The church of cliff burton

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The Church of Cliff Burton

The Church of Cliff Burton

We follow in his path all dreaming that someday our skills in anything could ever touch what he did with his bass, and while we mourn for his fall from the living and Metallica we raise in joyous celebration for the things he has done and that he has risen to true barhah in the end.


The Following of Cliff Burton

1. Once you have Death Rattle (or if you happen to be breathing) say "Gahr Bhrtahn ahn BARHAH!" (For Burton and BARHAH) when you enter a building.

2. We accept all followers of cliff be they living or dead.

3. We are tolerant to some extent (not everyone has great taste or has heard cliff playing without guitar voice and drums drowning him out).

4. We stick together and try to help each other out.

5. Lowest levels get first priority in eating.

6. Speak up! Tell or spray the message of Cliff and Barhah ( is our tinyurl).

Where to Find the Church

Well I could say some standard cheesy church shit such as in your heart but I won't, the Church has no clear resting place. You will have to just post on the discussion if you are interested, sorry but the message must be spread to all.

Our Roster

Other Stuff

Cybernations, finally a game with commies that doesn't suck.