User:Great karn

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they came from all around us with no warning ripping us apart the only way i servived was to barricade my self in the ice cream shop were i slowly went insaine. i survived by feasting on ice cream or at least i fourt i would be till i found out it had all melted. with no food i spraid my last words onto a wall prepearing for death but death did not come.

i was confronted by a great hunger, greater than before greater than any fealing that i had ever felt. i was starving before but this was more than hunger i was overwelmed and left the safty of the ice cream shop and went looking for food. those that had once tryed to attack me payed me no attention as i joind them in the great consuming of fleash. no matter how much i ate i could not satisfy the hunger i was confronted with. i was awere of what i was eating, whom i was eating but i could not stop myself. it took all my will power but i left the places i new was populated in serch of a deserted place, one that i new i could do no harm. i dont know how long i travild for but i kept going trying not to fine someone in my parth, but i did on more than one acation making them like me. what i fort was control was anouther part of the viras trying to spread through the city.

i was then confronted by two survivers that i had not found, but found me. as always the hunger tookover and i lunged forwould they reacted at once holding me down and injecting me with a clear liquid, a for the first time in 3 weeks i could sleep. i awoke in a small fortress compleatly inacesserble from the outside. on the second floor there where openings from witch we could fire are weapons. i was also told of an excape tunlel goingto the next bilding.

And I am so stupid I can't even speeel anithng write.

I am a member of Z.E.R.O