Understood. This page explains that suburbs with two masts actually contain one active/working mast while the secondary is a phantom mast. Undoing all my previous changes to the William Museum. ;) --BunnyHopkins 02:03, 13 November 2013 (UTC)
Confused. The MPM Map clearly shows only one MPM per suburb. Am I correct in assuming this means that each suburb only has one designated 'official' MPM (as a rally point)? The MPM Info Center also clearly shows only one designated MPM per burb. However, I've observed more than one MPM per suburb before while walking around with my alts. Does this mean I shouldn't go messing around with editing William Museum's danger report/mast status? Must ask Bob when he returns. --BunnyHopkins 00:07, 13 November 2013 (UTC)
I just found an unreported MPM (?!) (:S) at the William Museum in Reganbank. Am currently trying to figure out how to edit the danger report to include mast status. This is more fun than actually playing the game! --BunnyHopkins 00:13, 12 November 2013 (UTC)