User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Epi1WoodparkinglotS3

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a clearing
a clearing
a clearing
a dirt road
a parking lot
a dirt road
a clearing
a lake
You are the Protagonist. You have 30 Hit Points and 5 Experience Points. You have ? Action Points remaining.

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You are in a parking lot before a building with a radio tower. A fence with a small gate blocks the way. Wires are interlaced with the mesh of the gate, and there is a constant buzzing. Beyond the fence is a grassy clearing, recently mowed.

A sign reads CAUTION: ELECTRIFIED and below that Use phone for entry. Beside the fence on a wooden pole is a phone, a small camera pointed at it from above.

You step onto the parking lot. Few stray pebbles jab into your toes. Has the pavement been swept? You approach the fence, the building and radio tower behind it. There is a gate, probably locked.

The sign says the fence is electrified, and from the buzzing, it sounds like it. A phone has been provided. Perhaps someone will answer; people were here recently, that much is obvious.

Possible actions:
Try the phone
You carry only a whistle, a bent knife and a smashed radio. It has been a long ride. Your blue jeans are shredded; the T-shirt, stretched 2 sizes larger, is more red than white, and your shoes are unaccounted for. Overtop it all you wear a yellow rain jacket. Perched atop your head is a crumpled paper party hat.
