. Roy pulled out a pistol from his shoulder holster. “You know Im getting sick and tired of all you fucking mall rats and trenchies thinking you can push around others.”

“Hey hey hey!” yelled an AMS officer Palmann approaching with his own gun drawn. 2 more were right behind him also with guns drawn. “Put your gun away, Banes. You’re on thin ice with the AMS as it is.” Roy reluctantly obeyed. The AMS officer turned to the others.

“Now what is going on here?” he asked.

“They think they own this place and we cant sleep here.” said Tooth.

“Typical that no one can get along with each other these days. Alright you guys” he said pointing to the ULC members. “Can sleep in there.” he said pointing to a shop farther down the hall. If I catch you guys arguing again or I see any more weapons drawn you’ll be locked up in the holding cell for a while.”

The ULC left and so did the officers. Roy and the others entered in the shop.

“I cant stand this place anymore.” said Roy. “Everyday it’s the same shit over and over. Survivor groups bully around the weak, and AMS doesn’t do shit unless to stop the oppression unless someone is about to get killed, and DON’T even get me started on the DEM.”

“Right. The mall populous needs to stand up for themselves. ” said Richard. Just then Taru walked in into the store.

“Hey Banes Im calling in that favor you owe me back from Hildebrand.” Taru said.

“Alright, what do you need?” asked Roy.

“I need a gun.” he said hesitantly.

“Oh.. Where’s yours?” asked Roy. Taru told them the story.

“Well.. I suppose since you did save my life I can lend you my spare 9mm.” said Roy. He pulled it out of his bag and handed it to him.

“Thanks Banes.“ said Taru pulling out the clip and seeing how much ammo was in it. He had a full clip. Taru said goodbye and left. He went back to the food court and saw a NT doctor called Rune Carver. She was in deep discussion with an AMS officer.

“Yes.. NT scan shows a massive horde coming in from the NW. Bigger then the last that came through this area. I’m going to have to inform Neuro about this.” she said. She walked away with the officer. Taru followed them back to Neuro office but waited outside while Carver and the officer entered.

Neuro’s Office

“Status report from Brennard?” asked Nuero lazily looking at some blueprints to Ackland mall.

“Brennard is powered and well fortified but our NT scan shows we have a massive horde coming in from the NW. They‘ll be here in 2 days” she said.

“How big?” Neuro asked.

“Several thousands. They ate their way through Caiger and anyone that survived that is heading here which is leading them straight to us.” she said.

“How many in the mall, backlash?” Neuro asked his officer.

“About 300. We haven’t had any government relief for supplies in a while so we wont be able to withstand them indefinetly.” Backlash.

“When is the next supply shipment from the military due?” asked Nuero.

“2 weeks.” said Backlash.

“Well I’m sure we can last that long. Send a distress signal to Marven and Nichols. Call for aid. They’re closest.” neuro said.

“Yes, sir.” said Backlash and as he walked out he saw Taru.

“Here to beg for your job back?” he sneered at him. Taru ignored him and went into Neuro’s office.

“Neuro, I beg you to listen to me.” Taru implored. “Caiger, Stickling, Hildebrand, Dowdney, and Joachim all fell trying to defend the mall. Ackland did as well last time. Our only hope is to stay on the move. Its suicide staying here. We’re only strengthening their numbers by trying to fight back.”

“I thought I said I didn’t want to listen to your warnings anymore?” he said.

“You’re repeating the past Nuero! Don’t make the same mistake twice!” Taru yelled.

“Oh I wont. This time you wont be around to allow me to do that. You leave tomorrow morning and if you ever come to Ackland Mall again you’ll be shot on site by our officers. Consider it mercy that I’m not throwing you out in the dark with hungry mobs roaming the streets.” said Neuro.

Taru considered pulling his gun out on Neuro but it would be suicide if he did it now. Nevertheless he left Taru no choice but to kill him. Taru left the office and checked the guard duty. Luckily Nuero had guard duty at the South East corner that night and he’s make his move then.

Southeast Ackland mall

It was 9 p.m. and completely dark. Neuro was in a hallway had his flashlight out and was checking to make sure all the doors were locked. Suddenly he heard very soft foot steps behind him. Neuro turned around and pointed his flashlight down the hall. “

“Who’s there?” he demanded. No one responded. He began moving his flashlight back and forth. Then he saw a shadow of a man around a corner 30 some feet away. He pulled out his Glock handgun and pointed it at the corner.

“Show yourself now. I’m warning you I’m armed.” said Neuro

Taru had his own gun out feeling very scared about what he was about to do. “I have no choice” he kept telling himself. “I have no choice.”

Neuro was creeping towards the man. His gun was aimed and ready to fire. He gave him 2 chances to surrender and didn’t. Just then Taru jumped out and fired at Neuro. Neuro fired back but missed. but then got hit twice, once in the arm and the other in the chest. Neuro fell backwards screaming. Still shooting at Neuro, Taru fired once more into Neuro’s chest and Neuro fell backwards on his back, playing dead. Taru ran for it assuming Neuro was killed..

“Man down man down!” screamed Neuro into the radio after he was sure his would be killer was gone. “South east corner, outside the jewelry store!” A minute later 2 AMS officers, Gouf and Heero came running up along with the medic Rune Carver. Carver began patching up Neuro.

“Who did this?” asked Gouf.

“Tar- aaargh!" he winced with pain. “Tarumigan. I thought you took his gun away…”

“I did. Someone must have given him another one.” said Gouf.

“All units, be on the look out for Tarumigan Gistarai. Attempted murder on the AMS commander. He is still somewhere in the mall. Last seeing in the SE fleeing to the SW. Be warned he is armed and very dangerous.” said Red.

SW Ackland Mall

Taru was running as fast as possible. All the doors were locked so there was no way out by ground. He’d have to get on the roof and escape from to ST blaise. He ran to the stair case when he heard someone behind him.

“Stop or I’ll shoot!” yelled AMS officer Red.

Taru ran up the staircase and he heard gun shots behind him. Taru fired back as he continued running. He got to the top and opened the door and ran out. He sprinted over the make shift bridge and onto ST Blaise’s roof and more bullets hissed by him. He jumped down onto a garbage dumpster below and climbed out. He was on the streets of Havercroft. A dangerous place to be. Especially at night. Survivors usually went roof to roof but he didn’t have any choice. No one would be crazy to follow him. Taru ran down the street. It was an eerie silence all around him. He east ran past a police station and into Maria general Hospital. He ran up to the hospital door. A few zombies came out of the alley way and were moving towards him. Taru began pounding on the door. “ Let me in! Hurry!” he yelled. The door opened and a young nurse let him in. She slammed the door shut and barred it.

“What the hell we’re you dong out there on the street?!” she snapped.

“Uh… the building I was staying in was attacked. I ran out the back and here.” he lied.

“Hmmm” she said not convinced and then turned to the ‘MPD’s Most wanted!’ poster showing all of Malton’s most Psychotic killers since the outbreak. She didn’t see his face so she pointed him to the refugee sleeping area. Taru was worn out and went to sleep.

Ackland Mall Food court

Roy was in the food court standing in the breakfast line provided by some Members of the Red Cross. He could tell right away something was up cause he heard people talking about a “shooting” in the mall and there were a dozen AMS officers walking around as if looking for someone. Rumor has it some psychopath tried to kill an AMS member. As he was about to sit down when AMS member Red approached him.

“Mr. Banes, you’re going to have to come with me down to Neuro's office for questioning.” he said.

“I didn’t do anything.” said Roy.

“Guilty Conscience?” he asked. “Come with me now.” he said.

Neuro’s Office

Roy followed him up to the Neuro’s office but Gouf was sitting in Neuro’s desk.

“Have a seat, Mr. Banes.” said Gouf. Roy sat down.

“What’s this about?” asked Roy.

“Mr. Banes, at approximately 9:02 p.m. former AMS officer Tarumigan Gistarai shot AMS commander Neuro in the SE quadrant. Previous camera recordings show you giving Tarumigan Gistarai a 9mm handgun inside a clothing shop at approximately 7:52 p.m. That gun was used in the attempted murder of our AMS commander. What do you have to say for yourself?” asked Gouf.

“I had no idea that Taru was going to use it to murder someone. I was only lending it out cause your groups self centered asses felt the need to banish him from Ackland mall and he needed a way to defend himself.” said Roy.

“You have been openly hostile towards others in the mall, drawn a weapon 3 times on someone, the most recent being yesterday, and have openly defied our security forces. You have been disrespectful ever since you got here. Why should AMS believe you?” asked Gouf.

Roy didn’t answer but looked out the window.

“So, how is Neuro doing?” asked Roy after almost a minute.

“He’s alive. He almost died. I’m taking his place for the next couple weeks while he recovers in Emphrem General hospital.” said Gouf watching Roy closely for any facial expressions.

“Ah, think you’re up the challenge?” asked Roy.

“We’ll see.” said Gouf.

“Can I go now?” asked Roy. “I’m hungry and the Red Cross is making pancakes.”

“Yes, but be warned I’m having an officer track you at all times now. If you make one more slip up I’m going to have you arrested and locked up for good.” said Gouf.

Roy got up and left without saying goodbye. He went back down to breakfast.

Maria General Hospital

Taru woke up and ate the food provided by the hospital. When he was finishing he saw 2 AMS officers enter the room. Taru ducked down but it was too late. The officers were heading towards him. They pulled out their guns on Taru.

“Taru! Surrender or we‘ll shoot!” yelled the officer.

Taru pulled the clip out of his pistol. he had no ammo left. He dropped his gun and raised his hands in there air, and got up slowly.

“Where’s your weapon?” asked one of the officers. Taru kicked it toward them. The other picked it up.

“Where are you taking me?” asked Taru.

“Holding cells. We’d kill you now but there‘s too many witnesses and Neuro has asked specifically to kill you himself.”

“Neuro Survived?” asked Taru angrily.

“Yes, you almost killed him, but his FLAK jacket saved him.”

The other officer got on the radio. ‘Dispatch the suspect is apprehended. We’re bringing him back to the mall now.”

Ephrem General

Neuro sat in a hospital Bed with his left arm in a sling and his wound on his chest was wrapped up. A young attractive nurse was serving him hospital food. Despite being shot he was in a very good mood. He was listening to the Ackland Mall radio and was pleased hearing Taru got caught. He grabbed the radio.

“Gouf, come in.” said Neuro over the radio.

“Im here.” Said Gouf.

“Gouf, move Taru to the holding cell. I’ll be coming down later today to administer his lethal injection.” said Neuro.

“Shouldn’t you rest in the Hospital for a while?” asked Gouf.

“Perhaps but there’s a horde coming and I have to be there for when it comes. Plus killing Taru is too good of an opportunity to pass up. I can recover from in the mall.” said Neuro.

“Very well I’ll send an officer down to escort you back.” said Gouf.

Ackland Mall Food Court

4 AMS officers were escorting Tarumigan through the mall. Taru was handcuffed and looked like he was beaten up a little.

“Hey Banes check look over there.” said Tooth nodding towards Taru and the officers. Banes looked over.

“Well they caught Taru it looks like. Lets go see him.” said Roy.

Roy, Tooth, Flibble, and Richard got up and caught up to Taru and the officers.

“What are you going to do with Taru?” asked Roy.

“He’s going to be given lethal injection later today. “

“What?! But the laws made during the quarantine forbid the death sentence unless someone does murder, and even then he has to stand trail.” said Flibble.

“He’s too dangerous to be left alive. He could try and murder again.” said the officer.

“Oh its comes to no surprise AMS considers themselves above the law. Tell me, haven’t you guys ever heard of the Justice system?” asked Tooth.

“Of course we had so don’t pretend the justice system isn’t flawed. Sometimes the law must be taken into one’s own hands.” said the officer.

Taru spoke up. “Banes… get out of the mall. The largest horde ever is heading to Ackland. They’ll be hear by tomorrow. You need to get out now. Save yourself. Save as many people as possible but get out now.”

“Shut up!” yelled one of the officers. He punched Taru in the gut knocking the wind out of him. Taru began coughing and gasping. They dragged Taru away to the holding cells.

“You know I think the officer is right.” said Roy. “Sometimes the law must be taken into your own hands.” said Roy.

“What are you saying? Asked Richard.”

“I say we go save Taru.” said Roy.

Ackland Mall Entry Point

Neuro entered with his arm still in a sling. Red and Rune Carver were with him.

“You got Taru’s lethal injection ready, Carver?” asked Neuro.

“Yes. Are we going to give it to him now?” asked Carver.

“Yes. Follow me to the holding cell.” he said.

Ackland Mall Food Court

Roy was giving the plan out to the others. “Ok so lets rehearse the plan one more time. Richard and Flibble will kill the AMS officers in the NW quadrant and move to the NE and create a distraction making it easier for Tooth and I to get into Neuro’s office in the SW corner. We kill Neuro and any AMS officer with him, save Taru and give the message over the intercom to evacuate the mall to Nichols and then we all move out to Nichols ourselves.”

“So all we got to do is just provide a distraction and draw as many officers away from the SW?” asked Flibble.

“Yes, and do me a favor and kill any of those fucking ULC trench coat bastards you see.” said Roy.

“Ok will do.” said Richard.

“Lets move out.” said Roy.

NW Ackland Mall

Flibble and Richard walked up to the store the Trench coats we’re at. There were 7 standing outside. Richard had his shotgun out. He walked up and pointed it at them.

“Better put that away Leaper, if you know what’s good for you.” said one of them who stuck his hand in his trenchant searching for his katana.

“The problem is what’s good for me is bad for you. Good bye, scum bags.” Leaper said. Leaper blasted the first one through the gut and fell backwards. The other ULC people started to pull out their guns but Flibble had her pistol out and shot 2 of them point blank range. Leaper and Flibble put down the last of them simultaneously.

An AMS officer was running towards Flibble and Leaper. Leaper was reloading his shotgun so Flibble raised her pistol and fired 3 shots taking him down. Flibble laughed maniacally.

“heh heh heh poor Rookie didn’t have a chance. Come along Richy.” she said.

Holding Cells

Taru’s arms and feet were tied to the chair he was sitting in. He was struggling. AMS officer Heero was guarding him. Neuro came in with Red and Carver.

“Ah Taru, you’ve been through quite a lot for the past 24 hours. You’ll be glad to hear I’m going to put you out of your humiliation and suffering very soon.” he said.

‘Fuck you Neuro. You’ll regret killing me after the mall is destroyed.” Taru said.

“If you have any dying words or begging to do you better do it now.”

“I’m not going to give you that satisfaction,.” said Taru.

“Defiant to the end huh? I admire your courage but-” Neuro was cut off. An alarm went off.

“What the hell is going on?” demanded Neuro.

“I don’t know. I’ll go find out.” said Red.

Red left and arrived back about 30 seconds later looking worried.

“Um, we have a problem. 2 people are shooting up mall security officers in the NW quadrant.”

“Damnit. Red get down there and deal with it. Guard the door, Heero.” said Neuro.

“Yes sir.” said Red. He left and went to the AMS armory where Backlash, Palmann, Cogtag, Gouf, and 1 other AMS officer all were loading up their guns. They all ran out of the armory and out into the mall.

AMS Headquaters

Roy and Tooth were in the SW just outside the AMS employee doors. Roy was armed with a pistol and Tooth had a shotgun.

“When do we move in?” asked Tooth.

“Just hold on. AMS officers should be going through that door any moment.” said Roy.

Just then Gouf ran out followed by the strike team consisting of 5 other members. They ran the opposite way of Roy and Tooth towards the NW.

“Hope Flibble and Richard will be ok.” said Roy.

“Ok lets go in.” said Tooth. They went through the “Authorized Personnel Only” door the Strike Team came out of and ran down the hall. An AMS officer came out of the employees lounge.

“Hey you cant be in here!” he yelled but then Roy put 2 bullets into his neck and he fell down bleeding out all over the floor. 2 more officers emerged from the Armory and fired on Tooth and Roy. The 2 rogues took cover in 2 separate rooms right across the hall from each other.

“God damnit how many fucking AMS members are there?” yelled Roy.

“Around 20. Cover me, Roy.” said Tooth. Roy opened fired on them and Tooth Ran down the hall and moved closer to the officers. He took cover behind a vending Machine and open fired

Holding Cells

“Ok what the FUCK is going on out there?!” screamed Neuro. The gun shots could be heard just outside and a little ways down the hall.

Taru didn’t know what was going on either. He assumed some Psychopaths with a grudge against AMS were behind this. He was half right. They were a bunch of psychotic killers but they had no real grudge. It was all done in the name of Ackland.

“Should I go out and help?” asked Heero.

“No, stay here. You need to cover me in case they try and get in.” said Neuro.

Ackland Mall NE Quadrant

Gouf was leading ST down the corridor. There were a group of 7 trench coats and an AMS officer lying dead in the hallway. They continued east a bit and saw 2 more dead AMS members and 3 other dead civilians that most likely got in the way of the mall rampage. Gouf stopped at the body of one of the AMS officers and tried to feel for a pulse but didn’t.

“Stay sharp they’re around here somewhere.” said Gouf.

Just then a bullet hit Gouf in the shoulder and Gouf fell down.

“Aaahh!” screamed Gouf. The ST opened fired on Richard and Flibble who we’re down the hall taking cover behind vending cart. AMS officer Palmann grabbed Gouf and attempted to drag him out of the fray but was hit by a bullet to the head and fell dead. Gouf scrambled off to the right. And hid behind a metal garbage can. Red, Cogtag, Backlash, and a rookie AMS member also took cover behind what they could.

Gouf got on the radio “Commander Neuro we’re taking heavy fire! They’ve got us pinned down in the Northeastern plaza! We got 2 dead and I’ve been wounded! You need to send some officers to the NE and flank them!”

Neuro didn’t have his radio on him so Gouf’s calls for help were not heard.

Outside AMS holding Cells

Roy Banes reloaded his pistol. He had wasted a lot of ammo trying to take down these 2 officers.

“Roy cover me!” shouted Tooth. Roy open fired on one of the officers. Tooth darted into one of the rooms only a few feet away from the AMS officers who didn’t See tooth move. When the first one popped out behind his cover Tooth shot him with the shotgun and he fell dead. The other Officer looked at his fallen comrade with surprise. Roy took the opportunity of the distraction to move in and he put 3 bullets into the Officer. He fell dead.

“Good work.” said Tooth to Roy. They both moved to the door to the holding cells. Tooth opened it and Roy raised his 9mm. Neuro spotted Roy and Tooth.

‘Quick! Inject Taru!” he shouted to Carver.

Carver moved to jam the needle in Taru’s arm. Roy put 5 bullets into Carver before she got to Taru and she fell to the ground. Heero raised his gun and pointed it at Roy but Tooth jumped in front of Roy and shot first. His shotgun blast hit Heero in the hand, arm, and destroyed his weapon. He fell against the wall screaming. Neuro started fumbling around with his good hand for his pistol in his holster. Roy fired 2 bullets into Neuro.

“Ah!” screamed Neuro and he fell down. He tried to grab the table next to him to pull himself up. Tooth pressed his foot down on Neuro’s chest forcing him back to the ground. Tooth took Neuro’s pistol and put it in his pocket. Roy pulled out his combat knife and cut Taru’s bindings.

“Thank you for saving me.” said Taru.

“No problem.” said Roy as he walked up to Carver. She was still alive but bleeding badly.

“You shouldn’t have saved Neuro’s life yesterday. Now look at all the people you got killed today, Carver.” said Roy in anger. Roy put a bullet into her right temple finishing her off. Roy turned to Heero who held up both his arms as to shield himself.

“Please don’t kill me!” shouted Heero. Roy raised his gun to Heero.

“No, Banes! There’s been enough bloodshed for one day.” said Taru. Roy lowered his weapon. “Oh thank you! Thank you!” Heero kept repeating.

“What about him?” asked Roy now looking at Neuro and ignoring Heero. Taru went up to inspect him.

“Its too late for him. He’s lost too much blood for any chance to save him” said Taru.

“Tar- Taru….”gasped Neuro. “You’re weak… and you’ll soon be dead like me..” Neuro said and then coughed up blood. A few seconds later he stopped moving around and died. Taru stared at Neuro for a second and he had a look of pity on him. They all left the room except Heero who still laying down against the wall cradling his mutilated hand. They went to Neuro’s office. Taru grabbed the Microphone to Ackland mall’s intercom.

NE Quadrant

Leaper and Flibble were still firing at Gouf’s strike team (half lay dead when they heard the call over the intercom)

“Attention everyone, a large zombie horde is approaching and will be here tomorrow. You must leave immediately. No exceptions. AMS will be incapable of protecting you any further. Get yourselves before its too late. Regroup at Nichols.”

“I think that’s our cue.” said Leaper. “Lets get out.”

Flibble got up and began running. Leaper followed. The 3 surviving AMS members (Gouf, Red, and Backlash) gave chase. Leaper turned around and fired his last shell at Red, and hit him in the leg peppering it. Red fell down and grabbed hold of his leg screaming. Gouf and blacklash stopped.

“Fuck it. We cant stop them now. They keep ambushing us every time we try and follow them.” said backlash. Flibble and Richard ran around the corner and out of sight. Gouf knelt down next to Red and inspected him.

“You’re going to be ok.” said Gouf.

“Yes, but will Ackland?” asked Red.

“I don’t know..” said Gouf slowly. “I think we had better leave though. Come on I’m getting you out of here.” said Gouf and he picked up Red and he used her as a crutch. They went back away from Leaper and Flibble. They all started to head back to the holding cells.

Outside Holding Cells

Gouf, Backlash, and Red entered the “AMS personnel only” door to find a dead AMS officer with his throat ripped open and blood everywhere on the floor. They all took out their pistols and moved in more to find 2 more dead AMS members.

“They may still be in here. They havent been dead long.” said Red.

They entered the holding cells to find Neuro and Carver dead, both in a pool of blood. and Heero in the corner whimpering holding his hand with blood splattered on the wall. He was shaking like crazy.

“What happened here?” asked Gouf.

“B…Banes and Tooth came in and killed Neuro and Carver and… shot my hand off. They freed Taru and left.” said Heero.

“Where are they now?” asked Gouf.

“They left about 5 minutes ago… I don’t know where they went.” Heero said.

“Backlash, get the med kit and help Heero.” said Gouf.

Gouf left and went to the Security room. Gouf took out all the surveillance tapes and stowed them in a bag. It would be evidence for the Malton Marshals for what the 4 murderers did.

Malton Marshal’s office - 2 Days later

Gouf walked into the Marshal outpost with the surveillance tapes. There was a marshal sitting at a desk doing Paperwork. The marshal looked up at Gouf.

“Can I help you?” he asked.

“Yes. I’m here to report a mass shooting by 4 people. 3 males and 1 female. I have some surveillance tapes to prove it.” said gouf. The Marshal took it.

“Where did it happen?” he asked.

“Ackland Mall. They killed 14 mall security guards, 10 civilians, and a doctor. 3 others were wounded including me.” said Gouf.

“Their names?” he asked.

“Roy Banes, Mrs Flibble, Richard Leaper, and one who goes by the name ‘toothdecay’.” said Gouf.

“Ok thank you. I’ll have them posted up on the MPD’s most wanted. We have some highly skilled Bounty Hunters that will take them down. We should have their heads by the end of the month.” he said.

“That’s good to hear.” said Gouf. He then left the Marshal’s office.

Nichols Mall - 2 more Days later

The refugee sector was full of people that came from Ackland. Tarumigan was there. He was looking at the News Bulletin. The MPD’s most wanted roster had been updated with new criminals and also criminals that had been captured or killed. He saw the Faces of Roy, Tooth, Flibble, and Richard on it. All of them were wanted Dead. He was saddened by this. They were trying to save him but they all had sacrificed their lives for him. Now they’d all be doomed to be outcasts in Malton, never to stay in a mall, hospital, or police station ever again. Roy and the others were in Nichols the day before but when they saw their faces posted on the board they panicked and fled the mall. The resistance was over, but will never be forgotten.