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Operation May: Dr. Able's side
Skedhu Uprising HQ
aux. supply room
1 unliving
1 tehb
corridor (blocked)
You are an outsider. You have 50 Hit Points and 30 Experience Points. You have ∞ Action Points remaining.
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You are inside a corridor. Overhead lamps to your left and right light up the path. The walls are quite bare, save for a few fresh bloodstains, but they feel smooth and cold to the touch. Also here are Dr. Able (41HP) and Amy Hanley (36HP)

You ask, "Do I have to do this again?"

After Darry made you look for an electrical outlet and fix the elevator earlier, your tolerance for touching anything that requires electrical power is quite low. What are you, Darry's personal assistant?

Amy says "What are you talking about?" (1 minute and 17 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "The one in a white bodysuit from earlier, Darry, was ordering our companion around." (1 minute and 13 seconds ago)
Amy says "Oh dear. I'm sorry he did that to you. I'll look for one on my own." (1 minute and 10 seconds ago)
Amy enters the auxiliary stock room again. (1 minute and 8 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "Amy's scared of inserting electric plugs into outlets." (1 minute and 7 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "She injured one of her thumbs badly from a centrifuge that short-circuited right when she plugged it in." (1 minute and 1 second ago)
You say "Yikes." (1 minute ago)
Amy reemerges from the stock room, holding the duplicate Project Mayhem files, a laptop and its power supply against her chest. (59 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "I'll do it." (57 seconds ago)
Dr. Able takes the power supply and plugs it on an outlet on the wall. (56 seconds ago)
Amy says "Thank you, Finny." (55 seconds ago)
Amy sits on the ground with her legs crossed, resting the laptop on her thighs. (55 seconds ago)
Amy says "Seems the battery was drained well by Arni's accomplice. It won't turn back on." (48 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "Just leave it to charge there. It'll work again later." (44 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "Do you really need to use it now? Don't you want to be with me?" (41 seconds ago)
Amy says "I'm trying to access Arni." (40 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "What do you mean?" (39 seconds ago)
Amy says "Arni gave me a way to access some of his modules via console." (36 seconds ago)
Amy says "He seemed like he genuinely needed my help, but every time he tried to talk about it, he'd suddenly turn hostile." (31 seconds ago)
Amy says "He said something about needing me because I'm his creator's daughter. He expects me to be able to 'fix' him." (27 seconds ago)
a distant, deep, feminine voice from the west says "Umshini wami." (27 seconds ago)
a distant, shrill, feminine voice from the west says "Shut the **** up!" (26 seconds ago)
Amy says "I can't do that. I don't know how to do that, but maybe, just maybe, we can find out where May... where Tori is." (20 seconds ago)
a distant, deep, feminine voice from the west says "Umshini wami." (18 seconds ago)
a distant, shrill, feminine voice from the west says "I don't have a damn machine gun! Why are we going here anyway?" (15 seconds ago)
a distant, deep voice from the west says "That's why I'm asking you to get it for me." (13 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "Is that May?" (12 seconds ago)
Amy says "Shh. It isn't. That voice sounds too mature." (9 seconds ago)
a distant, shrill, feminine voice from the west says "Excuuuse me? Are you asking ME to get your things? What am I, your chambermaid? Do you know who I am?!" (4 seconds ago)
Amy says "She's too stuck up and too old to be May." (1 second ago)
a distant, deep voice from the west says "Didn't you say you wanted to see your Papa? I need to find that rascal." (just now)
Possible actions:
"Who's there?"
You carry a small knapsack, which holds the following items: some stale candy, curry bread, a knife, a Bulbous Vial, a handheld radio, a flashlight, and your phone. On top of your clothing, you wear a black helmet, a black latex bodysuit, and a black tactical vest with an emptied pistol and 1 spare magazine inside the vest pouches.