User:Copping/The lone doctor

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The Lone Doctor By Copping

I'm Dr Copping and used to work for Necro Tech keeping infectouse diseases in check throughout the city. One day that all changed I was treating a strand of MRSA with a new medication Necro Tech had developed yet not told me much about when when he passed away. I was dissapointed and beleived that Necrotech could of told me more about the medicine and the man could of been given a chance to live. Then the man's eye's opend quickly I checked the moniter his heart was still flat, lining for him to live i'd have to act fast I grabbed the defiblerators and was about to shock him when he lurched out of the bed and took a chunk out of my arm. Blood gushing onto the floor I saw him chewing before catching him eyeing my leg with hungery eyes so I shoved the defiblerator into his face for the next handful of secounds the only thing that existed forme was his inhuman screams and the smell of burning flesh. Then I passed away. Being a zombie was a strange experience which I can only remember in flashes. I remember being taken away by men in Necro Tech jackets. I remember attacking a man who then hacked my right leg of with an axe. I remember being forced to perform nonlethal bites on rats and having saliva and blood samples taken from me. But most of all I remember the moment they decided I was to be cured. The cure hurt and put me into a coma. They left me in a secure room of the hospital, during the time I was unconsiouce there must of been an accident with the infected rats or my body fluid samples but when I awoke everyone in the hospital was dead. So when I looked around I found the corpse of a policewoman problem was the corpse wasnt compltely dead as I walked past she lunged at me I managed to hold her far enough away from me as to not be bitten and attacked her with the first thing which came to hand. In this case an old syringe. I jabbed it once into her eye and mashed it around till he goopy remains fell onto me then I plunged it deeper penrtrating into her brain with a groan she became limp. So I pushed her lifeless body of me and searched her for any weapons later I found and fitted myself with a plastic leg. I found a handgun with two clips of ammo. I new what I had to do to survive. I ran to the nearest department store and stocked up on can'd foods before climbing ontop of a small one story bugalow and setting up a camp. Two weeks later a man being chased by a zombie woke me up yelling to be saved. So I lowerd down a rope and pulled him up. One of the biggest mistakes I ever made. That zombie attracted more and more zombies quickly there where to many for me to kill with my handgun. THen about a 3 month's on we where running out of food. The man I pulled up was called Ross and was about 28 years old and before the out break was an acountant. We got on realy well and since we had a lot of times on are hands spent a lot of time ignoring the groans of zombies and speaking about are lives before the dead didnt want to die. But as I said we where running out of food and where getting hungury but with zombies on all sides of us we couldnt risk it. So one day he was sleeping on the side of the roof and I hope beyond hope that you dont judge me to harshly for my actions I needed to survive.... I pushed ross of the edge in his sleep into the zombies below. All the zombies rushed forwards leaving a clear side for me to escape. To this day I can stil hear Ross screaming at me cursing me all the way to my grave. You have to understand I HAD TO SURVIVE!!!!!

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I edited a couple of things, but its a good story, if i were u i would so spellcheck as the sentaces go on for 2 long --Montana8 13:33, 8 December 2007 (UTC)