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Operation May: Dr. Able's side
Skedhu Uprising HQ
aux. supply room
1 unliving
1 tehb
corridor (blocked)
You are an outsider. You have 50 Hit Points and 30 Experience Points. You have ∞ Action Points remaining.
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You are inside a corridor. Overhead lamps to your left and right light up the path. The walls are quite bare, save for a few fresh bloodstains, but they feel smooth and cold to the touch. Also here are Dr. Able (41HP), Amy Hanley (36HP), Primrose Arni, and Taiga Rosetti.

You say, "Woah, slow down there, buddy!"

Primrose is either out of line, or plain offensive. Did she just call May an "ugly human-tehb hybrid freak"? It's no secret that she's insecure.

Primrose stomps her foot. (2 minutes and 12 seconds ago)
Primrose says "Ever since Papa adopted that kid, I never got MY way." (2 minutes and 8 seconds ago)
Amy says "Where is May?" (2 minutes and 7 seconds ago)
Primrose says "Tch, like I care about that little ****." (2 minutes and 4 seconds ago)
Taiga says "Do you want me to tell your Papa about your behavior?" (2 minutes ago)
Taiga says "That's not how a seventeen year old should act." (1 minute and 57 seconds ago)
Amy says "She's seventeen?" (1 minute and 56 seconds ago)
Dr. Able says "She's seventeen?" (1 minute and 56 seconds ago)
You say "She's seventeen?" (1 minute and 56 seconds ago)
You all look at each other with the most bemused expression on your faces. (1 minute and 55 seconds ago)
Taiga says "Yes, she's seventeen, but she acts like her shoe size." (1 minute and 52 seconds ago)
Primrose says "Fine!!" (1 minute and 51 seconds ago)
Primrose says "Papa adopted May when she was still a baby. She was really ugly!" (1 minute and 48 seconds ago)
Taiga says "Hey!" (1 minute and 47 seconds ago)
Primrose says "I had to live with this nutty Tehb named Dolly, who was May's mama." (1 minute and 41 seconds ago)
Dr. Able and Amy look at each other, and shake their heads. (1 minute and 36 seconds ago)
Primrose says "Dolly locked me up in the basement, and didn't allow me to go up whenever May was awake." (1 minute and 35 seconds ago)
Primrose says "I think she wanted May to think she was an only child." (1 minute and 34 seconds ago)
Primrose says "Papa loved me a lot, but he seemed to give May more attention. I hate it! I hate her so much for stealing Papa away from me!" (1 minute and 25 seconds ago)
You feel the ground shaking beneath you. (1 minute and 24 seconds ago)
Primrose says "When May was a baby, Papa would go to the basement in the evening and take care of me. May had the morning, and I had the evening." (1 minute and 23 seconds ago)
Primrose says "When May got older, Papa spent less time with me. He kept talking about May. May this, May that. It's annoying as hell!" (1 minute and 12 seconds ago)
Primrose says "If May gets hurt, he rushes to her aid. If I get hurt, Papa says I'm a big girl, and I should be able to treat my own wounds." (1 minute and 4 seconds ago)
You feel the tremors on the ground intensify. (57 seconds ago)
Primrose says "He buys May new dresses, but he tells me to wear my old clothes if they don't have any holes on them." (57 seconds ago)
Primrose says "May stole Papa away from me!" (55 seconds ago)
You hear Dr. Able say to Amy, "Does this mean Arni is the father May told you about in the hospital?" (54 seconds ago)
Amy nods. (53 seconds ago)
Primrose says "On my fifteenth birthday, Papa started to scream at me more for no reason." (50 seconds ago)
Primrose says "He would threaten to kill me and eventually, kick me off the house. He never did the same thing with May." (43 seconds ago)
Primrose says "When I learned about Papa's true identity, that he was a robot, I understood him better." (37 seconds ago)
Primrose says "It's not fair! Papa does not want to hurt May so he goes to the basement and gets angry at me instead." (30 seconds ago)
Primrose says "Two years ago, I thought I had Papa all to myself. Papa told May he would go on a "long journey", and left Dolly behind." (22 seconds ago)
Primrose says "Those bitches deserved it." (20 seconds ago)
Primrose says "Papa took me with him, and we lived together, close to the West-Skedhu Police Station." (15 seconds ago)
Primrose says "I had Papa's undivided attention, until Papa found May again, during the Survival Celebration." (9 seconds ago)
Primrose says "A man wearing white from head to toe took May, but Papa stopped him." (4 seconds ago)
Primrose says "Hmph! Papa shouldn't have stopped that man." (1 second ago)
You feel the tremors on the ground intensify. (1 second ago)
Possible actions:
You carry a small knapsack, which holds the following items: some stale candy, curry bread, a knife, a Bulbous Vial, a handheld radio, a flashlight, and your phone. On top of your clothing, you wear a black helmet, a black latex bodysuit, and a black tactical vest with an emptied pistol and 1 spare magazine inside the vest pouches.