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Operation May: Dr. Able's side
Skedhu Uprising HQ
aux. supply room
1 unliving
1 tehb
corridor (blocked)
You are an outsider. You have 50 Hit Points and 30 Experience Points. You have ∞ Action Points remaining.
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You are inside a corridor, now plunged into darkness. The overhead lamps on the walls are non-functional. The walls are quite bare, save for a few fresh bloodstains, but they feel smooth and cold to the touch. Also here are Dr. Able (41HP), Amy Hanley (36HP), Primrose Arni, and Taiga Rosetti.

You remain where you are, resisting the urge to slap Primrose.

You don't know about anyone else, but she's a bit too cocky over nothing. Still, you probably aren't in the position to do that.

Dr. Able restrains Amy. (56 seconds ago)
Taiga firmly slaps Primrose's cheek. (56 seconds ago)
Taiga says "What did I say about making off-handed comments?" (55 seconds ago)
Primrose raises her hand, presumably to return the favor. Taiga takes both of Primrose's hands before the latter can do so. (53 seconds ago)
Primrose says "Really? What are you, my fundi?" (50 seconds ago)
Taiga says "Before you tell me that this is child abuse, you're not a child anymore." (45 seconds ago)
Taiga says "It's called 'teaching you a lesson'." (42 seconds ago)
Taiga says "Apologize to Doctor Able and Amy." (40 seconds ago)
Primrose says "**** that." (39 seconds ago)
Taiga says "What a spoiled brat." (38 seconds ago)
Primrose says "Eish, jawelnofine." (36 seconds ago)
Primrose rolls her eyes. (35 seconds ago)
Primrose says "I'm m***********' sooorry." (33 seconds ago)
Taiga says "WITHOUT profanities." (31 seconds ago)
Primrose says "I am sorry. Happy now?" (28 seconds ago)
Taiga says "It's insincere, but it's still a start." (25 seconds ago)
Amy says "By the way, who is this Melrose you're referring to?" (21 seconds ago)
Taiga says "She's part of the Uprising, but I have heard some rumors alluding to her being a spy." (10 seconds ago)
Taiga says "I don't like to believe that, but she likes to try infuriating Arni." (10 seconds ago)
Taiga says "Oh, you're Amy, right?" (8 seconds ago)
Amy says "Ah, yes." (7 seconds ago)
Taiga says "You're as beautiful as Papa Dod says." (5 seconds ago)
Primrose says "You're kidding me, right? She looks like a gogo." (2 seconds ago)
Taiga sighs heavily. (2 seconds ago)
Taiga says "I don't know how anyone can stand her." (just now)
Possible actions:
"I certainly can't."
Primrose-isms Explained (Derived from Afrikaans)
fundi: (from Nguni "umfundisi") teacher.
jawelnofine: an expression denoting that something didn't go the way you want it to be, but that you can't do anything about it, except for resign to that fate.
windgat: highly contextual, but it means 'cocky' in this case.
gogo: (from isiZulu "ugogo") grandmother, or an elderly woman

You carry a small knapsack, which holds the following items: some stale candy, curry bread, a knife, a Bulbous Vial, a handheld radio, a flashlight, and your phone. On top of your clothing, you wear a black helmet, a black latex bodysuit, and a black tactical vest with an emptied pistol and 1 spare magazine inside the vest pouches.