Meh, Intro
I am UD player. Nothing else by now.
I also do some wiki-tests at my Sandbox. They're sometimes crazy, so beware.
I love game called Warbears, you can find me from there usually, as I'm not here much.
Less Active
This user will be less active because of unactiveness..
I'm quite unactive nowadays, please e-mail me at fippe.wiimail[at-thingy]luukku[dot]com.
Or then you could PM me at Warbears, if you have account there.
The Crimson Clan tag.
Resistance not organized is no resistance.
This user is member of the Crimson Clan.
Magnificent Templates!
Snake? Snake?! Snaaaaaaaaaaaaake!
Windows XP
Fippe is designed for Windows XP.
Vandals Beware
This user will not hesitate to smite you with Fippe's ban hammer of justice.
Today is Thursday, 27 Mar 2025
Didn't we make ourselves clear?
Remember kids: Fool me once, shame on you... Fool me twice, YOU ARE DEAD