User:Diano/Voudan Curn/Creed

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Creed of the Wendigo

Code of the Kill: I will hunt my prey to its death, and there will my hunt end.

Doctrine: When I begin a hunt, I will see it through to its end; having slain my quarry, I will eat its heart and take its strength, and then I will move on.

Rule: Kill someone once and only once -- you can only take someone's power one time. Never attack someone you have already killed unless the attack is in self-defense. Do not attack someone you cannot kill; if you do not have the AP or ammunition to finish your hunt, do not start it.

Code of Weak Prey: Weak prey leads to a weak hunter; we will not hunt the weak.

Doctrine: Hunting easy prey is for the sick or injured. We who hunt to gain strength should not pollute our souls with the spirit of the weak and untested. Leave them to grow strong, aid them along in their quest, and hunt them when they are ready.

Rule: No killing of newbies (defined as those level 5 or below). We should not be making the game any harder for new players than it already is. If a newbie needs help -- be it a FAK, a warning, or being rescued from zombies -- you should consider rendering aid.

Code of Remembrance: Honor your kills by remembering them, for your prey will always be a part of you.

Doctrine: If you wish to draw strength from your prey, then remember them for their strengths. Remember their names, remember their deaths, and hold their power close.

Rule: Keep a list of those you have killed, either on your Wiki profile or some other public display.

Code of the Honorable Hunt: I will hunt only the living, and only directly. I only deserve to best my prey if I can do so in a direct contest of wills.

Doctrine: We are not trappers, herders, or siege hunters; we are predators, and we stalk and kill our prey. We do not take action to chivvy or distract our prey, for such dirty tactics belittle the nobility of our kind.

Rule: No generator killing, no radio killing. No overbarricading, no debarricading. We are not griefers, and we do not harrass or bother other survivors save to hunt them directly. Our kills should be conducted personally, through stealth and circumstance. While we may make opportunistic kills by targeting infected or weak survivors, we do not directly bring about circumstances that put our prey at a disadvantage.

Code of the High Predator: We are above petty survivor concerns, and will not take part in argumentive discourse, unnecessary grievances, or vendettas.

Doctrine: Children bicker, not adults. We are hunters, and we do not take part in the arguments of the herd. Comport yourself with dignity and nobility, for you are Wendigo's chosen, and you strike fear in the heart of your prey.

Rule: No griefing, harrassing, or snarking at survivors. We hunt and we kill -- we do not annoy or bicker. Treat other players with respect, and engage them in curteous conversation, but do not start arguments or taunt players unnecessarily. Our goal is to terrify, not frustrate.

Code of Immortality: I will fear no enemy, for death is merely communion with Wendigo.

Doctrine: Wendigo has blessed us with a dual nature, and we need not fear our existence as his revenants. Do not fear the enemy who brings you death, for you know you shall rise again. Do not ignore the revenant within you, and embrace your time among the undead. You are invincible, and that is why you are fearless.

Rule: Do not lose your temper about being killed, and do not go out of your way to seek retribution. If you are killed by a survivor in retaliation for your hunt, move to another suburb; if you still want to take revenge on them at a later date, do so with a cool head, and do so because it takes a hunter of great skill and strength to best you. Do not discount your zombie nature, and remember to spend time ravaging as a zombie every now and again.

Code of Succor: The cycle of death and resurrection is sacred to Wendigo. I will not hunt those who aid in the rebirth of others, and I will acknowledge my debt to those who aid me.

Doctrine: It is important to respect those who give aid to you, be it healing or resurrection, for they allow you to continue your hunt. Show them kindness in turn, and avert your weapons from their flesh.

Rule: Respect the Sacred Ground policy, and leave survivors alone if they are actively reviving zombies. Do not hunt people who revive or heal you, if you can help it; always respect the people who help you.

Code of the Herald: Honor Wendigo and spread his word, but make no demands and show respect to others.

Doctrine: The word of Wendigo is not for all, for only his chosen can hear his call. Aid others in hearing the howl of Wendigo, but do not force this upon them; those who cannot hear it on their own or deny the call are unready to take up the hunt. Do not malign other spirits, for Wendigo is one of many.

Rule: Feel free to recruit, but do not push the group on others, and do not threaten or intimidate to get your way. Spraypaint propoganda if you like, but do not tag over the grafitti of other groups. Don't get into pissing matches about whether Wendigo is better than Barhah.

Code of Itinerance: Wendigo demands no territory, no shrine, and no hallowed ground. I will claim no territory in his name, and I will respect the territory of others.

Doctrine: Land is for those who sow and herd, not for those who hunt. We do not plant flags in dirt or mark trees to say we own the land; that is for others to do. We will always keep moving and respect the territory of others, and when slain by our enemies we will wander on.

Rule: No claiming territory, no taking buildings from survivors or attempting to hold them, and no turf wars. If a survivor kills you in retaliation for killing them or a member of their group, stand up and leave the suburb -- there's hunting everywhere.