The Paladins of Malton

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The Paladins of Malton
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Abbreviation: TPoM
Group Numbers: 3.14159265359
Leadership: Fighter MacWarrior
Goals: Safety of the Northwest corner, Treweeke Mall, and wherever else we can eventually spread to; Eventually all of Malton
Recruitment Policy: Open, contact Fighter MacWarrior ingame
Contact: visit St. Ninian's Hospital in Pescoside, Find Fighter and Speak to him

(Neutral Point of view) The Paladins of Malton is a Role-playing Survivor Group. (End Neutral Point of view)

In the Darkest of Times, Light yet remains...

Within the choas and evil that is Malton, those who yet champion the cause of justice and good arise in the name of that which is right. These extraordinary individuals are known only as Paladins, and fight against the forces of Darkness which seek to consume the whole of Malton, then spill over the concrete boundaries an overtake the world. The evil undead (Hostile zed groups) and even our sworn enemies, the Blackguards (PKers) will stop at nothing to see this evil agenda come to fruition, and so we must be just as vigilant in defending the innocent against these insidious aggressors and their armies. - Fighter MacWarrior

A Paladin's Path

The Path that a Paladin travels throughout their quest for justice is long and arduous, but We are willing to offer guidance every step of the way.

Melee Combat

Hand-to-hand -A Paladin who perfects this skill has become proficient with all types of weapons, as a Paladin must use whatever they can as a weapon to defend the survivors of Malton.

Knife combat -A Paladin who masters this discipline has learned how to use small daggers effectively against their enemies, and thereafter carry a small shortsword as a backup weapon on themselves. this is typically a better form of attack than other improvised weapons.

Axe proficiency -Paladins who master this art can wield large axe-like weapons. Paladins with this skill carry large, silver halberds on their persons, the symbol of The Paladins of Malton.


Free Running -Paladins who master this ability have learned, in spite of heavy arms and armor, to leap great distances with a running start. They can now navigate most buildings by jumping between them.

Ranged Combat

Basic Firearms training -Paladins who master this ability become marginally proficient in the use of Shortbows (Pistols) and Ballistae (Shotguns). They can now also use magic fire (Flares) against enemies to its full effect.

Pistol Training, Adv. Pistol Training -Practice makes a Paladin highly skilled in the use of Shortbows.

Shotgun Training, Adv. Shotgun training -Practice makes a Paladin highly skilled in the operation of Ballistae.

(All Paladins are forwarned that "I was bored" is no excuse for ANYTHING done with a Ballista. If you have enough time to shoot down pigeons with a Ballista, you have enough time to shoot a Blackguard with said Ballista.)


Necrotech Employment -Paladins who master this power can detect the prescence of nearby ressurection sites, and operate the artifacts within to detect the true identities of the faceless undead, and tell the evil scourge apart from the innocent.

Lab experience -Paladins who master this spell can bring the dead to true life again.

Necronet access -Paladins who learn this feat can use the power of the Ressurection site to manufacture Material components for the Raise Dead spell, detect undead from far away, and revive those who are cursed against normal revivication.


Diagnosis -Paladins who learn this secret can identify the severity of the injuries of others.

First aid -Paladins who study this spell can use their healing magic to a greater potential.

Surgery -A paladin who masters this discipline combines scientific and alchemical skill with healing magic, and in a powered area filled with healing artifacts can use healing spells to their full potential.

(Paladins always reserve their healing abilities for those who are good of heart, and never for the evil.)


Shopping -Paladins who learn this skill know where to look within large ancient structures (Malls) based on past visits to find useful items. A Paladin must know where to search for what, so as to not waste time and energy searching for essential equipment.

Bargain hunting -This improves a Paladins ability to search through these areas.

Radio Operation -A Paladin has learned at this point to expand their ability and frequency range to use a telepathic command to send messages to anyone willing to listen.

Body Building -A Paladin has located and donned some light armor, thus increasing their endurance against attack.

Tagging -A Paladin knows how to use ink effectively to leave messages in public areas.

Construction -A Paladin knows how to fortify locations, as well as repair relics of a past age and repair ruins.

Headshot Also known as Smite Evil -This is a Paladin's ultimate ability. A Paladin can substantionally weaken an evil undead creature when it strikes a killing blow against it, holding it's strength at bay for an extended period.

In addition, Paladin's who were once slain may find use for their traits gained as undead.

A Paladin's Principles

Paladin's always help those who are in need The very essence of a Paladin's mission is service to the innocent. A Paladin who is not on a quest, attending to group duties, or defending from a siege, they must accept any request to help others who are within reasonable distance to assist.

Paladin's do not engage in dishonest acts of espionage A Paladin can only use information gained in-game from the Paladin's account for the group's benefit. Anything gained otherwise must be left out of our groups plans. We do not metagame.

Paladin's are the true medicine against dirty warfare If a Paladin encounters multiple injured survivors in a safehouse, they must heal each one a single time before healing one in particular. Infection is an ignoble form of warfare (much like poison) and must be routed wherever it can be found.

Paladin's pursue the welfare of other's before their own If a Paladin is injured, they always heal others who are injured in their presence first, unless doing so would interfere with the ability to heal (such as infection.)

Paladin's DO NOT RUN AWAY If a Paladin is defending a safehouse from attack, and non-Paladin innocents are within the building, a Paladin fights, heals, and Barricades to their last AP, using their final AP to draw attention toward themselves and away from others. A Paladin must be willing to give their life to shield others by exhausting enemy AP, and does not run from enemy encounter of this fashion. (Due to lack of experience, Paladins under level 8 are exempt from this)

Paladin's recognize legitamite athority, if it is Pro-survivor Paladin's must follow the rules and procedure's of assisting other groups and of any safehouse specific rules as though they were a member of that group, unless they come into conflict with a Paladin's principles.

Paladin's NEVER knowingly commit an evil or underhanded act This is grounds for expulsion. If expelled, you must redeem yourself through a specific task, decided by Fighter himself.

Useful Items/Equipment

Melee Weapons: Axe, Knife, Metal Pipe (Doubles as Barricade), Fencing Foil (mainly for show)

Ranged Weapons: Pistols, Shotguns, Flares

Medical Items: First-Aid Kits, Syringes, DNA Scanners

Micellanious: Fuel Cans, Generators, Radio Transmitters, Radios, Toolboxes, Shields to deflect enemy fire (Flak Jackets)

For Fun. (Because even Paladin's need to Relax.): Beer, Wine, Books, Poetry Books, Art Pieces.

Zerging policy

Just don't do it.

Paladin's Oath

I swear to uphold the principles of justice, mercy, and virtuous good. I am always honorable and true; I do not spy or use ignoble tactics against my enemies; in the presence of my bretherin, I am always polite and compassionate. My weapons, my life, and my spirit are the defenders of the righteous. Before the light of good, I swear this Oath.


Duties are assigned to experienced Paladins as a means of furthering their training, as well as continuing the fight against evil. Rules about duties to remember are:

1. Duties can be anything as dissparate as hunting specific Blackguards (PKers) and zombies, to providing healing to a particular safehouse, to going on a diplomatic/scouting mission, to tearing down overbarricaded safehouses, to guarding specific groups/safehouses.

2. A duty could take anywhere from an hour, (just finish the task assigned) to a day, to an entire month or longer. It is also possible to opt for permanent duties.

3. Duties often require working with other groups, and can affect advancement based on their outcome.

For these reasons, those seeking duties must inform Fighter explicitly, so he can make arrangements with other groups (if necessary.)

Paladin Ranks

Red Paladins - Paladins who have recently joined. This rank remains until the Paladin reaches at least level 5 and either completes 5 duties successfully or at Fighter's discretion.

White Paladins - Paladins who have advanced in their skills and dedication to the forces of good. These Paladins advance upon reaching level 15 and completing 10 duites or at Fighter's discretion.

Silver Paladins - These are Paladins who are masters of their enemies and beacons of hope to the downtrodden. Although they do not advance further in ranks (Except to user-specific titles granted by Fighter for incredible achievements) they can, with Fighter's blessings, start their own safehouses.

Paladin General - This is Fighter's rank.


Will have some soon.