User:A Helpful Little Gnome/mg/thadmia-Cr-1

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2nd Floor
Room 0263
1 human
You are Benjamin. You have 50 Hit Points and 45 Experience Points. You have ? Action Points remaining.

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You are in Room 0263 of the Harold Hotel. The bed is snapped in two and the wallpaper has been scraped away in places. Thick trails of blood are smeared across the walls and floor. Gore is collected in scattered lumps. Also here is Criid (50HP). The front door and the side door to the room have been left wide open.

Somebody has etched slimm was here onto a table.

There are eleven dead bodies here. You recognize Thadeous Oakley, Saor Eireann, Gorbonzo & Gondolla, Anton Howard, Ashley Valentine, and Mia Kristos.

You search Thadeous first, stepping over the mess. His body is mostly a cavity; the ribs are turned up and pulled out; his face is caved in, the brain removed. His knife is plunged into the skull of a nearby zombie. You pull it out.

You look for Mia's body, eventually locating her rucksack. Her legs, which have been picked clean to bone, pop out of their joints as you remove the bag. You grab her pistol, but find no spare ammo. You expect her to suddenly animate, but her brain is similarly eaten as Thadeous'.

Criid is listening at the front door, motioning you over.

Since your last turn:
Criid says "Ben?" (7 seconds ago)
Possible actions:
Go to Criid
Revolver (5) Revolver ammo (7) Suite keys Stale candy Mobile phone knife rucksack (bandages, half-filled water bottle, syringe, flashlight, pistol)

User:A Helpful Little Gnome