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barnoid was there shortly after this whole mess began, though he was in hiding for nearly a year. He appears rather bookish except for the blood encrusted fireaxe slung over his back. He also carries a battered leather satchel.


barnoid was in Malton for a conference on computer vision techniques when he heard what sounded like a riot in the street outside the window of his Shuttlebank hotel. The horrors he witnessed from that window made him flee to the safety of a basement storage room in the hotel where he remained in hiding for almost a year.

Eventually he came to the conclusion that the zombie apocalypse wasn't going to blow over and decided to brave the streets. Using his scientific expertise he managed to find employment as a lowly zombie tagger for the local NecroTech. From there he built up his confidence and experience of dealing with the rotting types.

A lot of this experience was gained in attempting to fend off unruly trick-or-treaters at the Latrobe building during the Third Siege of Caiger Mall.

barnoid is also the champion chocolate egg hunter, as recorded here.


I originally signed up on 4th August 2005, 32 days after Urban Dead went live. For some reason the game didn't immediately grab me. Could be because at that time there were many server problems and this wiki didn't yet exist so information for newbies was fairly sparse.

How about all those eggs then?

At the time I was having a bit of an explore of the eastern suburbs which were practically deserted. The eggs only appeared in empty buildings of which there were loads nearby. So I got lucky.