User:A Helpful Little Gnome/mg/0309frontmaps-ThSaGorGonAsCrMiBi

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3rd Floor
Room 0309
8 humans
You are Benjamin. You have 50 Hit Points and 50 Experience Points. You have ? Action Points remaining.

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You are inside Room 0309 of the Harold Hotel. The far wall is mostly window, and a door leads out to a balcony. There is one bathroom and a bedroom. Also here are Thadeous Oakley (50HP), Saor Eireann (50HP), Gorbonzo (55HP) & Gondolla (50HP), Ashley Valentine (38HP), Criid (50HP), Mia Kristos (50HP), and Bill Morrissey (60HP). The front door to the room has been lightly barricaded. The east and west side doors are secured.

Somebody has spraypainted Milla: Ackland not what it seemed, meet at St. Ferreol's - Billy onto a wall.

You examine the maps of the hotel's fire escape plans. There are eight maps for all the floors (excluding the basement); the words INCASE OF A FIRE EMERGENCY are clearly visible on the top of each map. There are various different "You Are Here" marks, and the different escape routes point to the NW, SW, NE stairwells, the SE fire escape, the atrium (which reaches the 8th floor from the 2nd) and the central stairwell. All-cap words advise against using the elevators.

Someone has taken the time to identify Places of Interest with a red marker; you recognize the caches for which you have the keys. But there are also rooms you've never known about: 0488, 0566, 0641, and 0808. (Try to remember these and find the keys.)

On a more unnerving note, the author writes that the east side of the hotel is "mostly trapped to hell," and to "not go there," unless you are "crazy and want the goodies." You can't remember, in the week prior to this day in which you've stayed here, having ever found a trap. Perhaps you were just lucky. Or there are no traps.

Since your last turn:
Criid tosses a torn bag over her shoulder, having had enough of suitcases and empty baggage. (1 minute ago)
Possible actions:
Search the bathroom Search the bedroom
Revolver (6) Revolver ammo (19) Suite keys Stale candy Mobile phone

User:A Helpful Little Gnome