
From The Urban Dead Wiki
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Joined: December 1, 2005
Character class: Military scout
Favorite equipment: some minor stuff
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Gone to greener pastures
Character group: Banzai
Character stats: nothing to say
Journal: for empath

Th-th-th, That's All Folks!

Sorry, but around February or so, I came to the realization that I don't really like the underlying mechanic of this game: PLAYERKILLING. And I mean that the primary means of advancing oneself is attacking and killing another player's character, either survivor OR zombie. Aye, a survivor can read a book, or tag a wall, or heal people, etc. But that still doesn't obliviate the primary focus of to advance, you have to do it on the backs of others.

When I realized this, I really didn't want to participate in it anymore. I've never been much for PvP when other possibilities exist. So I left UD be.

Now, before you start ranting a differing opinion, I'll remind that this is my decision; other people may enjoy struggling against other players and competing in this manner and if so, good for them. But that's not me, so I leave.

The only reason I'm editting this page is out of a curiousity about the 'future' of UD; after checking, it seems minor things have been tweaked, but my primary objection still abounds. Thusly, I state so here, in case anyone happens to look me up and wonder what happened to me. Likely people won't, so this is just a self-vindicating monologue. Meh. *shrugs*
