User:A Helpful Little Gnome/1CS3Contraption

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a classroom
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You are inside a classroom of Pridmore Way School, a high school. The windows have been covered with sheets to block interior light and movement. Mattresses, cushions, blankets, and dirty fabrics function as sleeping arrangements.

Names have been written across the whiteboard, resembling a guestbook. Overtop some of the names somebody has spraypainted sometimes things run off a little wooden, and with a poor vocabulary; and I'm left with a simple diary with small lettering.

You examine the contraption fitted to the doorway. Nailed to the door frame is a track, and above that, a slab of metal just the right size to block the way. A little cut-out is placed at head height on the slab (with a moveable covering) to peak through. To let the slab slide down, a kick lever appears to release a strut, which otherwise holds the thing above the doorway. It would be loud, and heaving the slab back up would be difficult. In your best summary, it functions as an instant door barricade. The defence it proposes seems disproporionate with other ways of entry––the windows––which have only armor of the cloth type.

This peculiar attention to detail (the contemplation of the mechanisms of door blocks) makes you imagine the need for its use. Why else offer the information, you conclude. Someone would call this foreshadowing. Must you run and hide soon? Are you safe to leave the classroom? Will the next moment irreversibly enclose onto you, removing the safety prior and replacing it with something horrible and frightening? Was that a sound coming from the hallway outside?

You stand still momentarily, figuring that if you do nothing, then nothing will happen; the world will halt, look to you in patience, forever holding where it is until you move again.

Possible actions:
Examine the teacher's desk Read the whiteboard Leave the classroom
You carry a knife; a journal and a notebook; a bloodied radio and a flare gun. You have a shotgun (2), a pistol (12) and three spare magazines inside your vest pouches. You are wearing a tactical vest, blue jeans, a white T-shirt and a pair of shoes.

User:A Helpful Little Gnome