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Hi! I just remembered about my account on here, and decided to add my dudes.

Destor- An Opportunist light destroyer. He is dedicated to having the last set of Winter lights, and goes around destroying them. He carries his in his inventory, and is ready to put them up as soon as his mission is over. He operates out of Heytown, and really likes libraries.

Thom Colt- Borehamwooder. He managed to stay alive until "top 200", but then was killed a bit afterwords. He is now wandering the streets looking for some brains.

Tomsauras- He is gonna be a brainrotter when he grows up, but now he is just a newb.

TheOpportunists s.png The Opportunists
This user or group supports opportunistic behavior.
Dual nature.JPG Dual Nature
This User or Group supports the Dual Nature Policy & believes that the citizens of Malton should embrace their two-fold nature.