User:Badwolf robotics

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Character Info

Badwolf Robotics
View 352172 1 1254932197.jpg
Joined: 2006-05-22 16:34:10
Character class: Military - Private Contractor
Favorite equipment: Fire Axe
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Deep In The Cold Ground
Character group: Dentonside Power
Character stats: Deaths: 45
Journal: No Journal for Badwolf Robotics

Dollars.jpg Capitalism
This User or Group supports the ideals of Capitalism as well as its reintegration into Malton society.

Template created by Tohrurokuno 8 Jan 08 Proud Sponsor of Urban Dead!
This user or group decided to stop being a cheapskate and donated to Urban Dead. So what's your excuse?

Status Update - 12/03/2025

It's been a while.

In a few days, this will all be over. I have good memories of playing this game as a teenager, so much so that it inspired me to try and make a version of the map on Minecraft, before cutting it back to the suburb of Dentonside as some back-of-a-napkin math showed my rate of construction would result in it being finished by about 2040. This, along with an experimental painting version of the map of Ridleybank serve as curious souvenirs of my time in Malton.

Ultimately it's a bit of a shame it never did make it to it's 20th Anniversary, it was nice while it lasted and maybe to commemorate those long years I'll make some more weird art focusing on the various landmarks, the Malls, the Power Stations, Forts and so forth. Or maybe not, we'll have to see.

Status Update - 02/01/2014

Unfortunately I'm more or less dead around here. I'm still in Dentonside (It's practically my second home - my second URBANDEAD home) however I'm currently propping up a doorway somewhere allowing my scent to waft through the streets as a warning to all that nothing truly dies in Malton.

Current Projects:

Despite my disappearance from Malton I am still alive outside of that city. I can now be found on YouTube, Tumblr and a central "consolidation" page which I will have to create at some point as to keep my links down to a minimum. You can find the links down below if you are interested!

History - (Pre 2014)

I remember making my first character way back when this game was fresh and relatively new, unfortunately I didn't get the game much so I just gave up, but since then I have moved on and created several new characters, several of them now "MIA" or Missing In Action due to lack of activity as I became more adept with the game and eventually stuck with my now permanent character, Badwolf Robotics.

My first actual group I decided to join was Dentonside Power and the first part of my mission involved me travelling across the city to Dentonside, my now permanent residence. From then on myself and my current boss at the time TTHSK worked within the local area, mainly doing odd jobs and working towards securing the Tolman Power Plant.

Unfortunately after a series of attacks by a PKer, who is now redundant from the game I fled but soon returned once things had settled down, but eventually TTHSK gave up on the game, so I personally took control of Dentonside Power as I was really the last member left and didn't wish to see the group die, mainly because it had some potential and it just needed to be unleashed.

So here I am today, still in Dentonside, still part of Dentonside Power and still trying to make Dentonside a better place.

People I Dislike...

Yes, this is a list of people I dislike, hate or want to mutilate for one reason or another. To be fully honest it's probably just going to be Pkers who are placed within this section and this only acts as a reminder for those people who deserve to have a vending machine dropped on them from a great height.

  • Nana Agatha - Yeah... She's an evil, bitch of a woman who belongs to the church of death. Lousy English Nanny! You sure as hell didn't smell and feel like warm cookie dough to me! You smelled of corruption and death and your hands felt rubbery and cold!


Personal Links

Urban Dead Links

Wolf-Rock Airfield For Unimplementia!

The Malton Suburb of Wolf-Rock Airfield
Woodland a field a field a field Woodland Woodland Woodland Woodland Woodland Woodland
Woodland a field Runway a field a field a field a field a field a field Woodland
Woodland a field Runway Taxiway Taxiway Hanger a field Helipad a field Woodland
a field a field Runway a field Taxiway Hanger a field Road a field Woodland
a field Control Tower Runway a field Taxiway Fuel Pumps a field Road Woodland Woodland
a field Empty Shed Runway a field Taxiway a field a field Road Woodland Woodland
a field a field Runway a field Taxiway Small Terminal Building Carpark Road Woodland Clearing
Woodland a field Runway Taxiway Taxiway Small Terminal Building Carpark Road Woodland Woodland
Woodland a field Runway a field a field a field a field Road Woodland Woodland
Woodland a field a field a field Woodland Woodland Woodland Road Woodland Woodland


  • The hangers are basically like warehouses, except they would be holding planes, not just boxes and junk.
  • The small terminal is a multi-block building. Kind of like a supermarket or a mall, just with less shops and things.

Unnamed Work In Progress

The Malton Suburb of Empty
Woodland Woodland Woodland Woodland Woodland Woodland Woodland Road Woodland Woodland
Woodland Woodland Woodland Woodland Woodland Clearing Woodland Road Woodland Woodland
Grass Footpath Grass Footpath Grass Footpath Grass Footpath Woodland Woodland Woodland Road Woodland Woodland
a field a field River Wooden Foot Bridge River River River Wooden Road Bridge River River
a field a field River Grass Footpath Grass Footpath Grass Footpath Grass Footpath Road a field a field
a field a field River The Corone Inn Corone Arms Carpark Petrol Station Road a field a field
Road Road Wooden Road Bridge Road Road Road Road Road a field a field
a field a field River a field a field Road a field a field a field a field
River River River a field a field Road a field a field a field a field
a field a field a field a field a field Road a field a field a field a field