Tricell Pharmaceutical Company/History

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The TriCell Pharmaceutical Company has recently moved into Malton in the form of a team of highly skilled operatives. Their orders are to research the outbreak and to help the survivors. So far the group has been successful in collecting some live specimins which have been taken to a secret location with the leadership stating that they were going to "...try to find a cure".

Currently the company has extended its area of influence into the city of Malton to conduct "research". Several military squads of Tri-Cell's own personal "Trashsweeper" unit have been seen operating in the area and collecting tissue samples from the undead and data pertaining to the outbreak.

It is rumoured that the company isn't as helpful as it appears and has ulterior motives for being Malton. Rumours of Tricell military squads (known as "Trashsweepers") sweeping the suburbs of Malton collecting samples from the undead have been circulating among the survivor community of Malton. Shady dealings have been noted and the ever secretive Tricell doesn't do anything to help matters with next to no information coming out of their facilities.

From what has been learned though is that the Tricell group within Malton is under the leadership of a man called Rohanzap. This secretive figure has never been seen yet his orders are carried out by the members of the group. This all happens while operating under the guise of a survivor friendly group while many believe that Tricell is simply out for itself.

(Written in roleplay style for real info see main page)

Tricell Pharmaceutical Company