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Operation May: Sgt. Arni's side
Skedhu Uprising HQ
central control room
You are an accomplice. You have 50 Hit Points and 25 Experience Points. You have ∞ Action Points remaining.
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You are inside the Central Control Room, its walls painted a light gray. The drop lights above the desk to the far right of the room and the console's keyboard have both been switched off. Many screens are lined up next to each other, all of them unpowered. Also here is Sgt. Arni (60HP).

The broadcast system is currently running on an uninterrupted power supply.

You view the transcript of a conversation between Arni and Dr. Able.
Judging by the date, Dr. Able was probably still a medical student at the time.

Since your last turn:
ANDRO MK I "Please wait as I populate this list." (screen prompt)
Inspector Arni: Please have a seat, Mr. Able. (13:00)
Finch Able: Thank you very much. (13:00)
Inspector Arni: I understand you must be a busy young man, especially now that you're attending medical school. (13:00)
Finch Able: I try my best to balance everything. (13:00)
Finch Able: It's challenging, but this is what I've wanted to do ever since I was a child. (13:00)
Inspector Arni: I wanted to speak to you regarding that, actually. (13:00)
Finch Able: Huh? I don't follow. (13:00)
Inspector Arni: The money you're using for your studies... a student loan, perhaps? (13:00)
Finch Able: Yes, that, my partial scholarship, and some personal savings of my own. (13:00)
Inspector Arni: Have you considered returning to the Shadowglen Police Department? (13:00)
Inspector Arni: You were a private for about six months, but that was before I entered. You quit in the same year I began my service. (13:01)
Finch Able: I left for personal reasons. I don't think I'm cut for police work. (13:01)
Inspector Arni: You have great potential. (13:01)
Inspector Arni: It's not my position to meddle with these affairs, but I've been interviewing ex-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel who have been honorably discharged and relieved of service. (13:01)
Inspector Arni: See, we've been having problems with numbers as of late. There are increasingly less people applying to serve, yet, there's a twofold increase in crime in this year alone, from last year. (13:01)
Finch Able: I appreciate what you're doing, Inspector. (13:01)
Finch Able: I would like to politely decline this. I can't leave medical school, not now that I'm in my second year. (13:01)
Inspector Arni: That's not what I intended to say. (13:01)
Inspector Arni: You don't have to leave medical school, Mr. Able. I have a different proposition. (13:01)
Finch Able: You can call me Finch. I'm not very used to people addressing me that way. (13:01)
Inspector Arni: How do you expect to get used to people addressing you as "Doctor Able", if you think that way? (13:02)
Finch Able: You're right. (13:02)
Inspector Arni: You said once to Inspector Vakil that you wanted to be a forensic scientist, right? (13:02)
Finch Able: I... that was three years ago. At the time, I was only in my second year of nursing. (13:02)
Finch Able: The school had the working student program, but I opted to go for partial service in the SPD, since the pay was larger. (13:02)
Finch Able: I never really thought of being a policeman, but forensics... it's an interesting field. (13:02)
Inspector Arni: If the Department paid for your medical schooling, would you consider returning as a forensic scien- (13:02)
Finch Able: How is Inspector Vakil now? (13:02)
Inspector Arni: Do not change the topic, Mr. Able. (13:02)
Finch Able: I haven't seen him in ages. In fact, I owe him a lot. (13:03)
Inspector Arni: Do NOT change the topic, Mr. Able. (13:03)
Finch Able: Please send him my regards. (13:03)
Inspector Arni: Mister Able. (13:03)
Finch Able: I wonder how many of the people I recognize are still here. (13:03)
Inspector Arni: FINCH. (13:03)
Finch Able: Yes? (13:03)
Inspector Arni: Don't test my patience. (13:03)
Finch Able: I appreciate the offer, but I need to think about it. (13:03)
Inspector Arni: Have you changed your mind since? (13:03)
Finch Able: I initially only wanted to become a doctor, in the memory of my parents. They died from what I believed to be food poisoning at the time, but now, I know that it was a deliberate attack on humans and Unliving- (13:03)
Inspector Arni: I'm sorry for your loss. (13:03)
Finch Able: It's okay. Thank you. (13:03)
Inspector Arni: By chance, did you change your mind because of Amy? (13:03)
Finch Able: H-how... how did you know? (13:03)
Finch Able: Why do you know Amy? (13:03)
Inspector Arni: You are aware that her mother is detained in the Burdell Detention Facility, right? (13:04)
Inspector Arni: She requested to see Amy so many times, but we denied each of those requests. (13:04)
Finch Able: Please, I beg of you. Please don't let Amy's mother see her. (13:04)
Inspector Arni: There is nothing for you to worry about. (13:04)
Inspector Arni: She is a dangerous woman; I will do everything in my power. (13:04)
Finch Able: I can't thank you enough. (13:04)
Inspector Arni: What do you think about my offer? (13:04)
Finch Able: I really hope to specialize in gastrointestinal surgery, and I feel awful about this, but I am eternally in your debt, if you do- (13:04)
Inspector Arni: Don't see Amy anymore. (13:04)
Finch Able: What makes you think I would agree to that?! (13:04)
Inspector Arni: Oh, was I too harsh? (13:05)
Inspector Arni: All I ask is for you not to get in my way. (13:05)
Inspector Arni: You don't have to pay for this now, but perhaps in a few years... (13:05)
Finch Able: I don't mind paying portions of my initial take-home pay towards- (13:05)
Inspector Arni: You'll find out exactly what I mean, eventually. (13:05)
Inspector Arni: I am warning you now; your studies are quite dear, and I will need something very dear to you in return. (13:05)
Finch Able: What do you mean? There is no way I will give up Amy for this! (13:05)
Inspector Arni: I'm not asking for Amy. I don't need Amy. (13:05)
Inspector Arni: Relax. You'll find out when the right time comes. (13:05)
Finch Able: No, please tell me. You must tell me, so I can prepare! (13:05)
Inspector Arni: It's nothing to worry about. You'll be ready when the time comes. (13:05)
Possible actions:
Return to 'The Truth'
You carry a knife and a key to Floor 108B on one pocket; your phone on the other. On top of your clothing, you are wearing a black face mask, a golden one-eye eyepiece, a lapel, an earpiece, a black tactical vest with a two loaded pistols and 10 spare magazines inside the vest pouches.