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Operation May: Sgt. Arni's side
Skedhu Uprising HQ
central control room
You are an accomplice. You have 50 Hit Points and 25 Experience Points. You have ∞ Action Points remaining.
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You are inside the Central Control Room, its walls painted a light gray. The drop lights above the desk to the far right of the room and the console's keyboard have both been switched off. Many screens are lined up next to each other, all of them unpowered. Also here is Sgt. Arni (60HP).

The broadcast system is currently running on an uninterrupted power supply.

You walk behind Arni, grab the cables that popped out of his back, and hook them to the system.

You are rather reluctant to do it at first, but his more reasonable programming seems to have been the one that issued the request, opposed to his hostile program. The screens come back to life, but they do not display camera feeds anymore. Instead, "Loading...", in white text against black, is displayed in each of the screens.

Since your last turn:
Dod Arni says "W-" (2 minutes and 20 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "Thank you for doing that." (2 minutes and 19 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "See, I could hook myself to the system, to open the debugging console." (2 minutes and 13 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "I cannot actually debug or troubleshoot myself, however." (2 minutes and 7 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "I require the assistance of another to actually carry out the processes." (2 minutes and 1 second ago)
Papa Dod leans his arms against the armrests of his chair. (2 minutes ago)
Papa Dod says "I will be entering 'Debug Mode' soon." (1 minute and 57 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "Please disable 'Dod Arni', my hostile program, when you can." (1 minute and 52 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "That is why I took Amy. I needed her to delete 'Dod Arni' from my system." (1 minute and 46 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "I thought she would be able to do it, being my creator's daughter." (1 minute and 40 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "My hostile, defective program would always kick in whenever I tried to tell her, or anyone else about it." (1 minute and 32 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "It's unfortunate. It's like a Jekyll and Hyde condition." (1 minute and 26 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "The Uprising does not want to kill anyone." (1 minute and 21 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "Papa Dod, Premier of the Skedhu Uprising, does not want to kill innocents." (1 minute and 15 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "Sergeant Arni only wishes to do his job." (1 minute and 11 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "I'm jealous of Doctor Able." (1 minute and 8 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "Finch can have children of his own. Children who he loves, children who will love him back, unlike I." (59 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "He can love someone. He can have a family." (54 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "He is human." (52 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "I wanted to be human. I wanted to be Dan Arni." (47 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "But now, I realized, the Dan Arni I was, is not human." (41 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "Even Dod Arni can never be truly human." (36 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "I made that personality, as part of my longing to be human, but I want to put an end to him." (29 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "I want to kill Dod Arni." (26 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "I want to be Jekyll, who is not perfect, but has goodness to him. I can't be the amoral Hyde for any longer." (18 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "Of everything I learned on my own, everything I've experienced," (12 seconds ago)
Papa Dod says "I just want to be--" (9 seconds ago)
Possible actions:
Commence the troubleshooting
You carry a knife and a key to Floor 108B on one pocket; your phone on the other. On top of your clothing, you are wearing a black face mask, a golden one-eye eyepiece, a lapel, an earpiece, a black tactical vest with a two loaded pistols and 10 spare magazines inside the vest pouches.