User:A Helpful Little Gnome/School2CS2Read

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a classroom
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You are inside a classroom of Pridmore Way School, a middle school. Wooden panels have been fitted into window frames, blocking light from escaping. Mattresses, cushions, blankets, and dirty fabrics function as sleeping arrangements. A large map of world geography has markings all over it.

Names have been written across the whiteboard, resembling a guestbook. Overtop some of the names somebody has spraypainted interestingly, we see no repetition of signatures here with thick lettering.

You read the whiteboard. Signatures mark the board in letters large or small, neat or messy, from the oldest to the recent, the former faded and the latter almost fresh. You look for one familiar.

Kate Locke, Kip Saunders, Jeremy Daniels, Roddy Winters, Katie Greenview, Wayson, Earl Campbell, Johnathan Weir, Jay Bennett, Michael Wittman, Aaren Ryan, Edward Greyborne, Emily Quinn, Stephanie Bridges, Dean Smith, Dr. Shadok, Charles Nevel, Rotten Ray, Jesse, Russell Oakley, Marcus Banes, Fiona Hatherley, Radio Survivor, Kirsty Cotton, Yuki Onna, Gus Thomas, Sam Popham, Patrick, TAMMY AND JEN.

You recognize the signatures of Tammy and Jen, both written identically big and awkward, both the handwriting of Tammy.

Possible actions:
Examine the map Search the area Leave the classroom
You carry a knife; a journal and a notebook; a bloodied radio and a flare gun. You have a shotgun (2), a pistol (12) and three spare magazines inside your vest pouches. You are wearing a tactical vest, blue jeans, a white T-shirt and a pair of shoes.

User:A Helpful Little Gnome