User:Johnny Naylz/Apocalypse
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This story is part of the Malton Chronicles. This story is fan-made, and is not officially part of any background history for Urban Dead. |
3 Months Later
"Caiger Mall has been retaken! Darvall Heights is secure!" The radio broadcast was music to Oblivion's ears. "Guys! They've retaken Caiger!" he shouted. A man entered the room. "It's about time," Tripp Redfield said. "Isn't that the last of 'em?" "Nah," said a voice from behind. Johnny Naylz was standing in the doorway. "The zeds still control a few suburbs, but they shouldn't hold out much longer."
Tripp's mobile phone started ringing. He answered, and put it on speaker phone so everyone could hear. "Hello?" he said. "Did you hear the news?" the familiar voice of Doctor Sally Anne Bowman replied. "Yeah, it's awesome," Tripp replied. "How's Rayfield holding up Sally?" Johnny asked. During the move to Tollyton, Sally had joined a group of scientists experimenting in the Rayfield Building. "It's doing great!" she replied. "I'll get you guys some more syringes soon. Well, Dr. Anderson needs my help. I'll talk to you later." "Later," they said, and hung up.
"Well, what should we do now?" Oblivion asked. "I say we open up a bottle of champagne down in the kitchen and thank God that it's over," Mercinus said, walking into the room. Mercinus had been recruited about two months earlier, and quickly rose through the ranks to be one of the group's most trusted officials. "Me and the others found enough supplies to last for about a month," he said. "Awesome," Johnny replied.
Over the past three months, the tide had turned against the zombies. Most of the NecroTech buildings were back up and producing syringes. Those that couldn't be revived were killed. Most of the large zombie hordes had been wiped out. Johnny, Tripp and the others had formed PDEOU (Phoenix Division: Elite Operations Unit), and they had set up headquarters in Bawden Towers. They had played a key role in retaking southern Tollyton and Woodroffe Mall.
Suddenly, they heard an inhuman scream from downstairs. They ran into the lobby to see what was happening. Combateer and a few others were dragging two chained up zombies into the lobby. "We need syringes!" Combateer shouted. "Hold on!" Tripp shouted. He ran into the office and grabbed two syringes from a desk. One of the zombies was a male, and the other female. The girl was beautiful, aside from the fact that she was dead. They managed to chain the zombies to chairs. Mercinus then checked them with his DNA extractor to make sure they could be revived. "They're good," he said as Tripp ran back into the room. Tripp then injected them both, and they passed out. "Well, that's that," he said. "Now who's gonna watch these two and make sure they don't kill anyone?" "I'll do it," Johnny said.
"Where am I?!" "You're in Bawden Towers, in Tollyton," Johnny replied. The male had woken up. "You and the girl were zeds, but we revived you. I'm Johnny." "They call me Life Force," he said. "Well, we're a survivor group set up here, but we're always looking for new members." "I'm in," Life Force replied. "Great," Johnny said, unchaining him. "You know her?" Johnny said, nodding towards the girl. "I've never seen her before," he said. "Well I guess we'll just have to wait until she wakes up," Johnny replied. "Come on, I'll introduce you to the others."
They walked up to the third floor and found Tripp in his room. "This is Life Force," Johnny said. "He wants to join us." "Awesome," Tripp said. "We could use another member. Has the girl woken up yet?" "Na," Johnny said. Johnny then took Life Force around and introduced him to the rest of the group. "Well, that's everyone," Johnny said. "You can stay in one of the rooms that hasn't been taken yet." "Alright, thanks," Life Force said, walking down the hall.
As Johnny was walking down the stairs, he heard a blood-curling scream coming from the lobby. He ran down to discover that the girl had woken up. "WHERE AM I?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" she screamed. "Calm down!" Johnny shouted. "You were a zombie and we revived you! We had you chained up in case the syringe didn't take!" "WELL UNCHAIN ME!" she screamed. Johnny ran over and unchained her. "That's better," she said, calming down. By this time, everyone had run down to the lobby. "Well, who are you?" Combateer asked. "I'm Kareen," she said. "Who are you?" "We're the Phoenix Division," Tripp said. "We're one of the groups defending southern Tollyton. We found you and revived you." "We're recruiting members," Johnny said. "You wanna join?" "Sure," she said. "Great! I'll show you around," Johnny replied.
"Alright! It's all over!" Mercinus shouted. "As you were!" He turned to Tripp. "I'm gonna take about fifteen guys and patrol the area," he said. "Alright," said Tripp. "Take Life Force. Make sure he knows how to use a gun." "Yes sir," Mercinus said. He walked up the stairs and got fifteen volunteers as well as Life Force, then headed out to the trucks.
Johnny showed Kareen around, and then showed her to her room, which was on the fifth floor. "I guess I'll let you get settled in," Johnny said, turning to walk away. "You can stay if you want," Kareen said, motioning for him to come in. "Alright," he said.
They walked out to the balcony. Johnny leaned on the railing, looking out across the dark sky over Malton. He looked down at the wristwatch he "borrowed" from a zed he had finished off a few months ago. It was midnight. "How'd the zeds get to you?" Johnny asked. "I don't remember much," Kareen replied. "I remember I was inside a factory in Wray Heights. The zeds broke in, so I ran out into a back alley. The next thing I know, I'm chained to a chair in a hotel lobby. It's funny how your mind goes completely blank when you're in that condition. Have you ever been zombified?" Johnny remembered Alex and closed his eyes. "It's a long story," he said. "I'm sorry," she said, seeing that he was upset. "No, it's fine," he said.
"Well, I don't think I'll have to worry about being zombified anymore," she said, changing the subject. "The zombies are almost gone." "Yeah, they should be wiped out within the next couple of months," Johnny replied. "As soon as the quarantine is lifted, I'm getting as far away from this city as possible," Kareen said. "Too many memories. All bad." "I'm with you on that one," Johnny said. "I hate this city." "Have you lived here your whole life?" she asked him. "Yeah, I lived a block away from here up until the outbreak," Johnny said. "How about you?" "I grew up in Darvall Heights," she said. "I don't have a reason to go back there though. My whole family was killed in the outbreak." Her eyes started to water up. "I w-was the only one to survive," she said, holding back tears. "Don't cry," Johnny said, hugging her. This seemed to calm her down somewhat, and she looked up and kissed him. He kissed her, and they went into the bedroom.
(This part of the story has been censored.)
The New Threat
"Okay, this shipment goes to Ridleybank, this one goes to Houldenbank, and this one goes to Pescodside." Sally was checking inventory on cases of syringes that were to be shipped out the next morning. The cases were loaded into different trucks by survivors that had volunteered to work for the scientists at Rayfield in exchange for a safe place to stay.
A man approached as she was counting the cases. "Wow, I don't even think there's that many zeds left in the city," he said. "Me either, Dr. Anderson," Sally replied. "But people need extras." Dr. Anderson nodded his head in agreement. "Well, anyway, I came to find you. One of the other scientists found something down in the basement that you need to come see." "Alright," she said as they headed toward the basement.
When they arrived, there were about five other scientists waiting for them. "Alright, Edward," Dr. Anderson said to a scientist standing by the back wall, which was where a bookcase was standing. "Open it." Edward pulled the books off of one of the shelves, revealing a keypad. He then typed in some numbers, there was a hiss, and the bookcase moved back to reveal a stairwell! "WHAT THE ****?!" Sally shouted. "Let's go," Dr. Anderson said, and they proceeded down the stairs.
After a few minutes, they reached the bottom. They were in a room with about six computers. The wall across from them made of glass, and it revealed what appeared to be a Sea World exhibit. The floor in the containment center was solid ice, and there was a large pool of water next to it. A thermometer on the wall read 10 degrees Fahrenheit. What was the containment center holding? Penguins. There were hundreds of penguins either waddling around on the ice or catching fish in the water. "Penguins?" one of the scientists said. "Why are there penguins hidden underneath Rayfield?" "I don't know," said Professor Hill, another scientist. "But I can find out." He walked over to one of the computers and turned it on. It asked for the password, and he began the process of hacking into it.
Sally looked through the glass. "How have they survived down here for this long?" "I wondered that when I first stumbled in here," Edward said. "It appears as though the fish they eat have been overstocked so they wouldn't run out, and there's a vent in the containment center that allows oxygen in." "They must have been used in some kind of experiment," Dr. Jackson said, standing in a room that connected to the computer room. There were needles, various testing equipment, and penguin-sized cages. There was a door in the room that opened into the containment area.
"Well, I just wanted to let you know about this," Dr. Anderson said to Sally. He looked at his watch. It was 12:45. "Well, it looks like these three have everything under control. I'm going upstairs to go to bed. Let me know when you find out something." He and Sally walked back up the stairs and returned to the basement. They left the secret door wide open. "I'm gonna finish checking the syringe shipments," Sally said. "Okay, goodnight," Dr. Anderson said as he walked off.
"Don't go in there!" Edward shouted at Dr. Jackson. "Why?" she replied. "They're just penguins. What are they gonna do?" She then opened the door and walked into the containment area. She picked up a baby penguin. "Awww, you're so cute, I don't know why those two *******s don't like y - OW!" The penguin had bitten her. "I told you!" Edward shouted. Dr. Jackson dropped the penguin and left the containment area, forgetting to shut the door behind her.
"That's why you don't play with penguins," Professor Hill said. "Shut up," she replied. Edward looked at the computer screen. "Hill, are you almost done hacking into the compu - OW!" A penguin had bitten him on the leg. He now realized that many of the penguins had wandered into the computer room. "Jackson! You left the door open!" he shouted. "Sorry!" she shouted back. A penguin bit Professor Hill. "OW! Do something about those penguins!" At the same time, he finished hacking into the computer and the screen came up. "It's about time!" he shouted. He clicked on one of the files and began to read it. "...and the penguins were used to test the effects of Pathogen 6179...HOLY ****!" "What is it?" Dr. Jackson asked, appearing slightly woozy. "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME?!" he screamed. "THESE PENGUINS WERE USED TO TEST PATHOGEN 6179! IT WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ZOMBIE OUTBREAK!" "Oh my God," Edward said, realizing that he too was woozy. "We've all been infected," Hill said as though it couldn't sink in. "WE NEED SYRINGES!" Dr. Jackson shouted. They tried to run upstairs and get some, but they were dead before they reached the basement. Meanwhile, the penguins found their way up the stairs.
"Done!" Sally had finished the inventory and decided to go to bed. The clock on the wall read 2:00 AM. She left the garage and went back into the main building. She was distressed when she saw penguins walking around in the lobby. Suddenly, there were screams from upstairs, followed by gunshots. Then Sally saw them. Edward, Dr. Jackson, and Professor Hill entered the lobby (what was left of them at least). They looked at her hungrily, and then slowly lurched toward her. "N-no," she stammered, not believing what she was seeing. "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" She ran up the stairs trying to get away, but there were many more people running down the stairs. She could soon see why. The penguins had infected people while they were asleep, and they were now trying to eat their former friends.
At first, Sally was trying to think of how to revive all of them quickly. Now she understood. There were too many. Escape was her only option. She fell in with the crowd running down the stairs. Edward, Jackson, and Hill had managed to snatch a few and were feasting on them. Sally ran back into the garage, but the other survivors had already taken the trucks. She saw a case of syringes laying on the ground, so she grabbed them and ran outside. The zombies had already made their way into the street. Sally couldn't believe it. The outbreak was starting again. There was only one place she could think of to go, so she ran as fast as she could toward Bawden.
The Spread
"Over there!" Mercinus shouted. He and the others were on Tatler Lane. They heard a noise coming from an alley, and they now had their guns aimed at it. Suddenly, a penguin walked out. "What the hell? It's a penguin!" Mercinus said. "Where did that come from?" He walked towards it and picked it up, but it bit him. "****!" he shouted. He dropped it and it ran off. "That **** thing bit me!" he shouted as he walked back to the truck. The others were laughing. "It looks like everything is under control out here," one of the men said to Mercinus. "Are we ready to head back?" "Let's check out St. Ambrose's Church first," Mercinus replied.
They hopped in the trucks and headed over to St. Ambrose's Church. No survivors were staying there, so the doors had been left wide open. They entered the church and spread out into different rooms. Two of the men, Andy and David, went into an old Sunday School room in the basement. "I don't know what we're doing here; there obviously aren't any zeds around here," Andy said. "Well, we've gotta look anyway, just in case," David replied. A shotgun shell fell out of his pocket and rolled under a table. He reached down to pick it up. "OW!" he shouted, pulling his hand back. "What happened?" Andy asked. A penguin ran out from under the table and scampered out of the room. "THAT LITTLE MOTHER ****** BIT ME!" he shouted. Another survivor named Carl came running into the room. "I heard shouting," he said. "A penguin bit David and ran away," Andy said. "Where do these damn penguins keep coming from?" Carl said to himself as he left the room.
He walked upstairs and down a hall to the room Mercinus was in. "It was nothing," Carl said. "A penguin bit David." Mercinus, was facing away from him. He let out a low growl. "Are you alright, Merc?" Carl asked. He walked up to him and shined his flashlight on him to see what was wrong with him. By the time he realized what had happened, it was too late. Mercinus grabbed him and tore into his flesh. He let out a bloodcurtling scream as Mercinus bit into him. The others ran towards the room, but zombies began coming in from outside. The men fired a few shots and tried to escape, but they were blocked in.
Life Force ran up to the second floor and frantically searched for an escape route, and he found one. There was a ladder that led to the roof of the building. He climbed up it. When he reached the roof, he looked down at the surrounding area. There were dozens of zombies on the street below, but they all seemed to be focused on the church, probably because of the survivors inside. Keys Cinema was right next to the church, and the zombies weren't paying any attention to it. It was the only way to escape. With a running start, Life Force jumped across the alley onto Keys Cinema.
He then ran down to the lobby and looked out into the street. If he was fast enough, he could take a truck before the zombies noticed him. He took off out the door and made it to the truck. A few zombies saw him and came lurching toward him. He fired off a few shots as he cranked up the truck and sped off.
As he drove, he saw more zombies coming from the direction of the Rayfield Building. "How could this have happened?" he said to himself. Suddenly, another truck came speeding across an intersection, almost colliding with Life Force. Life Force swerved out of the way and ran into a telephone pole. After he overcame the shock from the impact, he ran.
"I have to keep moving. I have to warn the others," Sally said to herself as she fled the Rayfield Building. She knew that if she stopped to rest, the zombies would catch up with her. As she ran, a penguin waddled out in front of her. It was then that the thought sank in. The penguins were the cause of what happened at Rayfield. They were now wandering the streets, spreading the virus. No one would know to avoid them. They would have to be wiped out just like the zombies. She pulled out a pistol, shot the penguin, and kept running. "One less thing I have to worry about," she said as she ran.
A few minutes later, she arrived at Bawden. She started banging on the door. "Open up! Hurry!" she shouted. Combateer was on guard duty. Recognizing her, he let her in. "What's the matter?" he asked, looking worried. "Where are Sarge and Naylz?" she asked. Tripp heard her voice and came out of the office. "Sally! What are you doing here?" he said. "We have an emergency," she replied. "Rayfield's been overrun." "OVERRUN?!" Tripp shouted. "WHAT THE ****?" "What's going on?" Oblivion asked, walking into the room. "We have an emergency! Go find Naylz!" Tripp shouted.
Oblivion ran up to Johnny's room, but he wasn't there. "Hey, where's Naylz?" Oblivion asked someone walking down the hallway. "The last time I saw him, he was showing that girl to her room on the fifth floor," he said. Oblivion then ran up to the fifth floor and found Kareen's room. He knocked, but no one answered. He then entered the room to find Johnny and Kareen lying in bed. "Um, sorry to interrupt, but we need you downstairs," he said.
Johnny and Kareen jumped out of bed, threw some clothes on, and then followed Oblivion down stairs. "Found him," Oblivion said when they made it back downstairs. "He was busy getting laid." "Getting laid?" Tripp asked. He looked from Johnny to Kareen. "Good job, Naylz," he said. "But this is serious. Sally told me that Rayfield has been overrun. They discovered a secret room beneath it, and it had penguins in it. Apparently, these penguin are infected. Anyone they bite becomes a zombie. The bad news is, they've escaped into the city, and people won't know to stay away from them." "Oh my God," Johnny said. "We've gotta call and warn Merc!" Oblivion said. Tripp pulled out his mobile phone to call Mercinus. He couldn't get a signal. "The zeds must've taken out the mobile phone mast," Combateer said.
There was a frantic knocking at the door. "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LET ME IN!" Life Force screamed. They opened the door to let him in, and saw zombies coming behind him. They sealed the door shut, and Tripp pulled out a lighter. He waved it over the fire alarm, which began blaring. A couple of months ago, they had decided to use the fire alarm as a red alert signal. A few moments later, and there were 35 armed men at windows and on balconies on all sides of the building, firing at as many zombies as they could.
As they shot at the zombies, the radio was flooded with broadcasts. Suddenly, they heard the familiar voice of Boris the Bartender screaming "BE ON GUARD! ZEDS COMING FROM ALL DIRECTIONS!" The virus was spreading like wildfire.
Two weeks passed. Zombies flooded the streets. Most of the buildings had been ransacked. It was by some miracle that Bawden was still standing. Tripp, Johnny and the others were constantly having to reinforce the barricades and shoot at zeds from balconies. Radio broadcasts were almost too much to listen to. Suburbs were falling by the day. Entire survivor groups were being wiped out. Many PDEOU members had lost hope. It was all Tripp could do to keep them from giving up. Johnny and Kareen spent their time trying to comfort each other. Sally sent out broadcasts trying to find survivors from Rayfield, but to no avail.
"We have to get out of here," Johnny said, looking out over the balcony in Kareen's room. "But where are we gonna go?" she asked. "The zeds have overrun the city!" "I don't know, but we aren't doing any good holed up in here. We can try to find more survivors and fight back." he said. "But how would we escape?" she asked. "We're surrounded!" "There has to be a way," Johnny replied. He turned and kissed her. "Try to get some sleep," he said. "I'm gonna go discuss this with Tripp."
Kareen laid down on the bed while Johnny walked down to Tripp's room on the third floor. He knocked, but no one answered. The door was unlocked, so he went in. Tripp was sitting on the balcony, staring out at the sea of zombies. His eyes were sunken. He hadn't slept much over the past two weeks. "Tripp?" Johnny said. "One night," Tripp said blankly, as though he hadn't heard Johnny. "After everything we went through, the zeds took it all back in one night. It can't be possible." "Come on, Tripp," Johnny said. "You can't lose faith. You're the only thing holding this group together." Tripp sighed. "You're right. We can't lose hope. We beat the zeds once, and we can do it again." Johnny continued, "But first we have to get out of here. We can't help anyone staying locked up in a hotel." "Exactly," Tripp said. "We need to escape, and then we can rally survivors. Go find Oblivion, Combateer, and Sally, then meet me back here. We need to discuss this.
Johnny brought the three back to Tripp's room to discuss an evacuation. "Okay," Tripp said as they entered, we can't just sit in here until we die. We have to evacuate and rally survivors to fight back. Any suggestions?" "Well," said Oblivion, "we have planks down in the basement. We could lay them across rooftops and keep moving until we found a safe place to regroup." "That's a good idea, but it would only work for a few people. We couldn't move everyone using those planks," Sally replied. "We could try to escape on the trucks," Johnny said. "But how would we be able to plow through that horde?" Tripp asked. "There are too many!" "Wait," Johnny replied. "A few people could cross to other buildings on the planks. I could take a few members and distract the zeds while the rest of you escape." "But that's suicide!" Sally shouted. "Would you rather a few of us die or all of us die?" Johnny asked. "Besides, we could find a place to hide, and when you've cleared out, we could sneak away and meet you at a rally point."
There was a long silence, and Tripp looked around the room hoping someone would have a better idea. "It's the only way," he said finally. "But I'll distract the zeds." "You can't!" the other three shouted all at once. "Tripp, you're the leader. The others would be lost without you. They need you," Johnny said. "I can do this. Just tell me when and where we should rendevous." Tripp finally decided Johnny was right, and asked, "Is Hildebrand Mall still standing?" "There haven't been any broadcasts about it falling," Oblivion replied. "Then it's decided," Tripp said. "We'll rendevous there."
They called all members into the lobby. "Guys," Tripp said, "we can't stay here forever. We'll soon run out of supplies, if the zeds don't get to us first. Our only option is to try to escape. In order for us to get out, the zeds must be distracted. We need volunteers who are willing to sacrifice themselves in order to save the rest of us. I wish there was another way, but desperate times call for desperate measures." Five men stepped forward. Tripp recognized them as Andrew, Matt, Rubbia, Gosimmons, and Nathan. "Come with us, please," Tripp said as he, Johnny, and Oblivion entered the office.
"First off, you are some of the bravest men I've ever met," Tripp said when they entered the office. Johnny then explained how they would distract the zeds so that the others could escape the next morning. They would use the planks to cross safely over to Crossman Auto Repair. They would then run out into the street firing flares and making noise to lead the zeds away while the others escaped. If they could find a place to hide, they would meet the others at Hildebrand Mall. "Now, go and try to enjoy the rest of the night. Enjoy it as if it were your last." With that, they left the office. Johnny went off to spend one last night with Kareen.
"Alright! Get as much loaded into the trucks as you can!" Tripp shouted to the others in the garage. The moment of truth had arrived. Johnny and Kareen came walking in hand in hand. "Is everything ready?" Johnny asked Tripp. "Yeah," he replied "We're finishing up loading the trucks." Johnny kissed Kareen. "Go get in the Hummer," he said. "I'll be right there." She then ran off towards the Hummer. "You'll be right there?" Tripp asked. "You didn't tell her you were leading the suicide mission?" "I couldn't," Johnny replied. "If I did, she would've wanted to come with me, and I couldn't let her do that." "Well don't you think she'll be a little suspicious when we pull out and you're not there?!" Tripp shouted. "If she tries to come after me, stop her," Johnny replied. Combateer approached them. "Everything's ready," he said. "Well, see you in Roftwood," Tripp said optimistically, shaking Johnny's hand. "See you there," Johnny said, turning to leave with the other five. He turned back for a moment. "Tripp, keep her safe," he said, looking as though he had lost everything he had ever cared for.
Johnny and the others carried the planks up to the third floor, which was level with the roof of Crossman Auto Repair. They layed them across, and walked over to the building one at a time. Once they were all over, they walked down into the shop. "This is it," Johnny said, taking a deep breath. They then ran screaming out into the street, firing flares and shooting at the the horde. The zombies turned away from Bawden and lurched after their next meal. Johnny and the others took off down Trevelyan Crescent, leading the horde away. Sadly, Matt fell behind. That was the last they ever saw of him. The rest made it to Ennever Library and barricaded themselves inside.
"We're trapped!" Andrew screamed. "Calm down!" Gosimmons shouted. "There has to be another way out of here." "Well, if there is one, we better find it quick; these barricades will only last a few minutes," Rubbia said. Johnny ran upstairs to find a door to the roof. "Here!" he shouted as the barricades fell in and zeds poured into the building. They ran as fast as they could up to the roof and jumped over to the Gooch Building. They were then able to climb down a ladder on the other side of the building and escape through a junkyard.
"All clear! Let's move out!" Tripp shouted. He got into the Hummer with Kareen, Jay, and Michael. "Wait! We forgot Johnny!" Kareen said. "Johnny's not coming," Tripp said. "What?" Kareen asked, but then she realized what Johnny was doing. "NO! LET ME OUT! I'VE GOT TO GO AFTER HIM!" she screamed, trying to get to the door. Tripp held her back. "No! I promised Johnny I'd keep you safe, so you're staying with us!"
The convoy moved out. Jay and Michael struggled to hold on to Kareen, kicking and screaming in the back seat. As they rode by what was left of the Rayfield Building, zombies began coming out of nowhere. Gunfire flew from the trucks as they approached. As more and more zombies appeared, the convoy was separated. Tripp tore through in the Hummer, followed by a couple of trucks which Oblivion and Life Force were driving. A few more trucks, including the ones Sally and Combateer were in, turned and sped down Turford Street. A few unlucky ones couldn't make it through. The others looked back and saw them being dragged out of the trucks and into the the horde.
When they reached Kingslake Way, zombies were able to break the windows on the Hummer and hang on to the sides of it. They were able to knock them off, but they grabbed onto Kareen and Jay, who fell out with them. "WE CAN'T STOP! WE'VE GOTTA KEEP MOVING!" Michael shouted as Tripp tried to turn around and go back for them. He grabbed the steering wheel to turn back the other way, which resulted in them crashing into the side of Tavener Library. Michael flew through the window and died on impact. Tripp, however, was relatively uninjured (this is why you wear a seatbelt). He got out and was able to run away before the zombies could catch up with him. He made it to a warehouse, and he went inside and barricaded the doors.
One suburb away, Johnny was running for his life, hoping Kareen had made it out okay. But, back in Tollyton, her lifeless form stood up once again.
Great story naylz! i loved ur last one and this is great,I also liked the puengin idea lol very funny, hurry up with next part! --Montana8 09:22, 9 December 2007 (UTC)
Now thats what I call a class story(saga I hope!) Will there be a continuation?--The Hound Mac 18:14, 24 March 2008 (UTC)
Lmfao, Johnathon. Kareen. Careen. My Careen is better. It's actually a word. Kidding. But really man, let's get our competition started when you finish your little saga. I've already started mine. --Tripp