User:A Helpful Little Gnome/School2MPR

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multi-purpose room
You are the Stranger. You have 32 Hit Points and 1 Experience Point. You have ? Action Points remaining.

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You are inside the multi-purpose room of Pridmore Way School, a middle school. Beds, often mangled, sit in disorganized rows. Broken medical equipment is nearby. Metal sheets have been fitted into window frames. Thick trails of dried, smeared blood run across the walls and floor, pooling in some areas.

A small, badly damaged portable generator has been set up here. It could never run again.

Somebody has spraypainted Unsanitary conditions are unsatisfactory. Physical restraints are to be used for the dying. Doctors are to have no personal preferences. Violators will be dealt with in some way or another, or a third onto the walls, signed crossed-out as management.

You enter the multi-purpose room. No one is here.

The scene is of blood and smells and weird chemical discolourings. The evidence of turnings is discernable, the knowledge of which you deduce from imperceptible clues––or maybe it was presented to you automatically, and you, conscious of these facts that became known, called it your own doing. Content with this intuition of investigation, you infer logically that there is simply too much blood to be the result of bleeding patients; rather, because of some sympathies for the wounded, or negligence, or the busyness of overcrowding, one or many patients had died while brain intact; and they rose and made the whole room chaos. And then no one bothered to clean up things, with the reason being: everyone was dead––or lazy, or they forgot, or there were no mops around; or maybe the survivors did not care, for they would stay no longer, justifying it by thinking, "Everything else is dirty, and why really is this my responsibility? I made no such mess."

You put your hands on your hips, breathing out in a kind of satisfaction, knowing that your knowing of events is accurate.

Possible actions:
Search the area Examine the beds Leave the multi-purpose room
You carry a knife; a journal and a notebook; a bloodied radio and a flare gun. You have a shotgun (2), a pistol (12) and three spare magazines inside your vest pouches. You are wearing a tactical vest, blue jeans, a white T-shirt and a pair of shoes.

User:A Helpful Little Gnome