User:Deadly ernest

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--Deadly ernest 14:02, 2 December 2008 (UTC)FULL NAME: Dave Lee Ernest. AGE: 40.

BIRTHPLACE: Fort Weston ,Southampton, U.K.

HAIR COLOUR: Shaven Head grey hair if left to grow

EYE COLOUR: Grey Blue.

HEIGHT: 5'8"

WEIGHT: 12 Stone

PHYSIQUE: Medium build/slightly over weight , which leads to his friends calling him muffin top, much to his dislike.

HISTORY: Dave was born on a council estate in Fort Weston Southampton. He was the older of 2 children, the second being his sister Caroline, who taught him the harsh realities of life at the age of 9 by refusing to let him use her Princess leia action figure to complete the rebels attempt to oust power from the Empire.

His school years were a mix of sports days and listless imagineings. He was never particularly enthralled by anything. His Main claim to fame at an early age was that he could totally build a convincing looking X wing fighter, from nothing more than a few used toilet roll holders and a handfull of pipe cleaners.

By the time it came to join senior school his parents decided that in order to give him a realistic chance of some grades that may help him in later life he was to attend an all boys school "weston Park Boys" this seemed to be a shock to the system as he was thrown in at the deep end and although excelling at football and athletics and certain English Classes, he found the majority of lessons tedious and struggled to maintain concentration, as his two closest friends "Alfie Flack" and "Sean D Lally" seemed to have an ever increasing influence on his outlook to life, the lure of girls hanging round on Weston Shore and getting generally off his face seemed to take precident over all ideas of academic success, life looked to be heading in a downward spiral into a future that would be dominated by petty crime and sad one night stands fueled by drink and drugs. It was about this time that events at school took a turn for the better, which was about to have a huge influence on Daves whole out look on life and eventually be a deciding factor into his choice of career. It was the Start of his last two years of school, and with the new term came a new history teacher by the name of Wally Waltlake, from the start of their relationship, something triggered the interest in History that had never been there in Daves recent past, where things had seemed dull and boring before, "Wally" made it interesting, even laughing when "Afie Flack" answered the question about which bomb was first used in the vietnam conflict, with the quip it was a Nappy bomb Sir, here was a man who could stimulate the imagination and make history come alive, everything for Dave took on a new meaning and he learned to love Military history with a passion that new no boundries. TBC......