A shambling bastardization of nature identifiable by his long black hair and blood soaked Che Guevara t-shirt. Once he was an outspoken college student, but after the outbreak his hunger for politics was replaced by a hunger far more sinister.
A relatively new player to Urban Dead, JMac85 quickly realized that the loner zombie was nothing more than a punching bag for even the most obnoxious trenchcoater. From the suburb of Roywood where he first spawned, he trekked across Malton to Gulsonside where he became a member of one of the most destructive forces in Malton, the Minions of the Apocalypse.
A bewildered private who joined the military for free college, he was totally caught off guard when his unit was deployed into a city infested with zombies. Soon after going AWOL, he now wanders aimlessly in a desperate search for a way home.
Survivor alt, plain and simple. A completely separate entity who spends most of his time along the outside suburbs. Started off as a bit of a trenchcoater, but after gaining significant skills, he spends most of his AP healing others and barricading.