You have found the automated response for HOPPINGUPDATER. If you are looking for our residence, look at, Hopping Road Police Department Located in. Spicer Hills If there is an emergency, seek the aid of Nick Sawbones, DiamondT, or anyone else listed below:
User List
DiamondT: Medic, Reviver, (is that the right way?) Main User of this. Nick Sawbones: "mayor," Nworb, Sneakybones,
Our base
Hopping Road Police Department (20,95) is a bastion of hope for people who live in Spicer Hills and don't like the Bowring Blackwatch. We are a smaller, more sober, less organized, non-group alliance of people who hide in an abandoned Police Department. It is close to the suburb mast.
DO NOT overcade. VSB or less. DO NOT PK. DO feel free to revive everyone. DO assist in killing brain rotted Zs. DO be the guy who helps find us. DO not forget to avoid PKing.
User Stories
DiamondT: I first came to Hopping PD after St. Mark's Cathedral was attacked. I wandered the suburb before finding a Fire Department. I stayed there until moving to the PD to find a gun. Since then I made this account and set it up.