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RAF.pngRAF captain.jpg
Joined: 2005-11-09 05:34
Character class: Civilian
Current Level: 22
Favorite equipment: fire axe
Character profile: Heckkk' Profile
Current status: Alive and kicking ass
Group: RAF
Rank: Captain

"Zombies feel no fear, so why should we?" -RAF motto

"The only good zombie is a dead zombie!" -Heckkk motto

Just a lone survivor looking for a home, and found a great one.

"I used to work at a fire station out in the boondocks. This was the first time I was going to the big city. And now I have been killing the undead for what seems two lifetimes. The need to get the undead to stay dead grows everyday. I was going to do it alone, but now I am part of a group that thinks like me. We will do it together."



RAF Marksman.jpg RAF Melee.jpg RAF purpleheart.jpg RAF Headshot.jpg
