
From The Urban Dead Wiki
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Cleaned the page up - barely.

Goodhidingplace.jpg SEARCH THE BOX
This user knows a kitten is in that box!
World Domination.JPG World Domination
This user or group is currently trying to conquer the world.

Note To Self; links. Acciaccatura

  • Islands
  • The Hat Store! Northeast corner of Tompson Mall (coordinates: 21,81), in the suburb of Lockettside.
  • The Goth Store, southeast corner of Ackland Mall (33,45), in the suburb of Havercroft.
  • And the Kilt Store! No, not really.
  • UD Metatac
  • a junkyard, Reganbank [16, 59]; rosary beads (cathedrals; churches); dark red waistcoat (cinemas). Waistcoat and necklace. Huntley Heights. Toetagz.
  • The Sandbox and some Technical Help;

Templates!. Almost lost that link.

- N A V I G A T I O N -

It's currently 04:54, based on server time.