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Operation May: Dr. Able's side
Skedhu Uprising HQ
1 human
You are an outsider. You have 50 Hit Points and 20 Experience Points. You have ∞ Action Points remaining.
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You are inside an elevator, its metal doors cold to the touch. There are no dials, no buttons, and no visible cameras inside. Also here are Dr. Able (41HP) and Darry.

You say, "I still don't think I can trust you, Darry."

It's not just the suspicious vibe you get from him, everything else about him seems sketchy, at best. The way he was about to slow down the elevator and make a cut with a laser metal cutter still boggles you. That's not something just anyone can do. He can even be a spy, for all you know.

Since your last turn:
Darry says "No problem." (2 minutes ago)
Darry says "I don't really trust you two either." (1 minute and 54 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "How do you expect to help me if that's the case?" (1 minute and 46 seconds ago)
Darry says "I don't know, we just see what happens?" (1 minute and 38 seconds ago)
Darry says "Don't be so uptight, Doctor. It adds wrinkles to your forehead." (1 minute and 32 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "I'm not going to fully commit my trust to you, either." (1 minute and 26 seconds ago)
Darry says "Smart." (1 minute and 24 seconds ago)
Dr. Able sings "Natalofu cito taggang na tata mula ♪" (A plant grew here in my chest) (58 seconds ago)
Dr. Able sings "Sicuac na nenac naguluwenque yo matac ♪" (In my eyes, it keeps growing) (50 seconds ago)
Dr. Able sings "Nasiwarac ta bagic na gamot nera ♪" (Its roots scattered in my body) (42 seconds ago)
Dr. Able sings "Nabucatan yo taggang cu, so bangôg no ino lappaw na ♪" (My chest was opened, with the fragrance of its flower) (35 seconds ago)
Dr. Able sings "Yo inque na yo nacam cu nu lawitan nu yo pobre a futu ♪" (So in my deepest thoughts, it enriched my poor heart) (27 seconds ago)
Dr. Able sings "Magga cinag inque yo taggang, futuc wayi madamdam siccuam ♪" (My chest smells of the sun, when my heart remembers you) (18 seconds ago)
Dr. Able sings "Batwengan nu yo maiduc a pobre a futuc ♪" (Take care of my poor heart) (10 seconds ago)
Dr. Able sings "A umang maquicitata somapia ira mapangwa pangwa ♪" (So that it will keep on growing for everyone) (1 second ago)
You hear a ding, and the elevator stops moving. (just now)
Possible actions:
"Are we there yet?"
You carry a small knapsack, which holds the following items: some stale candy, a knife, a Bulbous Vial, a handheld radio, a flashlight, and your phone. On top of your clothing, you wear a black helmet, a black latex bodysuit, and a black tactical vest with an emptied pistol and 1 spare magazine inside the vest pouches.