UDWiki:Administration/Policy Discussion/No autobans allowed

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Looking carefully at these cases:

And at Hagnat's contributions, you can see that the sysop Hagnat has banned himself/requested to be banned twice and twice he has broken that ban. I remember at least 1 more case on wich a Sysop banned himself without infrincting any norm and broke his own ban period as well. See also here for a discussion about this issue previous to this policy proposal.

I do not intend to make a case against the persons, because they didn't do anything against the rules or the spirit of the rules, but sysops in general taking bans so halfheartedly and as a joke worries me much, including the early reapparance. We had cases of the Deletions page being requested for deletion, and the responsible users punished with a vandal escalation: I don't see much of a difference with this case. What this policy proposal is about is avoiding this to happen again. It goes like this:

No banning periods shall be administered to or selfadministered by any system operator unless he has commited vandalism, incurred in some type of misconduct or some other kind of action punishable with a banning period. Aditionally, not any sysop can undo banning periods over his own person under any circumstances, under penalty of a new ban escalation and demotion for the time period his ban takes to complete.

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