User:A Helpful Little Gnome/School2Too

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1 human
You are the Stranger. You have 32 Hit Points and 1 Experience Point. You have ? Action Points remaining.

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You are inside the basement-hallway of Pridmore Way School. It is dark, though ahead there is light. Nearby something hums and it is deafening. Also here is Jen (47HP).

You say, "Oh, I was heading there too." You are perplexed by Jen's question on whether or not you have eaten enough. You have never eaten anything. Is that normal? You have seen no one else eat. Are they normal? Do they eat when you are not looking?

A second person comes out into the hall, from the same door, which they leave open. You can see their short, partially shadowed figure.

Since your last turn:
Jen says "Alright! Good. Perhaps you're sick too? I could stick you with needles." (57 seconds ago)
Jen shines her flashlight in your face. (45 seconds ago)
Jen says "You do look a lot worse. Have you gotten enough to eat?" (38 seconds ago)
Down the hall, the same door opens and light spills out. The humming becomes intolerably loud. (29 seconds ago)
A figure moves into the hall and turns about a few times. (27 seconds ago)
someone yells "Jen?" (20 seconds ago)
someone yells "Hey! Jen! Why are you standing over there?" (17 seconds ago)
someone yells "Are you with someone? Who is that?" (11 seconds ago)
someone yells "Who the fuck are you talking to?" (5 seconds ago)
Possible actions:
Let Jen speak
You carry a knife; a journal and a notebook; a bloodied radio and a flare gun. You have a shotgun (2), a pistol (12) and three spare magazines inside your vest pouches. You are wearing a tactical vest, blue jeans, a white T-shirt and a pair of shoes.

User:A Helpful Little Gnome