Uncyclopedian Forces

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Clock.png Inactive Group
Uncyclopedian Forces are no longer active. Its group page is preserved for archival purposes. Please do not edit this page. This group was reported inactive in 2008.

Uncyclopedian Forces
Uncyclopedian forces logo.png
Abbreviation: UN:Forces
Group Numbers: 12ish
Leadership: UNDecided
Goals: To be funny and not just stupid.
Recruitment Policy: You must be an Uncyclopedian.
Contact: See Contact, below

The Uncyclopedian Forces lasted approximately a year, from mid-2007 to mid-2008. Their former HQ was the Carner Hotel in Dunningwood. Everyone in the group migrated to NexusWar sometime around late 2008. Since NexusWar no longer exists it would be safe to say the Uncyclopedian Forces have effectively disbanded.

We are The Uncyclopedian Forces, a group of people from Uncyclopedia, the content-free Uncyclopedia that anybody can vandalise edit. We believe in the mighty BENSON(well, some of us do) and worship the Lord Potato Sophia as our one true God.

Unfortunately, we have been stranded in the land of Malton through bad fortune and a long night of too much Beer and Wine. The leading theory is that we ended up passed out in the back of a supply truck headed into Malton before the quarantine was enacted. However, we were all too hung-over to remember anything. Despite the, ah, "problem" in Malton, we are heart-set on accomplishing the mission we have set out for ourselves.


At present, Un:Forces is nothing more than a wandering anarchistic mob seeking direction. BARHAH!!

OUR GOAL: TO KICK ZOMBIE ASS!!!(Unless we happen to be zombies at the time, where upon our goal becomes to EAT HARMAN BRA!NZ!!!)


Seriously, though, we're Here To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid. We plan to accomplish this through gratuitous sex humour and violence(namely, Kicking Zombie Ass and EATING HARMAN BRA!NZ!!!). Some users intend to play as humans, some will play as zombies, but all are playing together to have a good time.


UN:Forces was started by Kingkitty and HighGenGrue on July 26th, 2007 on Uncyclopedia. In light of growing interest, groups size, and experience, we have expanded to the Urban Dead Wiki. As we are a young group, we are still recruiting and coalescing. And stuff.


In accordance with Uncyclopedia policy, we're here to be funny and not just stupid. "Stupid" actions include, but are not limited to:

  • Player Killing (PKing)
  • Generator Killing (GKing, though it is sometimes needed)
  • Unnecessary Barricade destruction (except for Zombies)
  • Zerging/Cheating
  • Asshattery
  • Unfairly infiltrating other groups.

There are some actions that, while not overtly stupid, are still discouraged. These include:

  • Spamming the radio with nonsense*
  • Attacking a user, than healing them again (Though this may be the only choice for some n00bs to get XP.)
  • etc.

Additionally, a number of our members support the Sacred Ground Policy, but a number do not. Others believe in the Dual Nature Policy, and there is (at least) one crazy fellow who claims to follow both.

Dual nature.JPG Dual Nature
This User or Group supports the Dual Nature Policy & believes that the citizens of Malton should embrace their two-fold nature.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Rogers.jpg Mr. Rogers Style!
This user or group plays as Mr. Rogers would. They are non-violent as long as there is peace. Start something, however, and expect the wrath of Mr. Rogers and his whole neighborhood.


The quickest and best way to contact the group is through our IRC channel. If you are using Firefox/Mozilla, and do not have an IRC client installed, consider ChatZilla, a plug-in-based client. Manual IRC coordinates:

server: irc.freenode.net
port: 6667
channel: #unforces

Our talk page is also monitored - though a response may take a little longer. Please refrain from posting sensitive material, as there are some who desire not to be brain-snacks.


Because of our name (The Uncyclopedian Forces), we only accept applicants who also are a user in good standing from Uncyclopedia. Never heard of Uncyclopedia? I'm sorry to hear that. I heartily suggest you sign-up for an account there, and start being funny(and not just stupid)! Then, join us! You say you're already an Uncyclopedophileian? I'm sorry to hear that. I heartily suggest you sign-up for an account here, and start killing zombies(and not just harmanz!) Then, Join us!

Please note that we have some standards around here. Generally, you must be an active and not perma-banned. Temporary bans are okay, so long as you didn't create This page does not exist or something irredeemably bat-fuck insane. There is no formal application process for this group, just add your name to the list at the bottom of this page. If your name has been removed, check your talk page or stop being an idiot. There was a reason for it, honest. Additionally, we request that you add "The Uncyclopedian Forces" (without quotes) as your group in your UrbanDead settings. This way, we show up on the Game Stats page all proper.

Once you have joined, head for us! We're currently operating near the Gibsonton / Rolt Heights border. Scream on IRC for an exact location. Security, and all. You should find us if you look around, though.


Name UN Userpage UDWiki Userpage UD Playerpage
Bonner Bonner Bonner Admiral Bonner
EugeneKay EugeneKay Ekashp Ekashp
furrymudkipsking Captain Kingkitty furrymudkipsking
High General Grue High Gen. Grue HighGenGrue HighGenGrue
Hinoa Hinoa Hinoa Hinoa4
Insineratehymn Insineratehymn Insineratehymn
Kalir Kalir Kalir Kalir
Leoispotter Leoispotter Leoispotter
Mitch Mitch 1 2 Ausynth
Pongo Pongo Version 2 Anotherpongo ThePong
Starnestommy Starnestommy Starnestommy Starnestommy
Trar Trar Trar Trar
Joeboak Joeboak Joeboak
Uncyclopedian Uncyclopedian Uncyclopedian