User:Alka Selzer/Sandbox1

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Last Map Update:
06:40, 7 April 2009 (BST)
Suburb Scan Status Colors

On average, scans from local NT Buildings are less than 7 days old.


On average, scans from local NT Buildings are 22-45 days old.


On average, scans from local NT Buildings are 8-21 days old.


On average, scans from local NT Buildings are 46 or more days old.

No NT Buildings

This suburb has no NT Buildings

Building Scan Status Colors


A scan was submitted in the last 7 days.


Last scan was submitted 22-45 days ago.


Last scan was submitted 8-21 days ago.


Last scan was 46 days or more ago.

Testing Console Look

| NTOS 2.0 NecroTech Corp. generic kernel release 277851 |
| Welcome to host |
| No mail. |
| |
| nec-94611:~> cat NecroWatch.asc |
| |
| ................*****................ |
| ..............*********.............. |
| .............**$$$***$**............. |
| ............***$$*$**$***............ |
| ............***$$**$*$***............ |
| .............**$$***$$**............. |
| ..............*********.............. |
| ................*****................ |
| nec-94611:~> CursorBlink.gif |
| 30px-NWRank.gif30px-NWRank.gif30px-NWRank.gif    | Alka Selzer|51 NWRibbonRank3.png NWRibbonASE.png |

Newstemplate release 2

ALICE.png A.L.I.C.E. - NecroNet 2.0

NecroWatch reported in from {{{building}}}. The scan revealed {{{zombies}}} zombies in the scanning range of the facility.

Necro Technician:{{{user}}}

NecroWatch reported in from {{{building}}}. The scan revealed {{{zombies}}} zombies in the scanning range of the facility.

Necro Technician:{{{user}}}