This page was founded--Jakey07 18:10, 3 April 2007 (BST)
This is the start of Jakey07's user page. Feel free to click the back button. Not tempted? Still not tempted? Okay then, you can read some mega boring spam about my user. oh and if you find me really interesting here is my Talk Page .
Name: Jakey07 (like you hadn't guessed already)
Class: military, private (so don't read it!)
Signed up to UD: Ages ago
Group: The lock and load loners
Fav gun: Anything loaded
Fav melee weapon: That sharp pointy thing
Motto: Run away!
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Lock and Load Loner |
This user is a Lock and Load Loner, and doesn't like being insulted about it. |
The lock and load loners (LLL) is a small ineffective group that me and TheDavibob have created. TheDavibob is now acting leader for organisation purposes and because of the fact he knows how the games works better than me. if you want to join then just set the LLL as your group in your charicter discription. Also tell either me or User:TheDavibob (put a message on one of the talk page) that you have joined the Ranks of the LLL.our H.Q is lance tower.
What we do
Members are obliged to do the following:
- All members must base themselves at Lance Towers, unless allowed to do otherwise.
- Any dead members may use the Revive Point 1W of Lance Towers (Edbrooke Street, East Darvall Heights).
- We must try and keep to the Lance Block Barricade Plan, if and when possible.
- Any survivor may take refuge in our base, and we will do our best to accomodate them.
- Report PKers and Zombie Spies, for the Greater Good!
- Thou shalt not attack a member.
- Revive all that you see fit. And more.
The members are listed below.
The L.L.L member list: TheDavibob (acting leader), jakey07, manly scout, scouter boy, manly scouter boy, scientific hore.
Total members: 6
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The President |
This user belives that democracy, simply dosent work. |
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Run For Your Lives! |
This Zombie's Packin' Heat! |
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Violence is quicker |
Both diplomacy and violence solve problems. But violence is quicker. |
If you want to read about my life (in UD) then read on! if you want to add me to your contacts here is my profile shortcut. [1]
--Jakey07 18:40, 3 April 2007 (BST) Got tricked by that rotten april fools day joke on UD a few days ago. it went somthing like this: An airstrike has hit you and killed you and 16 survivors. Pah! It was cruel to prey on the hoplessly stupid, such as myself, like that. anyway after a few days of geting killed, revived, killed, revived,killed, revived, i finally managed to hide in one of those things with four walls, a roof, and a door. Incase you were wondering, my objective was to fortify lance towers, the LLL H.Q. so that ends today with me sleeping. see you in my next post!
--Jakey07 13:09, 4 April 2007 (BST) Damn it! I loged on today and started running for lance towers and, just as the suburb came into sight i found myself low on AP and my charicter decided it to be a smart idea to have a nap in front of a pack of mad, hungry, rotten zeds! so now i have to get revived. This may be a good time to advertise the absolutely nessicerity to revive that zombie in the south of Gatcombeton. A more accurate statment would be REVIVE ME. so with that i would like to close this entry and i will post again soon.
--Jakey07 11:35, 6 April 2007 (BST) Not much to report as i am continuing the prexisting trend of getting killed and revived. hopfully it will not take long to get to lance after a fresh revive and cross my fingers. o may report back again today somtime if i get RPed.
--Jakey07 18:01, 6 April 2007 (BST) This is the second report today as (you guessed it) got revived. i am safe and sound in a school in huntly hieghts. hopfully THIS TIME i will get to lance towers alive. that is when the L.L.L will rise to glory! you will all tremble under my iron fisted rule! ha ha ha ha! that was a joke. here is the real plan: 1. Get into lance and close the doors. 2. push a wardrobe in front of the doors so the mindless masses cannot get in. 3. set up a radio and broadcast recruitment propoganda, bombarding the local suburb with spam!. so with that as the plan of action i say goodbye until the next post.
--Jakey07 11:38, 7 April 2007 (BST) Great news! i am getting very close to lance. i have made progress across the subs and am now at brooke hills! so close to lance now. anyone who wants to be a member get to lance and sign up on the list above. by tommorow i will have got in and should have barracaded it. only time will tell! i shall fill you in on my next report.
--Jakey07 11:08, 9 April 2007 (BST) well i am dead again (easy come easy go) and awaiting an RP.
--Jakey07 10:44, 10 April 2007 (BST) so with my revival i am heading back to lance. wish me luck this time. i am holding out in a building somewhere in a suburb i forgot the name of. i may post a suggesstion for a new item on urbandead so keep watching the suggestions in voting!
--Jakey07 20:24, 12 April 2007 (BST) I am alive and am waiting for the L.L.L leader TheDavibob to get to my position so i can revive him. if i revive him will will both go to lance together and will ,once again, get thier and start the L.L.L leagacy. i saw the egg hunt update and studyed it for a while. After a session of deep thoght i came out with the conclusion. What a load of worthless CRAP! I mean with all the cool sugesstions in the peer reviewed section, why? BTW my suggestion got spamed to death. see you in my next post!
--Jakey07 12:41, 15 April 2007 (BST) I am in lance and alvive! ha! they thought i was mad! but whos mad now? mwah ha ha haaa! on another topic i am waiting for TheDavibob to get to my position and help to keep the barracks high. so in the next few days i will start to clean up the area around lance to make it safer.
--Jakey07 20:58, 18 April 2007 (BST) We got hit. bad. really bad. so bad you will think that the nazis had a good system of government. we have appealed to the freelance military for aid. i can only hope that we make it through and reclaim lance towers for the good and glory of the L.L.L!
--Jakey07 19:13, 23 April 2007 (BST) we have just ressurected our selfves and are defending lance as we speak. it has become apparent that we have a zombie spy in the base. he was called vamparus and i ask all who encounted him to shoot him on site! see you soon.
--Jakey07 17:34, 25 April 2007 (BST) once a small group of few loyal survivors and now it is even smaller. tom matthews has left the group. but all is not lost! we have bombarded the local wiki community with propaganda. if you are angry of annoyed at our attempt to clog your user with we need you templates then call 01347 389-DON'T-SUE. i will report on new members and other stuff next time.
--Jakey07 10:49, 28 April 2007 (BST) stll holding with the FMO at lance towers. we are safe but a large horde of zeds is west of our position. we have a small band of rouges and some FMO members camping out at lance. one such member is called ryan the awsome. he is very annoying and has been known to consistently say lets retake cagier mall. bear in mind there are only about 7 of us. i will report later with more of ryans gems of knowlage, so we can bask in his all superior cough wisdom.
--Jakey07 19:52, 2 May 2007 (BST) so it appears that everyone has some sort of morale objection to me slaging off ryan so in the future i will make an effort to be kind the every living thing on the earth. or maybe i will just do it more discretly in the future and play charicter assasin with him here. in other news the NT has fallen and the local lance community has focused its efforts on retaking it. i have also detected a potential zed spy called Zombiekiller99. I will report back later and i may archive my journal soon when i get 3 or 4 months worth of entrys. oh yeah and another gem of ryans knowlage is as follows add jakey07 to your contacts so we dont kill him.
--Jakey07 10:58, 7 May 2007 (BST) so with the local NT down i thought that i should go to tayler lane PD to stock up on pistol ammo. 3 discarded shotgun shells and 2 discarded flak jakets later i realised that i ran out of AP. this all leads up to the fact that i am (once again) a dead person. if you what to revive me, feel free.
--Jakey07 19:50, 18 May 2007 (BST) sorry about the lack of info lately. i have been busy at school. in urbandead however, my friend has revived me and i headed back to lance. we finally managed to reclaim the NT and even hold it for 24hours! we're just THAT good! i managed to get 3 more RP syringes and have got 4 extra clips of ammo. 6 zeds have retook the NT so the next few days i will try to help in reclaiming it.
--Jakey07 13:11, 30 May 2007 (BST) my friend signed up to UD and i am hoping she will join the lock and load loners. Tom matthews has left the LLL as he has become a PKer. i was considering useing him as an assasin for the LLL but TheDavibob disagreed. speaking of which, i have lost track of him and have no idea where he is. i am also dead and am awaiting an RP. SYS!
--Jakey07 12:53, 31 May 2007 (BST) today sees a new template added to my user page. feel free to use it, as i think it is as funny as hell. on UD i am still awaiting a revive. i have sent a message out to TheDavibob to see if he can help me. i also changed my survivor description as well so feel free to take a look at it (you can use the profile link above).
--Jakey07 11:35, 3 June 2007 (BST) I have made a lot of progress these last few days.firstly, i think TheDavibob got my message after i broke into lance towers and yelling somthing like Rahhgh huh nah khrrggh. anyway, Thedavibob mangaged to inject me with some life juice and here i am, alive and well! the next day i went and scouted out the local area because i probly had missed a few things while i was bubmleing around as a dribbling mess. i went to caiger mall and as i went i yelled at some people to power the local phone mast. it maybe come in handy if i run any reconanace in the future. when i got to caiger i pulled out the shopping list. pistol, phone, ammunition, genorator, fuel, RP syringes ETC. i only managed to get the phone and the ammunition. i returned to lance to find that the two local hospitals (St puis and St mathoes) had fallen. i shot a zed and set about barricadeing the doors with medicine cabinets, bed pans and the odd life-support machine. i returned to lance and lived happily everafter. At least for tonight.
--Jakey07 18:39, 12 June 2007 (BST) moved out of the hospital and got back into lance towers. not much to report. we managed to hold onto the PD but the necrotech is still being trashed by zeds. i have just spent the last few days helping out and holding onto the PD.
--Jakey07 10:40, 17 June 2007 (BST) Another trip to caiger as my guns are starting to make that horrible clicking sound again. i also need more FAKs as i have realised that noboady likes to heal me. thinking of taking some shore-leave from the LLL and go wandering. today sees another template added to my wiki page. as useual it is anti-democratic and funny. if you have got a great template, put it on my talk page.goodbye for now.
--Jakey07 18:44, 21 June 2007 (BST) Whoo-hoo! the Lock and load loners have another member! manly scout.