Triggs Auto Repair

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Triggs Auto Repair
EHB, lights are on
Danger Updater MDUDC 17:46, 12 February 2021 (UTC)
Triggs Auto Repair

Tapton [48, 78]

the Kene Building Pester Square Hayte Library
Priestly Street Fire Station Triggs Auto Repair St. Cyprian's Church
a carpark Tutcher Place the Deny Hotel

Basic Info:

  • Auto Repair shops have no internal descriptions.
  • Auto Repair shops can be barricaded normally.

Triggs Auto Repair



Renegades HeadQuarters""

The entry point lays next door in St. Cyprian's Church, which serves as the current academy for the Renegades: servicing the lower level players and providing them with a degree of safety while they hone their skills.


Barricade Policy

Barricades are kept at extremely barricaded at all times to provide a safehaven for weary travelers and group members alike.

Current Status

August 16, 2007- The Renegades suffered heavy losses today as zeds broke into our base and killed many members. me, Deus, Josh and Darth were the only ones left. Plans for a rescue and counter-stike are commencing.-Mike46