User:A Lost Boy/Poe
Entry 1: ...but just wait until night falls.
What a nice dirtnap... DAMN! How long have I been out? Damnit, that bump wasn't there before; what pissant did this?
Damn jerks, dragging me to some library. Like I'd need to learn anything else. I've got all I need right up here. And what's great this time is that I can come out during the daytime and play.
Bet my dickless brothers are off bashing somebody's brains out right now. Damn sons of bitches. Seriously, when I find 'em, I'm gonna zomb-out on their brains this time. For realz! In the meantime, I got some serious ass-kicking to catch up on.
Let's make a Flock and live up the good times 'till the end times. Just remember: It's all about Truth, justice, and 'Brains Along the Way'!
A Lost Boy 04:03, 16 November 2007 (UTC)
Entry 2: Son... of... a... bitch!
I almost had a free meal in Buttonville! You just wait until I regenerate myself small fries! I'm going to shove bourbon down your throats, rip out your entrails, dip your fingers in your own blood, and then make you eat them! And you'll like it! A Lost Boy 00:58, 17 November 2007 (UTC)
Entry 3: Oh yeah! A good day's rest is EXACTLY what the doctor ordered!
Don't know who dragged be to the police station, don't care. Grabbed some chow nearby and feelin' fine. So mah brothers, where the Bash at now? What? Buttonville? I told you all there was good eats there! This bird's flying south this Winter, any other ducks wanna join the flock? A Lost Boy 05:54, 24 November 2007 (UTC)
Hey, it's a Robin Sparkles video! Let's go to the mall... today! Let's go to the mall... today! A Lost Boy 02:32, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
Entry 4: I want you! I want you, meatball!! You hear that, Old Man? You come back here! Nobody can beat me! You're NEXT! I'm gonna kill you! Nobody can stop me! I'M COMING AFTER YOU!!
I eat lightning! I crap thunder!! You think this man's dangerous? I'm dangerous! I'M DANGEROUS!! I'm not done with you yet, meatball! I'll break your spirit! I'll break your back! I. Will. Break you!
No one can believe the supernatural strength of Poe Frog! I am the Zed! A Lost Boy 18:36, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Entry 5: Winner... by Disqualification...
Crazy ass Zombie-on-Zombie violence!
What? I am the champ! I am the winner! I beat him! You hear me, I beat you! 32 - 28! He dead, sucker! I don't need to prove nothing more! This conference is over! A Lost Boy 00:20, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
Entry 6: It feels GOOD to be BAD!
Oooooooh yeah, brother! Thanks a lot Suspicious Local for letting me back in the game, in front of a MALL of all places! Harmans are HALF OFF today! HAHAHAHAHA! I'm so happy I could... I could break out in song!
I wanted to be... undead, Jack!
With some buddies by my side, we'd sing! Sing! Sing!
I'm a zed undead and I'm OK.
I stalks all night and I sleep all day.
He's a undead zed and he's OK.
He stalks all night and he sleeps all day.
I cut down harmans, I eat their brains,
I sleep in the cemet'ry.
On Fridays I go shopping,
And have bloodied clothes on me.
He cuts down harmans, he eat their brains,
He sleeps in the cemet'ry.
On Fridays he goes shopping,
And has bloodied clothes on thee.
He's a undead zed and he's OK.
He stalks all night and he sleeps all day.
I cut down harmanz, I lurch and gait,
I love to stomp wild flow'rs.
I put on women's clothing,
And hang around in... Wait, wait.. wait a minute Mean Gene. Cut the prompter there.
He cuts down harmanz. He lurches and gaits,
He likes to press wild flowers.
He puts on...
DUDE! Let me tell you something, brother!
You better say your prayers, take your organz and believe that I won't chomp my 4-inch canines into your brain!
Because anything less would be too civilized.16:44, 11 January 2008 (UTC)
Entry 7: Aw, Kings Day is here again!
Someone shut my pie hole and call my momma! It's like I died and woke up in some kind of candy store!
And by candy, I mean innocent victims! Some kind soulless being must have given me a late holiday gift by leaving me in Lazarus!
Well, enough of saying grace, time to say GOOD NIGHT MOON, BARAH! A Lost Boy 15:33, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
Entry 8: Zed on zed violence? Where's the JUSTICE?!
Oh wait, here it is.
Damn MO-RON! I am the UNDISPUTED heavyweight CHAMPION. Of. The. WOOOOORLD!
Just check out entry #5 and BELIEVE!
Zombie-on-zombie... we're supposed to be eating Human brains! Cannibalism just leaves a bad taste in your mouth!
A Lost Boy 15:02, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
Entry 9: I'll get you! I'll get you and your little dog too1
Damn hunters. Makes me want to eat the babies. Blecght. Great smooth taste, but not very filling. Now, a stout man... A Lost Boy 00:56, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
Entry 10: *sniff* The little ones always grow up so fast
Helped a newbie out today. I don't know what it is with these stupid neon lights, but they just attract the best in us. We're just camping outside these gates until someone opens the doors and gets the party started! (I hear the girls from up north don't have either eyeball -- now that's hot.) A Lost Boy 12:56, 3 March 2008 (UTC)
Entry 11: I feel so much more powerful... so much more... EVIL
Thanks for the invitation bigy! Where my 'rainz at?
Aaaahh, there's nothing like turning people over to the undead side. I feel stronger than I've ever felt before, I'm armed with my teeth, it's 10.6 blocks to get to Clapton stadium, it's dark and I'm wearing sunglasses. I'd hit that. A Lost Boy 15:39, 6 March 2008 (UTC)
Entry 12: Anyone feel like us zombies need subtitles?
I mean, there's so many ways you can interpret (Hrrh!) in Malton. For once, I'd like to be able to understand what my brethren say without going (Hrrh?). Granted, most of us will probably be going (Brains! Humans! Ragh!), but sometimes a nice (How you doing?) or (Zombie hunters approacheth!) or a (Get out of my way noob!) would be nice.
Heck, even a middle finger gesture would be nice for WHEN SOMEBODY IS STEALING A KILL FROM A ROOKIE! A Lost Boy 00:44, 10 March 2008 (UTC)
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The Second Big Bash! |
This User or Group is a member of The Second Big Bash, and will be coming to your neighborhood soon! Please have lots of fresh brains ready when they arrive with all their friends. |
Dual Nature | |
This User or Group supports the Dual Nature Policy & believes that the citizens of Malton should embrace their two-fold nature. |
- Libraries are great places to rot your brain or read "B & E for Dummies" books.
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