User:Gunter Rich

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Gunter's Story

Back Story:

I got a call saturday morning,umbrella corp said I had been relocated to the city of Malton for the next few days to see their ' New cure for death'. As they said it was. So off i went at 5'o-clock in.. the... morning...

I got to Malton and walked into the research facilty. The receptionist greeted me with a friendly smile, and i groaned back like i was dead form sleeplessness. She took me to a large room that had huge windows all around it and said "He'll be here in a minute, sir. Sorry for the inconvienince" "Not at all..." "Is there anything i can get you?" "No thanks, had plenty before i left." She gave me anther one of her smiles and walked off.

Suddenly there was choppers over head and men wearing balaclavas coming through the roof. Glass shattered and people screamed. I stood frozen where i was. " EVERY ONE DOWN NOW!!" screamed one of the men. I still stood where i was looking like a complete idiot. " Didn't you listen?! " he was screaming at me now, and i studdered " B-b-b bu..." WHACK! I was down for the count. They dragged me into the basement and locked me down there. The angry man saw that i wasn't co-operating once agian and jabbed me with a needle , now i was really stuffed.

When i woke up i was detirorating. People were out side and screaming. I screamed back. I was still stuck in the basement for the next two days. Then someone came looking for syringes and found me. I was woundering " what the heck does he want those syringes for? Is he on drugs?" but then he told me everything. At first i didn't believe him but then he took me outside and i saw all the destuction.

After The first day:

First thing i did was run for the border only to find it was blocked off. I found a small building and stayed in there overnight. When i woke up the next dim morning i met one of the causes of destuction. A zombie staring right at me." Oh crap..." thats what i said to myself, hoping that the zombie wouldn't talk back. I was wrong. He said "Mrh?"
[<a target="_blank" style="color:#8fbf00;" href="">Zombish</a> for "mr?"]. I screamed like a girl and punched the zombie. He didn't like that very much. So I ran north. I found anther Umbrella Corp member and followed him to ridlley bank. I had landed staight smack-bam int he middle of an apocolipse. A zombie apocolipse. yay...

The First Orders:

I found out that there was a new leader of Umbrella since my own little advanture. Thank god, the last guy was the reason why i was in this kafluffle. I got new orders though. Figures, its the end of the world and I'm still doing work! I needed to learn how to use Reverification Syringes. That took a while as i kept missing or breaking the needle. Then i learnt that when a zombie goes 'Mrh?' that means that they want help, not to be screamed at and hit. oops.

It had been about a week since the start of my training and the shearbank event to push away the zeds(I was learing the locals langauge!). Now we all moved up to shearbank.

Later On:

I had now gained trust with in Umbrella and i felt like a valuble asset. I woundered around shearbank Jabbing and Poking zeds for some experince. Then the leader of the NCIS approached UC and asked for alligence. I was a while before anyone acted so i took things into my own hands. I offered my knowledge and assistance to NCIS. They accpeted and i started my way over to santler ville. On the way i was bitten and got my first taste of what its like to be a zed. It sucks. I got shot every 5 steps, in the head by hunters.

Any way i got over there and was revived. The NCIS merged and chaged its name to The Malton Dept. Of Defense or MDD for short.

Recent Events:

Well I'm still at santlerville building up enough Experince so i can enter the mall and get some better clothes, as i have stained my labcoat with blood.

When Wesker asks me to i will come back and assist Umbrella for any reason.

Happening now:

Well i have brocken off from Umbrella corp to from my own group now called the PVMZ or People for the Violent Mistreatment of Zombies. So far its only me but I'm getting there. I've stationed myself at huntley heights for the time being. I hope to eventuly own The Hippisley Museum.

Gunter Rich 05:57, 3 December 2007 (UTC)

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