An Introduction
Greetings, I am Budric, of the Beaumont line of nobles. Before delving into the more intimate parts of my life, I should begin with that most pressing of information, why I'm here. How I came to be in this hell is a story worth it's time.
In February of 2004, about a year before the beginning outbreak, one of the last members of my ancestral line fell to disease. Though he was obscure to the public, my grandfather was one of the few to retain the fortune acquired by so many of our forebearers. Rich in property and character, he had helped to foster in me the rare principles that make up a nobleman, in the same manner as my father before his tragic accident. After his death, I found myself in posession of a great wealth, and indebted as I was to him, I sought to invest it in many of his closest ventures. Unfortunately, my business eye was not as keen as I had predicted, and my arrogance cost me a majority of the inheritance. Within six months, the sum total had dwindled so that there were fewer and fewer viable opportunities for investment. Engaged to be married, I intended to at least double what was left, that I might have a proper ceremony and still be able to recover the legacy of my grandfather.
During this time, I had eeked out another small venture, in northern California. A mining company was going bankrupt, for lack of proper resources. My freinds and associates ushered me to buy it up, and to organise a merger with a larger local company to bring it back up. En route to my destination, the small plane made a routine stop in a tiny airport just outside of Malton, the pilot needing to take care of smaller business in town. It was late at night, and there was a putrid aroma to the air, one which I could not quickly identify. Three hours later, the pilot had not returned, and I began to search for him. Within minutes, I came upon the grotesque remains of my transportation, with three zombies huddled close around him. I panicked, and fled immediately to the city, hoping to alert the authorites. After this, I'm afraid my memory fades. I was unconscious for sever hours, it seems, and awoke in a state of amnesia. I could not remember anything about myself or how I had gotten here.
I spent the next few months wandering about the city, scrounging to survive. I made short alliances, and scavenged constantly. It wasn't until I was holed up in Ridleybank that anything progressed for me. There was an attack on the police department I was holed up in, and was infected. The following year I have no memory of at all, but thinking about the attrocities I must have committed makes me shudder. Thankfully, a Necrotech employee, during an attack on their building, was able to revivify me, and my memory rushed back to me. Now alive, and with new purpose, I hope to reclaim my legacy and perhaps see my fiance once again.
Personal Traits
A man of honor, I do not condone murder, except in defense of the self or the innocent, or in an agreed duel. On that note, I regard the pacification/elimination of zombies to ALWAYS be a form of defense. However, I am NOT a Necrotech employee, and will not go out of my way to revivify strangers. Other than this singular prejudice, I am curteous, kind, and always attempt to be polite to any and all survivors. Please feel free to speak to me, or ask me for assistance in any way.
Causes in which I engage or support
Centers Of Learning Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Centers of Learning Policy & acknowledges that all libraries, schools, zoos, and museums in the city of Malton are considered safe places. No survivor in one of these locations may be killed for any reason unless that survivor is a specified enemy of this user or group.
Malton Police Departments Group
This user or group supports the MPDG in their attempt at restoring law and order in Malton.
Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
Nah Narbahbargarz!
This user supports NNNNH, and is probably off saving newbies from extinction.