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~~ dgw ~~ jasonjason ~~ haiku ~~ talk ~~


Written in honor of the fall of Dowdney mall.

Smoke the pipe of death;
rot the air in Santlerville.
Your clock is ticking.

An axe to the heart.
Do you bleed? Does your mom cry?
You will never know.

Written for Misten, who I killed with an axe.

As the suburb map went increasingly red, I wrote haikus to reflect the general atmosphere of a city ravaged by the undead

The roof is leaking
desperation seeps inside.
Bring an umbrella.

The eerie red glow
reflects your fragility.
Despair plagues Malton.

The ground is slimy,
wet with anticipation
of blood to be shed.

Danger level: high.
Fasten your seatbelts, Malton.
Feel safe while you die.

For Rockby Quickfoot

A mere speck in time,
aeons before and after
your life's duration.

The sweet taste of death
drips from my tongue, as I lick
the blood on my hands.

DARK WARLORD was the unfortunate recipient of this haiku.

For Somnambulation Man

You are not awake.
It's a recurring nightmare.
No one hears you scream.

A death in the mall,
citizens are terrified.
Your job is not done.

For a random mall cop

For EvilRed

Light a candle, Red,
in memory of yourself,
for you have passed on.

I spread my wings out,
like an angel to engulf
you in the darkness.

For IceXIV, who would probably enjoy the dark side

For Mirfain

Revive point killer,
you can headshot dead harmanz,
it won't slow me down.

A river of blood
flows silently through the mall.
Clean-up, aisle 6.

For civver4, who drowned inside Tompson Mall

dj917 was dressed like a firefighter, and clearly needed to be eliminated. Ackland Mall fell to arsonists (or was it zombies?) soon after dj917's death.

Strike a match, Ackland.
I want to watch flames engulf
your haggard bodies.

Spring rains dripping blood,
as summertime approaches,
zombies migrate south.

for DBroki and wealthysoup

For Ro Gan

The mall glows strangely.
Humming fluorescent lights show
your mangled visage.

Good morning, Blackmore.
The sun glints through the stained glass;
I can hear the wind.

For Kilt Store Owner, who died in the Blackmore Building

You are not free here,
Blackmore, anxiously counting
down till your last breath.

I'm inside your head,
watching thoughts form, and vanish
like smoke in the air.

for Moreira

For Acronze and Jason III

Plant the seed of life,
and nurture your creation
just to watch it die.

Gaze into the sky.
The summer sun burns your eyes.
Your life melts away.

Slicer and AllUrBrainRBelong2Us were caught staring into the sun

For The Naked Guy

Your clothes have dissolved,
and with them, your modesty.
Make a skirt of leaves.

Swimming in the sea,
forty miles from the shore,
hopelessness seeps in.

For k252

For Milkshock

The angry remnants
of your long departed friends
haunt you in Stickling.

You're a married man
with a normal life, and kids.
Kiss it all goodbye.

For Apocalypse Dan

For Lil Bunny Fufu

Little bunny... who?
No one will remember you.
May you rest in peace.

You are sacrificed
to a God you can not know
in this holy place.

Brian Foley was murdered in a church

For bubba jo jim bob and FireM Bill, who took a nap in a mall that had 62 zombies inside.

You would have died soon.
the air is stale with decay;
death knocks at the door.

A nondescript cop:
no doughnut, no guns, no fear
of the unexplained.

RamboxXx forgot to set his profile description last year, and I saw fit to remind him

I briefly interrupted Osnas in his mission to wipe zombies off the planet.

A long, black trenchcoat
conceals a katana and
goals you can't achieve.

In a dark alley,
in Greentown, Brian felt safe.
You are never safe.

I informed brian mercat that even in the dark, he is not safe

Jessica Holmes is so hot that she probably would have spontaneously combusted, if I hadn't set her on fire.

Lilac-flavored smoke
almost obscures your blue eyes.
Jess, you are so hot.

The ground is splattered
with bloodstains, some old, some fresh.
How can you sleep here?

Straszak and GA Dawg chose a dangerous place to spend the night.

I must have confused Adam Selene's skull with my safe deposit box. Oops!

Baum Bank can't be closed!
I must make this deposit
of thirteen bullets.

Say something funny,
Now? I have nothing to say,
but my bullets speak.

For Big JD5

SakuNaru helped me celebrate the ruining of Fort Creedy by dying.

Creedy's in ruins,
like a crumbling castle.
Blood mingles with rain.
