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Operation May: Dr. Able's side
Skedhu Uprising HQ
aux. supply room (blocked)
corridor (blocked)
2 unliving
1 tehb
corridor (blocked)
corridor (blocked)
You are an outsider. You have 50 Hit Points and 30 Experience Points. You have ∞ Action Points remaining.
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You are inside a corridor. Overhead lamps to your left and right light up the path. The walls are quite bare, save for a few fresh bloodstains, but they feel smooth and cold to the touch. Also here are Dr. Able (41HP), Amy Hanley (36HP), Primrose Arni, Taiga Rosetti, and Roselaine.

You say, "Come on, Amy, how did you do it?"

That explains why Arni was manifesting through your correspondence with Doctor Able. You still don't quite understand how she was able to do it. Was she with Arni at the time?

Roselaine clears his throat. (5 minutes and 35 seconds ago)
Amy says "I was growing increasingly forgetful of many things, due to stress." (5 minutes and 29 seconds ago)
Amy says "In the days that followed after May's disappearance, I would return to the Underground, searching for May whenever I could." (5 minutes and 20 seconds ago)
Amy says "In the mornings, I had to teach general science to school children. In the afternoon, I'd head out and ask around if people have seen May. I got very little, if any, sleep." (5 minutes and 7 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "Why didn't you ask me for help?" (5 minutes and 4 seconds ago)
Amy says "You were very busy that week. You had an unusual amount of patients following the Pandemic celebration, and I can only imagine why." (4 minutes and 54 seconds ago)
Dr. Able nervously stifles a sound. You're not sure if it's a whimper or a gasp. (4 minutes and 53 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "I only even found out that May was missing because of those posters you were spreading around." (4 minutes and 45 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "Were you really that angry over..." (4 minutes and 38 seconds ago)
Amy says "Of course I was, you butt! As far as I knew, my mom was dead, and she could no longer harm you. You wouldn't come back h-" (4 minutes and 30 seconds ago)
Dr. Able presses one of his fingers against Amy's lips, and locks her in his embrace. (4 minutes and 30 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "Shh, none of that for now..." (4 minutes and 27 seconds ago)
Amy says "Eventually, I could not even bring myself to eat, after seven days had passed." (4 minutes and 20 seconds ago)
Amy says "My memory of recent events was getting spotty, as my students noticed." (4 minutes and 14 seconds ago)
Amy says "Eventually, I was starting to forget details from the previous week, and I now blame it on getting only a single hour of sleep in a day." (4 minutes and 4 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "I'm really sorry that I was not there for you. You could have disturbed me, and I would have referred all my patients to the other-" (3 minutes and 53 seconds ago)
Amy says "I was getting desperate, and I began to make some 'Missing Person' posters. I distributed them around Shadowglen, the Darkside, and I asked people to distribute it in the Masquerade in Atebus." (3 minutes and 37 seconds ago)
Amy says "I was texting people, and some people sent me the picture Finch took of May and I. How did I even forget that I asked him to take the pictures?" (3 minutes and 26 seconds ago)
Amy tears up. (3 minutes and 25 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "I don't blame you or have any hard feelings about it, okay? Don't tear up now..." (3 minutes and 19 seconds ago)
Taiga says "Speak a bit more softly. Primrose is sleeping." (3 minutes and 15 seconds ago)
Taiga gently strokes Primrose's hair as she positions the latter's head to lean against her lap. (2 minutes and 49 seconds ago)
Roselaine writes "Can you just get on with how you hacked Arni?" (2 minutes and 41 seconds ago)
Amy says "I was not only losing my memories, but I was also blacking out so often." (2 minutes and 34 seconds ago)
Amy says "Some unliving had crashed into my home, and the next time I gained consciousness, I was in a very small bedroom." (2 minutes and 26 seconds ago)
Amy says "Arni told me that he was taking me as a hostage, demanding for specific reforms to be made, and a sum of SP 500 million for my release." (2 minutes and 15 seconds ago)
Amy says "I asked him if he knew where May was. He told me that he'd return May to me, and that he'd set me free without the ransom price, if I did a favor for him." (2 minutes and 2 seconds ago)
Amy says "He struggled to tell me what that favor was, just for him to snap into hostility." (1 minute and 55 seconds ago)
Amy says "It took me a while to even figure out that he was a robot. He seemed very human to me, until the time he was glitching in front of me." (1 minute and 44 seconds ago)
Amy says "He shackled me while he was hostile, and gave me this laptop." (1 minute and 29 seconds ago)
Amy takes her laptop and props it up on her lap. (1 minute and 26 seconds ago)
Amy says "This laptop has a program called 'PAPABOT Direct Console'." (1 minute and 22 seconds ago)
Amy says "He seemed to want me to do something with it, but I did not know how to use it." (1 minute and 15 seconds ago)
Amy says "He was a cross between vexed and disappointed that I could not do anything with the console. He said he took me as my mother's replacement, and that I was his only hope." (58 seconds ago)
Amy says "He would alternate between anger and pleading, always saying he'd free May if I followed what he said, but that I cannot tell anyone about it, or whatever I was doing." (45 seconds ago)
Amy says "One day, possibly that day when Finny first went here, I was trying to figure out how to use the console." (38 seconds ago)
Amy says "It opened up to a log, which displayed what Arni was saying through the Emergency Broadcast System, in real-time." (30 seconds ago)
Amy says "While exploring the interface, I found that the console was also recording all of Finny's movement, speech, and location. Shackled, I cannot do anything but sit here, watch, and attempt to stop Arni." (16 seconds ago)
Amy says "I was very worried. I was trying to type in random commands, until I found a way to "speak" through Arni." (8 seconds ago)
Amy says "As soon as power is restored, I can show you the logs that I received." (4 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "Amy... thank you..." (2 seconds ago)
Dr. Able holds Amy tighter. (1 second ago)
Amy's eyes widen as she wraps her arms around Doctor Able. (1 second ago)
Electrical power went back on. (just now)
Possible actions:
"Speak of the devil!"
You carry a small knapsack, which holds the following items: curry bread, a knife, a Bulbous Vial, a handheld radio, a flashlight, and your phone. On top of your clothing, you wear a black helmet, a black latex bodysuit, and a black tactical vest with an emptied pistol and 1 spare magazine inside the vest pouches.